viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Listado y breve descripción de algunos libros interesantes al tema de la sobrepoblación y filosofía de la no-procreación.

"Population, Evolution, and Birth Control, A Collage of Controversial Ideas.","Garrett Hardin","1969","Garrett Hardin","sociedad, cultura",

"The End of the World: The Science and Ethics of Hu","Leslie\, John","1996","Routledge\, London","Philosophy",

"Overshoot - The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary","Willian R. Catton\, Jr.","1982","University of Illinois Press","Ecology",

"Kalki","Gore Vidal","1978","Random House","fiction",

"The Sheep Look Up","John Brunner","1972","Ballantine Books (a Del Rey Bo","science fiction",

"Headbirths  or The Germans Are Dying Out","Guenter Grass","1980","Hermann Luchterhand Verlag\, D","Part fiction\, part travelogue\, part sc",

"Oryx and Crake","Margaret Atwood","2003","Doubleday","Science Fiction",

"The Four Noble Truths.","Buddha","563 - 483 B.C.","","Mysticism\, philosophy\, spirituality.",

"In the Absence of the Sacred","Jerry Mander","1992","","",

"Galapagos","Kurt Vonnegut Jr.","","","Fiction/Social Satire",

"A Green History of the World : The Environment and","Clive Ponting","","","",

"Material World - A Global Family Portrait","Peter Menzel","","","",

"Why Things Bite Back : Technology and the Revenge","Edward Tenner","","","",

"Guns\, Germs\, and Steel: The Fates of Human Socie","Jared Diamond","1999"

"The Botany of Desire","Michael Pollan","2001"

"The Story of B","Daniel Quinn"

"Limits to Growth","Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows,","1972","Potomac Associates, New York (1972)","Science, enviromnetalism, economics, society, geography",

"The Prosperous Way Down, the: Principles and Policies."," Howard T. Odum, Elisabeth C. Odum.","2001","University of Colorado Press","Population, society, science, ecology, energy.",

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