viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2021

Mistro, si tú no tienes hijos quién va a defender a los animales?

El mejor cantante y compositor de música vegana (y antinatalista) del Mundo. Mistro de Disobey 93. Te pregunto:

Mistro, si tú no tienes hijos quién va a defender a los animales?

Soy antinatalista pero cuando veo su video clip mi cabeza dice "pero yo quiero un hijo tuyo", es una sensación contradictoria, porque creo que tener hijos es un crimen al condenar a tus hijos a sufrimiento y muerte, pero también siento que es un crimen que sólo se reproduzcan los psicópatas, y que las personas empáticas no tengan hijos.
A mi hace años una mujer me preguntó ¿Y si tú no tienes hijos quién va a defender a los animales?, yo respondí cualquiera bien educado puede hacerlo, pero esa pregunta quedó en mi grabada y sembrando la duda, ahora pienso que no cualquiera puede ser activista por los derechos animales, ni respetarles... porque del mismo modo en que no se puede pedir peras al olmo, hay personas que quizás genéticamente no pueden tener la capacidad de empatizar con otros, menos aún con otros de otras especies. Por eso siento que es necesario en el mundo gente como él. Es triste que los toreros tengan tantos hijos, y los veganos no tengan... debería ser al revés, para que el mundo sea más compasivo y con menos sufrimiento. Yo Mistro te pregunto lo que a mi hace años me preguntaron: ¿Y si tú no tienes hijos, quién va a defender a los animales? Toda la música vegana (y antinatalista) de Mistro subtitulada a español: A declaration of war (Mistro / Disobey 93) - YouTube :
La escucho casi todos los días mientras hago las tareas de la casa (limpiar platos etc) me da fuerzas en mis tareas, y en seguir siendo vegana... Mistro te amo, en mi mente sí has sido el padre de mis hijos platónicos. (Me he inventado yo el concepto hijos platónicos, extrapolando la idea de amor platónico). Lo más parecido que puedo hacer a tener hijos contigo, es difundir tus videos, tu arte, tu música, tus letras, tus canciones... tus entrevistas...

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

Poema: I do not want... (Philippe Annaba)

¡No quiero que nazcas! ... No quiero que heredes Defectos, Desórdenes y ansiedades de tu padre. No quiero que lleves en tu cara las pesadillas de tu madre. No te quiero ... Apenas salido de sus entrañas para llorar ... Que en el ambiente contaminado de nuestro mundo Te sofoques ... Y que golpeemos para resucitar. No quiero escuchar tus llantos Cuando tengas sed, Cuando tengas hambre, Cuando tengas dolor. No quiero… Sacarte de tus sueños y arrastrarte a la escuela donde los tontos te forzarán a estudiar estupideces y tonterías. No quiero ... Nada que ver con tu desarrollo social. Para enseñarte nuestras sonrisas. Para enseñarte a postrarte. Para engañarte a ti mismo. No quiero ... El primer maníaco que viene Tocar ni uno de tus cabellos. No quiero ... El cura que te amenace con el infierno, El maestro de escuela, con el paro, el conserje, con la cárcel. No te quiero… Habitar mi Ciudad O escuchar mi televisión mintiéndote Para saciar tu sed Con el veneno de los diarios. Para jugar en la calle Con matones que te escupirán en la cara. No quiero ladrones siniestros Para encadenarte a alguna droga, Para convertirte en un adicto, Para abusar mejor de ti, En la indiferencia general. No quiero que las mujeres te embrujen Con sus pechos arrogantes Y sus culos saltones, Tantos señuelos para una finalidad: Dar a luz. Tampoco quiero que el pretencioso Casanovas te persiga con su adulación y juegue con tu sensibilidad. No te quiero… Para desperdiciar tu vida Ganando tu pan de cada día Con el sudor de tu frente. O bien, por mil renuncias, por mil compromisos. No te quiero ... Luchar por John Doe O por nadie más O por cualquier otra cosa. No te quiero ... Para ver la próxima guerra Para contraer cáncer, O ser testigo de uno de los mil males por venir. No quiero que ... Sufras. No te quiero ... ¡Preguntarle un día a tu padre por qué te dejó venir a un mundo que no se preocupa por el mundo! No quiero que nazcas ¡Hay suficientes esclavos en la tierra!

Traducido por Mª Angeles Climent

martes, 12 de octubre de 2021

Sigue el ejemplo de Jesús y no tengas hijos

Me encontré con una tipa que comía compulsivamente animales, ella justificaba los crímenes contra los animales diciendo que "Jesús mataba corderos", que es "el corderito de dios" y que la biblia dice que está bien comer animales.

Sé que como ella hay mucha gentuza igual, que justifican los crímenes contra los animales poniendo a Jesús como ejemplo, pero no siguieron el ejemplo de Jesús absteniéndose de reproducirse.

Esta tipa en concreto tuvo 3 hijas, y 4 nietos, todos tragadores compulsivos de animales. Su nieto es igual de idiota que ella, y come animales diciendo "es que los animales no tienen alma" (Claro eso dice la biblia).

Me llama la atención esa doble vara de medir, que para abusar de los animales, toman el ejemplo de Jesús, pero en cambio esas mismas personas se reproducen como ratas, no siguiendo el ejemplo de Jesús de abstenerse de reproducirse. Claro tuve que morderme la lengüa, me dieron ganas de decirla pero Jesús no tuvo hijos y tú sí... No tenía ganas de seguir discutiendo con tremenda subnormal.

Esta gentuza son además los mismos que usan siempre los mismos argumentos "es que las plantas sufren" parece que todos fueron a la misma escuela de psicópatas y argumentos absurdos para justificar los crímenes.

Pues esta tipa al yo ver, tras enviarla varios documentales de mataderos, memes veganos, documentales veganos, que cualquier persona normal, decente, empática se hubiese hecho vegana o al menos flexitariana, seguía tragando animales compulsivamente, pensé bueno, ella es tan egoísta y psicópata que nunca va a dejar de tragar animales por empatía, entonces teniendo en cuenta que el ser humano solo actúa en base a buscar el placer o huir del dolor. Las personas veganas lo son por el dolor que les produce los videos que vieron de mataderos, y no quieren seguir financiando esto, ya que el dolor de los animales es su dolor... Qué pasa con las personas a las que el dolor ajeno no les importa? Se les puede veganizar? Claro, con el miedo al Karma (dolor) de que sufrirán lo mismo que esos animales, ya sea en ésta vida o en la próxima, ya sea en forma de Karma o en forma de reencarnar en animal...
Pues yo viendo que ella era creyente, quise hablarla de la religión indú, que muchos indios son vegetarianos por el miedo al Karma, como explica éste chico de éste video, cuyo video ha conseguido que muchas personas se hagan veganas, y dejo el enlace en la caja de descripción. Entonces, ella me contestó algo así:

Por eso es que digo que me alegro que los veganos tengan hijos, obviamente prefiero que tengan hijos los veganos que que tengan hijos gentuza subnormal y degenerada como ella. Que si bien ser vegano es algo que tiene que ver con la educación, posiblemente tenga un componente genético, en relación a la capacidad de sufrir con el dolor ajeno, como antinatalista que soy, siempre pienso que tener hijos es moralmente incorrecto, es un crimen, pero, prefiero que tengan hijos los veganos, que que tengan hijos la gentuza como ella.

Por cierto, viendo caso que es una de esas religiosas que hacen caso a la biblia, yo la dije que Jesús era vegetariano, y que defendía el vegetarianismo, que busque el google Jesús era vegetariano, que esas son las verdaderas enseñanzas, entonces ella me dijo claro que eso podía ser mentira o algo así, entonces ante la duda, ella prefería seguir con lo que a ella la causa placer. Volvemos otra vez a "me cojo de las enseñanzas y de la biblia lo que a mi me interesa".

Versículos de la Biblia sobre el vegetarianismo:

Yo la dije si sigues comiendo animales puede que en tu próxima vida te reencarnes en uno de esos animales que torturan, por la ley del karma, ella me respondió, puede que tú te reencarnes en una planta.

Se parecía un poco a la del video todos tienen cara como de que les falta un hervor, un poco de degenerada, fea, subnormal, parece que todos estén cortados por el mismo patrón

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

La procreación es como sostener la mano de un niño en el infierno y luego dejarlos allí

Los padres al criar se convierten en la parca. Este es el texto final de éste video: Si mis padres hubieran decidido quedarse con tener un perro, entonces ninguno de nosotros estaría aquí para sufrir y morir cientos de miles de dólares no se habrían gastado en cuidado dental cuidado de alimentos de petróleo hospicio de parkinson la lista de cremación de rehabilitación de enfermeras de drogas sigue y sigue también podría estar aquí hoy para escribir sobre lo tonto que fue todo fue tonto y completamente inútil, lamentablemente siento que la mayoría de los padres piensan que están continuando una dinastía majestuosa o que están comenzando una que realmente no pueden ver más allá de su propia gloria y cómo sus egos ridículos afectarán a otras personas durante posiblemente cientos de años, así que realmente espero al menos uno padre potencial verá este video piense en las repercusiones de dejar que un embarazo vaya a término no hay vergüenza en quedar embarazada es quedarse embarazada ese es el crimen estaba pensando en esa pegatina que vería y alquilé cintas vhs ser amable rebobinar fue amable rebobinar porque le estás haciendo un favor a la próxima persona que alquila la cinta así que ¿qué tal ser amable no dejar a un niño atrás te impusieron a no mantener esa imposición que es el plan de todos los padres, saben que es probable que pre-defunan a su hijo, por lo que el plan todo el tiempo es abandonarlos en un mundo cruel, la procreación es como sostener la mano de un niño en el infierno y luego dejarlos allí que se molestan tanto cuando su hijo muere primero porque no querían ser los que tuvieran que lidiar. con él querían que su hijo tuviera que lidiar con su muerte, en cambio, no quieren planear un funeral que sea el trabajo de su hijo y realmente no quieren enfrentarse al hecho de que crearon una tragedia que todos los padres van a hacer al criar es convertirse en la parca padres potenciales que no quieres ser un asesino de niños ¿tu mundo es tan [ __ ] hasta miles de millones de pequeños espectáculos de terror que suceden cada minuto y realmente quieres traer a alguien a esto con qué propósito la tradición de reproducir y criar no es algo que vaya a enriquecer tu vida, es una responsabilidad masiva no solo para ti sino para el futuro, es el mayor desastre que la mayoría de las personas hacen de sus vidas y las vidas de los demás, no es un pasatiempo constructivo, es destructivo juzgamos las historias por sus finales si el final apesta, entonces la película apesta, solo quiero olvidar toda esta historia ahora porque el final fue decepcionante para decir que lo menos horrible es una palabra mejor, lo que mis padres crearon ahora ha muerto y qué bien hizo ahora quiero huir de este estado en el que he vivido durante toda mi vida porque me estoy ahogando en recuerdos dolorosos aquí tal vez lo superaré algún día o tal vez no voy a una cosa que ciertamente nunca haré es imponer la vida a más

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2021

Un manifiesto antinatalista

 Fuimos traídos a la fuerza a la existencia a pesar de que no se nos pidió que naciéramos, ni se nos dio su consentimiento. Esto no es solicitado. Nuestros padres nos trajeron a la existencia sabiendo que cada ser humano muere muy bien, sin una sombra de culpa. ¿Cómo no puede la procreación con conocimiento de que conduciría a la muerte tarde o temprano, dentro de 130 años un asesinato? Incluso si elegimos no llamarlo un asesinato, es porque es un crimen más atroz, no menos atroz que el asesinato. El asesinato solo hace que la muerte ocurra unas décadas antes de alguien 2 que fue condenado a muerte por procreación; mientras que la procreación condena a la vida y a la muerte a una persona inexistente, haciendo que la víctima sufra hasta unos 120 años y muera. Si el asesinato es un crimen, la procreación es un pecado. La consecuencia de cada procreación es fatal y 3 4 trágica. Cada sala de maternidad es un crematorio. 5 6 La falta de capacidad para dar su consentimiento no significa que alguien pueda infligir ninguna acción a la persona que carece de la capacidad de dar su consentimiento informado. Por ejemplo, se considera que un menor de edad carece de la capacidad para dar su consentimiento, por lo que cualquier contacto sexual con dicho menor se considera violación incondicional (estupro). Aunque, por ejemplo, el tratamiento médico, la vacunación y la educación obligatoria se infligen sin el consentimiento informado del niño, se considera que tal acción es (ya sea real o supuestamente) el interés superior del niño como justificable. Para la procreación, el niño no dio su consentimiento ni tiene ningún interés en llegar a existir, aunque una vez que llegó a existir, el niño puede tener el interés de continuar su existencia. De hecho, la cadena perpetua es cadena perpetua sin derecho a libertad condicional, seguida de la pena de muerte. Incluso si somos ciudadanos natos de nuestro país de ciudadanía, nuestra estancia solo está permitida temporalmente, podemos ser deportados del cosmos en cualquier momento, condenados a muerte y 7 ejecutados por inmigración ilegal. Nadie en el planeta permitió quedarse por más de 130 años, todos fueron deportados, es decir, ejecutados antes de que ella tenga 130 años. El párrafo 2 del artículo 2 de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea estipula que " Nadie será condenado a la pena de muerte, ni ejecutado ". ¿Cómo no puede ser cada procreación una condenación a muerte? ¿Cómo no puede ser cada muerte una ejecución? No hay ninguna razón intrínseca para pensar que la procreación no es una violación del derecho a la vida. La muerte es el fin de todo, una aniquilación; Es todo. Si ya estamos condenados a la vida, podemos seguir viviendo sin suicidirse. Pero, ¿por qué criarse para soportar solo tormentos insoportables durante décadas y morir? ¿Raza para explotar como animal humano de compañía? ¿Raza para proporcionar un hermano? ¿Raza para explotar como seguro y pensión para la vejez? ¿Criar como una inversión? ¿Raza para perpetuar genes y apellidos? ¿Criar para lavar el cerebro de tu religión o ideología? ¿Criar para perpetuar la tribu, la nación o la raza humana? ¿Criar porque el sexo con un condón es menos agradable? ¿Criar porque la anticoncepción es inconveniente? ¿Criar porque el aborto es inconveniente? ¿Criar sin ninguna razón? ¿Qué tan egoísta podría estar criando por razones tan frívolas o sin ninguna razón en absoluto? Como la destrucción parcial del cerebro es una destrucción parcial del yo, la destrucción completa del cerebro es una destrucción completa del yo. La muerte en neurociencia significa reversión a la inexistencia antes del nacimiento; la procreación es un proceso reversible por muerte. Pero 8 filosóficamente, la procreación antes del nacimiento no es la inexistencia de nadie, es decir, nadie está realmente sujeto a la inexistencia; mientras que la inexistencia después de la muerte es la inexistencia de alguien que hasta ahora existía, es decir, una persona específica está sujeta a la inexistencia, aniquilada, destruida y ya no existe. 9 Hay casos documentados de procreación para la extracción de órganos, por ejemplo, malva ósea o un riñón para proveer al hijo con una enfermedad, por ejemplo, leucemia o insuficiencia renal. Pero si pensamos que la procreación para explotar para salvar otra vida es mala, debemos concluir 10 que la procreación para explotar por razones frívolas o por ninguna razón en absoluto es más malvada. Nadie puede procrear por el bien de una persona inexistente. A menos que sea por el bien de una persona traída a la existencia, es la explotación de una persona traída a la existencia por el bien de otra persona; 11 instrumentalización de los mismos. Una persona potencial que no nació nunca morirá. La vida eterna es imposible, pero la inmortalidad es posible al no llegar a existir. Por supuesto, ya hemos nacido, es demasiado tarde. Pero podemos evitar que nuestros descendientes potenciales condenados a la vida y, por lo tanto, condenados a muerte. De hecho, la procreación es la raíz de todo mal. Si no hay procreación, no habría muerte, guerra, masacre, cáncer, malaria, SIDA/ VIH, crisis de refugiados, mutilación genital femenina, violación y en numerosas violaciones de derechos humanos. Si no hay procreación, Hitler, Stalin, Mao nunca serían traídos a la existencia, ninguna persona moriría bajo regímenes de la misma. Pero como 6 millones de judíos fueron asesinados por el holocausto, la procreación y la ayuda gubernamental y la instigación de tal crimen mataron a 6 millones de personas en 40 días. Aunque nuestra edad de muerte oscurece frente a este hecho, debemos enfrentar la verdad. Tenemos el deber de no traer a la existencia a una persona potencial que sufrirá. Pero no tenemos ningún deber de traer a la existencia a una persona potencial que será llamada feliz. Ningún placer puede compensar ningún sufrimiento y, muerte. Una persona en la condición menos peor de 12 también sufre una cantidad inmensa, que incluye, entre otros, dolor menstrual, micción y defecación, trabajo de parto femenino y masculino. Incluso una persona en la condición menos mala no puede comprar todos los bienes y servicios. Incluso una persona en la condición menos mala no puede escapar de la muerte. Millones de personas se preocupan por los sufrimientos en el mundo y tratan de aliviarlo. Sin embargo, muy pocos de ellos se dan cuenta de que las personas no sufrirán si no son traídas a la existencia. De hecho, la única manera de prevenir el sufrimiento, no solo el alivio, de una persona potencial afectada es no hacer que esa persona exista. Por supuesto, es demasiado tarde para las personas que ya fueron traídas a la existencia. Pero no es demasiado tarde para salvar del sufrimiento a una persona potencial a punto de ser traída a la existencia. Considerando que todo el humanitarismo hasta ahora sólo se refiere al alivio del sufrimiento y a no salvar ninguna vida, postergando así la muerte unas pocas décadas, extendiendo así su tiempo de sufrimiento unas pocas décadas; el antinatalismo es solo humanitarismo que previene el sufrimiento y la muerte, salvando a las personas potenciales de la vida. Sólo el antinatalismo puede eliminar la necesidad misma de alivio o eliminación del sufrimiento. Si reconocemos la dignidad humana, los derechos humanos o la libertad de la persona potencial a punto de nacer, la procreación no es coherente con el principio de dignidad humana, derechos humanos o libertad. Cabe señalar que las procreaciones se llevan a cabo con el conocimiento de todas las miserias humanas que su hijo está a punto de enfrentar, incluida la violencia, la enfermedad y la muerte. Si la procreación se lleva a cabo con el conocimiento de las miserias de la vida, ¿cómo podemos negar que la procreación es realmente una forma de violencia? De hecho, infligir por la fuerza la vida no solicitada a más de 130 millones de personas cada año es la mayor crisis humanitaria del mundo. Haz a tus (potenciales) hijas e hijos un "favor", y un deber, al no criarlos a la fuerza, salvándolo de la vida, la única forma en que puedes salvarlos de todos los sufrimientos y la muerte de tus hijos. 13 Haz un favor y un deber a los hijos (potenciales) de tus amigos convenciéndolos de que no cometan un pecado de procreación, salvándolos de la vida, la única manera en que puedes salvarlos de todos los sufrimientos y la muerte de tus hijos.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2021

Citas célebres antinatalistas y efilistas

 El estado ideal sería la utopía suprema, un paraíso socialista al que finalmente conducirán todos los esfuerzos de la humanidad. Será un mundo sin guerras, sin hambre y sin ningún sufrimiento además de los sufrimientos del nacimiento, la vejez y la muerte. Todas las enfermedades se curarán y la gente tendrá una vida llena de alegría con solo una pequeña cantidad de trabajo, porque el trabajo será casi completamente deportado a las máquinas. Así que echemos un vistazo más de cerca a los ciudadanos de ese estado ideal. ¿Estan felices? Lo serían, si no sufrieran de un aburrimiento horrible y un vacío eterno en sus vidas ahora. Si incluso logran vivir una vida tan inútil hasta la muerte natural, no estarán dispuestos a forzar a nuevas personas a meterse en este lío procreando. No les queda ninguna esperanza, porque saben que ya alcanzaron el estado ideal. Por lo tanto,llegarán a la conclusión de que la vida humana tiene que terminar o tal vez incluso que toda la vida tiene que terminar, porque finalmente se dieron cuenta de que no hay nada que lograr para la sensibilidad y que sería mejor si nunca hubieran existido. Este será el punto donde se cumplirá el movimiento de la humanidad (o incluso el movimiento de toda la vida en la tierra) y el universo ahora tendría que seguir adelante sin vida (humana) en la tierra, para alcanzar su propia meta final, que es exactamente lo mismo: Convertirse en nada.Este será el punto donde se cumplirá el movimiento de la humanidad (o incluso el movimiento de toda la vida en la tierra) y el universo ahora tendría que seguir adelante sin vida (humana) en la tierra, para alcanzar su propia meta final, que es exactamente lo mismo: Convertirse en nada.Este será el punto donde se cumplirá el movimiento de la humanidad (o incluso el movimiento de toda la vida en la tierra) y el universo ahora tendría que seguir adelante sin vida (humana) en la tierra, para alcanzar su propia meta final, que es exactamente lo mismo: Convertirse en nada.

    Citas célebres de antinatalismo misantrópico

     Los humanos son las criaturas más destructivas del planeta. Causamos un gran número de muertes de animales (tanto directa como indirectamente). Destruimos hábitats. Dañamos el medio ambiente. Actualmente estamos calentando el clima mundial de una manera que probablemente sea perjudicial para un sinnúmero de animales (incluidos nosotros). Y tenemos los medios, armas nucleares, para destruir todo con solo presionar un botón. Estuvimos peligrosamente cerca de presionar ese botón en una ocasión (la Crisis de los Misiles de Cuba en 1962). La mejor forma de detener la destrucción es eliminar la fuerza destructiva; para eliminar a los humanos absteniéndose de la procreación. En resumen, la colosal cantidad de daño causado por los humanos nos da una razón moral para boicotear a la especie humana.

    jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


    1 Why do you think it’s OK to have children if you oppose the idea of another human feeling pain, suffering and dying? You seem to be in favour of preventing these things, yet you risk (or intend on) producing children that will feel pain, suffer and die. It is most noble to start a family and you’re congratulated for it, rather than being politely advised that you’re a killer hypocrite. To procreate is to inflict upon others what you appear to spend your life avoiding, reducing or preventing – pain, suffering and death. What makes you think your kids will want these if you don’t? We are all potential killer hypocrites – I wish to never start a family, however, I have been previously, unexpectedly, intimately involved. We did not have sex, but I was in such a state of abandon that contraception was not a concern. I didn’t want to be a hypocrite, but it’s more-or-less a one way ticket when your body reacts to such stimuli. In my mind, I’m an anti-natalist, but my brain is subject to the whims of my body. A body that feels first and thinks second; a body whose organs are organised and systems are connected in a way that ensures sexual pleasure bypasses intellect, hijacking the host to continue the sentient narrative. Whilst my body has no choice but to be pleased by sexual pleasure, I feel a strong sense of objection to this stimuli, that if put into words (directed at whoever I interact with in this way again (and if I have anything to do with it, will be no one)): “Do not propose to know my mind through my body, for, my body will tell you a different, pre-programmed story which favours procreation.”. With instinct, it seems there is little free will in the senses – but I think there is enough of a degree of avoid-ability to realise our criminal measure of culpability. Consider the crime – life: pain, suffering and death made possible. But we consider life to be more of a ride than a crime. If a rollercoaster injures or kills more than 0% of its riders, it is more than likely shut down, perhaps permanently. Life has a 100% injury and death rate, yet we are biologically and institutionally driven or dragged over the crumpled bodies of our predecessors to sacrifice our progeny on the altars of ‘accident’ or purpose. Who else but a killer – a terrorist – volunteers others to feel pain, suffer and die? Lifers (parents). There are estimates that around 100 billion humans have ever existed – this is the death toll of ‘progress’ and the number of chances we’ve given life to get ‘better’. We still suffer. We still die. We appear to be under some sort of misconception to keep doing this. Pleasure drives us to propagate pain, suffering and death – the ‘devil’ is in the dopamine. It always has been. Before you carry on fucking yourselves into the next illusion: there is no confusion. We are the loss-locked. Pain always finds and death always wins – it’s about time we refuse to lose. 2 Joe I recall a brief conversation with an associate who wants to start a family (he’s bought a three-bedroomed house on the purpose). As I reflect, I will attempt to distil our positions. Me: “Do you support pain and death?” Joe: “No.” Me: “Then you shouldn’t have children.” Joe: “Why?” Me: “Because by procreating, you’d be exposing them to pain and you’d be killing them.” Joe: “No I wouldn’t, I’d be creating life.” Google Procreation, as an act, which results in death, matches this definition of killing. It is also, creating life… Me: “That will feel pain and die. You’d be a killer.” Joe: “I wouldn't be killing them because they'd die of natural causes.” 3 Me: “Natural causes that can only affect them if they’re alive in the first place.” Killing is typically observed (primarily through news, TV shows and movies) as “causing death as the more-or-less direct result of an act” (a ‘hands-on’ approach, in the form of (if killing with intent) beatings, stabbings, shootings etc.). If Joe is operating under this definition, then of course procreation isn’t killing – the direct result of Joe having sex (with the intention to procreate) will be getting his wife pregnant (thus, “creating life”); neither would he be responsible for his children dying of natural causes (his hands wouldn’t directly be choking his children’s arteries later in their lives, causing them to have a fatal heart attack, for example). I find Joe’s intention to procreate equally as questionable as that of a person who intends on ending someone’s life by direct means. In both scenarios, the procreator and the killer performs an act that they know will result in the pain, suffering and death of another person. You’ve got good intentions, but your ‘good’ intentions will torment and kill your kids. You’d be killing them with your glands instead of your hands. The result is the same. I do not accept the definition of ‘killing’ that Joe appears to be operating under – a definition that conveniently leaves him unhindered and unpunished to afflict on his children certain torment and certain death. Joe: “I want to leave a legacy. My children might cure cancer or stop the world from burning up.” To use ‘curing cancer’ and ‘stopping the world from burning up’ as reasons to procreate, leads me to believe that these causes are important to you. To want to leave a legacy (which is a statement of intent), leads me to believe that you’ll be making an effort to do so. I imagine that the bare minimum effort required for someone who intends on leaving this kind of legacy, would be to set an example to their children. Joe does nothing to help cure cancer or stop the world from burning up – neither of these things has he mentioned as an active concern, nor do I know of any initiatives he’s part of, to effect these goals. The behaviours don’t exist for your children to imitate, which means the chances of you leaving this kind of legacy are near zero. How will your children learn of these causes (let alone be inspired to contribute to them) if they’re not even on your radar? Why should your kids solve these problems if you can’t be bothered? At this rate, 4 your legacy is more likely to be mass murder – terrorists have more interest in indoctrinating your kids to a cause than you do. Since it is apparent that you are not capable of achieving your intended legacy, perhaps you misspoke. Should your response have been: “I want to leave a legacy. My children might cure leprosy or develop a vaccine for malaria.”? Or: “I want to leave a legacy. My children might cure AIDS or instigate world peace.”? What else might they do (no thanks to you)? You don’t care enough about any of these ideals to set an example to anyone, which means the chances of you leaving this kind of legacy remains at near zero. The effort behind your gesture amounts to “procreate and hope for the best”. If terrorists don’t have their way with your children, rest assured – you’re fully capable of ensuring that the legacy you leave will be your kids can play video games moderately well. I thought you were using the word ‘might’ in the sense that it’s going to be incredibly difficult for your children to cure cancer or stop the world from burning up in their lifetimes. Actually, it turns out you also meant ‘might’ in the sense that you might not give enough shits about said issues to bother getting your kids on the case. Who knows – perhaps you’ll surprise me when your children are born and you’ll suddenly start caring enough to meet the bare minimum effort your statement requires. Since it is apparent that there is nothing concrete behind your intention to leave this legacy (other than relying on blind hope), I am inclined to suspect that the primary (perhaps only) purpose of your response was to make yourself feel good. Your response might as well have been: “I want to leave a legacy. My children might {insert dopamine-inducing ideals here}.” Perhaps I’m wrong – perhaps I don’t know you as well as I thought. Perhaps you’re the most qualified person to make this kind of statement. Let’s pretend then, that you, with your PhDs in the related fields, spend every waking moment working on a cure for cancer or preventing the world from burning up (or whatever cures for ailments or achievements you pass through this statement to get your hit). Let’s pretend that you’ll guide your children to contribute to these causes to the fullest extent of their abilities, at the expense of all unreasonable time-wasting. Your own morality forbids you from practicing slavery, yet by procreating (with this legacy in mind, or to fill the purpose-shaped hole in your life), you’re forcing your children (through their screaming, tears, blood and deaths) to achieve someone else’s goals. Your goals. Your slaves may be subject to the problems you created them to fix. Why should the unconceived fix the problems of the conceived? Only the conceived have problems. Leave the unconceived out of it. Leave the unconceived in your imagination, in your pants, or as a stain on your bed. 5 Me: “Legacy? Isn’t that just an idea that makes you feel good? If there were no people, cancer and the world burning up wouldn’t be a problem for us.” Joe: “But then there’d be no people…” Think about it – you supposedly don’t support pain and death. You don’t want cancer and the world burning up to be a problem for anyone. So… don’t have kids. You get to feel good by not having kids – knowing that you won’t subject another human to any pain and suffering; neither will you consign them to the death sentence that is life. Cancer? The world burning up? No people = no problem. I interpreted his response as a sign that he was coming round to the idea. I nodded once, positively, with the intention of nudging him over the finish line. Joe: “OK, this’ll blow your mind – you can’t say that there isn’t an immortal person walking around out there.” It would appear that one person’s finish line is another person’s wall. The subject of this discussion is that Joe will be a killer if he procreates – how does his response change this? It doesn’t. It doesn’t change facts. It does change feelings. When Joe said “But then there’d be no people…”, he had a look of loss and despair on his face. Proposing that I cannot deny the existence of an immortal (changing the subject) made him feel better – he was right about something (else). My argument still stands. You are free to shoot up on dopamine and ignore it. That’s what this entire conversation has been – an exercise in Joe making himself feel good, rather than to justify procreating (perhaps these are one and the same thing). Having moved into the three-bedroomed house in question, he gave me a tour. From room to room, I felt increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of space two people had. I thought – “I do not like what’s going to happen here. A child, or children, who need never exist, for some reason must exist and therefore must suffer and die”. Joe later portrayed our conversation to others by claiming that, according to me, he’d be a murderer if he had children. I called him a killer, not a murderer. Murder is “the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another”. Killers aren’t always murderers – there are, of course, government sanctioned, legal killers in your security services. Procreation should be criminalised, but it would be a stretch on the resources of the forces to police this as murder. 6 Chloe I recall a colleague who’s trying to fuck every man in sight. After two miscarriages, Chloe is incapable of becoming pregnant. Criticised by her mother for “not being a real woman”, she hopes to get a strong dopamine hit by conceiving children through IVF treatment and disallowing her mother from seeing them; rubbing salt in the wound by sending her an ultrasound scan. I suspected there were more (perhaps ‘better’) reasons for having children than this. Chloe: “I don’t know, actually… because you get free shit from the government like dental care, tax breaks and benefits. Maybe it’s because everyone else is doing it, all your friends are settling down. I want to continue my family name.” Having paused for a moment, she added: “To feel like I have made a successful step in my own life of having a child and seeing them grow up, knowing I’m the one that’s given birth to them and have made them into the person they have become. To be proud of myself for achieving something that some don’t have the opportunity to do.” Could you do something else? You’ve covered how conceiving children will make you feel good – I’m not seeing how this justifies putting new humans in coffins. If you’re at the stage in the relationship with your mother that you want to deny her access to your potential children, I imagine she won’t give a shit – you told me that she’s already been furnished with a couple of hobby horses by her son. 7 “…because you get free shit from the government like dental care, tax breaks and benefits.” A lot of us struggle with survival. If it’s the case that tradition or circumstance dictates or shapes women into no/low paying jobs where you live, and there is financial support available to you if you procreate, then I can understand the appeal of the financial alleviation that procreation can bring. But why should your children pay the ultimate price to alleviate your suffering or fill your pockets? It is your responsibility to improve your life without causing damage and destruction to other people in the process – gone are the days of child sacrifice for better weather …in all things but procreation. “Maybe it’s because everyone else is doing it, all your friends are settling down.” The human body produces (and can be induced into producing) dopamine, which we experience as good feelings and pleasure. Humans become addicts to this ‘drug’ from day one. As a child, I remember how good it felt to play with a toy (the dopamine ‘hits’), and the distress at having lost it (the psychological withdrawal/cold turkey). At the time, it was the most important toy I had, because it induced the highest amount of dopamine in my body – it was my ‘primary dopamine inducer’ of toys; likewise, my siblings and parents were my primary dopamine inducers of humans. At any one time, we can have multiple primary dopamine inducers in their respective categories. As a child, one of my primary dopamine inducers was a doll. As I grew, I became aware of and sampled other objects and experiences that induced stronger dopamine hits. Whatever those objects and/or experiences were, the new dopamine inducers replaced the old ones. For a time, I revisited the old dopamine inducers, but it wasn’t long before I left them behind, for good (quite literally for ‘good’ – for dopamine). When I lost my doll, how do I know it didn’t leave me behind for a better toy (a stronger dopamine hit)? It left me distraught, wailing for its return. As I grew, I did the same thing – I left it behind for a stronger dopamine hit (video games). How did that make the doll feel? Perhaps as distraught as I was, when it ‘left’ me. The doll, of course, did not leave me and it felt nothing – it’s a toy. But replace the toy with sentient beings who can hurt (pets, family, friends and lovers) – it becomes a less trivial matter for those left behind. Case in point – “all your friends are settling down”. Your primary dopamine inducers (friends) have found new primary dopamine inducers (their partners), leaving you in withdrawal. They’re still your friend, but their footfall in your life becomes that of a stranger. So you figure – make new friends (which seems to get harder as you age). Even then, a new friend is a relationship away from becoming an acquaintance. Why? The stimulation of sex organs induces the strongest dopamine hits – friends typically seek other people for this kind of activity. Pleasure seeking leaves in its wake a trail of suffering. Lovers leave the greatest amount of suffering in their wake because: 1. Lovers typically focus on one person to the exclusion of all other dopamine dependencies (their ex-partners and friends). 8 2. Love typically results in sexual reproduction – lovers leave in their wake all of the suffering that their children will experience. It is no surprise that you want to follow in your friends’ footsteps, given that they appear to have won the dopamine jackpot – yet, you forget that they’re having a great time at your expense; yet, you don’t realise that you’re about to do the same thing to your friends. If you’re in love, you leave in your wake your suffering ex-partner(s) and friends. If you focus on a ‘best’ friend, you leave in your wake your other suffering friends. In all of these pursuits, you leave in your wake your suffering family members. Behind us is wake after wake after wake of suffering. Everyone who likes you suffers because of your pleasure seeking, and your pleasure seeking blinds you to the suffering you cause. That sounds pretty dangerous to me, and all we’re talking about is improving our wellbeing. Then we must contend with a life that infects us, breaks our bones, abuses and: kills us – the final wake of suffering unleashed by life. Despite our intentions, there is no result in reality where we don’t leave or die, causing one of us to be left behind again as the suffering spectator. “I want to continue my family name.” I ate a salad and I enjoyed it. When I think about salad, that memory is triggered. Not only is the memory triggered, but so are the dopamine hits that were originally induced by that experience. You’re familiar with this process – a classic example of this is when you take trips down memory lane, remembering the good old days. Why do we do this? Because it makes us feel good now. As memories fade, so do the dopamine hits associated to them (both in their number and intensity) – we call this ‘diminishing returns’. When you invoke the notion of continuing your family name, you are remembering (thus, re-inducing the dopamine hits associated with) your family experiences so you can feel good now (refreshing the returns). Dopamine is addictive, it makes you want more of it. Because family members have made you feel good, you want more family members. I don’t know what ‘continuing your family name’ means. When you invoke the notion, all I see is a drug addict shooting up, getting high off the idea. “To feel like I have made a successful step in my own life of having a child and seeing them grow up, knowing I’m the one that’s given birth to them and have made them into the person they have become. To be proud of myself for achieving something that some don’t have the opportunity to do.” You don’t need to create people to feel good. You have a dependency for a quantity and quality of dopamine generated through peopled experiences – initially through pleasant family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and strangers. Through time into adulthood, you become distant from these dopamine inducers; you suffer from withdrawal. It’s logical to seek the quantity and quality of dopamine you’ve become accustomed to, by starting your own intimate relationship and family. But this is the logic of a drug addict. If your addiction only hurt you, then it’s nobody else’s business, but you have reproductive organs – the stimuli of which enhances the 9 addiction to the point where people invariably afflict their addiction (thus pain, suffering and death) on other people via procreation. You have a choice to do something else. Realise that the quantity and quality of dopamine you’ve become accustomed to can be generated by other activities and experiences. Ask yourself: “Can I feel good without causing damage and destruction to anyone else in the process?”. The answer is yes, and you’ve probably already done it – by babysitting your nieces or nephews. I’ve done it. A classic babysitter response is: “It’s nice having them round, but it’s equally as nice to send them home.”. Granted, we don’t all think this way – me and my niece would’ve liked me to become her missing parent, full time. I wasn’t looking to become a parental figure by being the go-to babysitter, but it happened and I understand the appeal – but I also know that you don’t have to create people to have these experiences and you can live a satisfying life. Consider… 1. Babysitting 2. The caring of pets 3. Fostering/adoption …as the methadone substitutes to your heroin-like addiction. I’m not suggesting that we breed more people and pets to maintain these substitutes – this would continue to inflict pain, suffering and death on the involved species by proxy. The ideal scenario is to be drug-free – but given that we are born as drug manufacturers and addicts, to be drug-free is to be unconscious or not alive. If these options aren’t available to you without significant pain and suffering, then consider other substitutes. I work through my own suffering by writing this book; watching TV; listening to music and playing video games. I’ve been toying with the idea of teaching myself to play the piano. You have countless dopamine-inducing activities available to you and a lot of them don’t involve risking sexual reproduction. Since you can sate your needs by other means, there’s no excuse to inflict further suffering, right? Speaking about a lover, who she suspected of cheating on her: "I just want something to live for. If he gets me pregnant then I've got what I want and he can fuck off.” You make it sound like you cannot go on living without having kids, yet you’ve lived this long without them. Not only lived, but presumably you’ve been entertained enough by life without kids to refrain from committing suicide. Clearly, kids are not necessary for your entertainment or survival. 10 Criminal Consequences How can you claim ignorance of, or deny inflicting pain, suffering and death via procreation when: 1. You suffer? 2. You witness the suffering of others (typically your loved ones)? 3. You witness death (typically in the form of attending funerals) and the suffering it causes? 4. The news repeatedly reports on suffering; on the dying and dead? We protest against suffering; we grieve and complain when we lose our loved ones, but virtually no responsibility is taken (or assigned to) parents that are primarily culpable for causing the pain, suffering and death of children that never had to be alive to suffer and die. When are you going to take responsibility for the suffering and death you cause by procreating? If you’re pregnant, which of the more-or-less 161,280 opportunities to arrange an abortion are you going to take, to prevent your children suffering any more than they should have to? Why do you concern yourself with morality when you pause it to satisfy your addiction at the expense of your children? 1. Your body manufactures dopamine and you are addicted to it – to be alive is to be a captive addict. Quite literally, captive – under the care of parents or guardians who, at the very least, catered for your basic bodily needs by feeding and cleaning you. A lot of us will have had our dopamine induced by their stimuli; by the stimuli of our siblings – through games and story time, experiences and adventures, through friendships – cultivating the belief that overall, people are good. You were conveniently not informed that your parents were the authors of all of your suffering and inevitable death. Instead, you were told that your birthday was happy, and you were made to feel happy on that day – the association of good feelings to your parent’s crime; the association of good feelings to birth and people, serving as encouragement to repeat your parent’s crime. 2. The strongest dopamine hits are attained through sexual activity between two or more people – usually a man and a woman. As our bodies develop through and beyond puberty, we carry the belief that people are good into our sexual landscape (when our reproductive organs are fully active to induce the strongest dopamine hits, upgrading the addiction). Sexual intercourse usually causes the participants to experience maximum pleasure in the complete absence of pain. As a child, I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea to kick the pebble finish off a garage wall, when one day I kicked it so hard that my big toe became swollen and 11 black, causing me to limp home in tears. People seldom ‘stub their toe’ during sex – there is no pain; no biological warning signs to suggest that the reproductive consequences of sex is bad. 3. Children can provide you, the drug addict, with your lifetime’s supply of drugs. You can create and hold your own dopamine factories hostage, reliving your childhood through them; catering for their basic bodily needs by feeding and cleaning them; inducing your and their dopamine through games and story time, experiences and adventures, through friendships; cultivating their belief that overall, people are good. You get a life-long multitude of dopamine-inducing interactions with your children because they typically outlive their parents. The likelihood of a child dying before its parents do are slim, so a parent, in general, never expects to be emotionally inconvenienced by their children’s deaths because they themselves will have already died. In summary, you were unknowingly born as a drug addict; an addiction that typically associates good feelings to people (thus, if you want more good feelings then you want more people), and as it happens, you have the ability to create more people; and the act of creating people feels good; and the end product is a drug factory for a drug addict. How could you have ever suspected that it was wrong to procreate when your body is built to do it; your body tells you it’s good and you’re surrounded by beings who are afflicted by the same condition? You live in a world of addicts enabling addicts, a circus of clowns creating clowns because clowns are good because good feels good. You were on biological auto-pilot, abetted by pleasure and aided by time – the stealth technologies of the sentient condition that allows the negative consequences of procreation to a) appear benign/friendly to, or b) avoids detection on, your emotion radar. That is what we are – emotion radars. What are radars primarily useful for? Sensing danger, such that those dangers can be avoided, reduced or prevented. The pain signals detected on our emotion radar form and inform our rules of behaviour and conduct – the building blocks of morality. It follows then, that the purpose of morality is to promote the avoidance, reduction and prevention of pain, suffering and death. Procreation is the creator of pain, suffering and death, therefore procreation stands in direct contradiction to the purpose of morality. The rules of any morality (held personally and/or organisationally) that encourages procreation are based on the benefits of a drug addiction, benefits that are considered more important than sparing humanity (often children) from starvation, disease, broken bones, abuse, rape, torment and depression; sanctioning it entirely acceptable that new people must experience dying – tortured by their failing bodies or succumbing to (often violent) accident, suicide or murder. Your ‘morality’ is addiction-weighted, camouflaged by parents as ‘caring’. 12 There is a fault in the underlying technology of our morality – dopamine disables our emotion radar at detecting procreation as dangerous because the only way to attain the greatest ‘hit’ is to engage in sexual conduct with organs capable of reproducing the species. The organs responsible for our suffering and death are conveniently the ones that give us the greatest pleasure (both in the act of procreating and through the dopamine-inducing interactions of the lives created), which is why procreation (as a cause of suffering and death) gets a free pass through our morals and laws (the morals and laws whose entire purpose is to prohibit and punish the causes of suffering and death). Life is a battlefield upon which no one is required to participate, but we are forced onto it by parents who seem to have had every chance to make other choices. Where was our parent’s concern for our safety and wellbeing before we were conceived? They live their lives in a world that prohibits and punishes acts that will cause other people pain, suffering and death, yet prior to conception, we were somehow exempt from these basic protections; exempt from the rules that make up the ‘morality’ that our own parents live by; exempt from the laws that were inspired by such rules and moralities. At the very least, we should consider the concept of consent before we procreate. Critics of anti-natalism find the concept of consent absurd and irrelevant, because how can you get consent from someone who doesn’t exist? An un-conceived life is unable to give consent to being conceived because they do not exist to give it. Their mind is not available to be queried. A person in a coma is unable to give consent to participating in sexual activities because they are not conscious to give it. Their mind is not available to be queried. How do I tell the difference between a procreator and a rapist? Both of them either haven’t considered the concept of consent in their actions, or if they did, they considered it irrelevant in the process of pleasing themselves. “The longest human lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment of France (1875–1997), who lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days.” Wikipedia Everyone alive today will suffer and die within the next 122 years, 164 days. Most of them will suffer and die within the average human lifespan (72.6 years). That’s about 7.8 billion children, women and men. Why do you give a shit about The Holocaust where only 6 million people died? Or World War 2 where only 70-85 million people died? Is it because you can see it happening more-or-less all at once in documentaries, in all its gruesomeness (whereas, in comparison, we normally learn of a few deaths in our lifetime, separated by decades and we rarely see the bloodied bodies (they are quickly scraped off roads and buried or burned))? Is it because they were killed without being made to feel good beforehand? That’s how you justify inflicting pain, suffering and death on your children via procreation, isn’t it? It’s OK if the victim feels good about what you did. If the SS had done with their prisoners what parents do with their children (provide adequate water, food and health care; entertain them and foster a sense of hope for the future (along with not mentioning the whole “you’re going to suffer and die and it’s my fault” thing)), then nobody could’ve complained 13 about what they were doing. Hey – don’t get angry with me, I’m using your rules here, from your morality. Of the 7.8 billion children, women and men, over the next 122 years, 164 days, every 5 years of that (split evenly) will see just under 325 million of them suffer and die in the gas chamber that is Earth. This is the number of peace-time deaths we‘re supposed find ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ (but not the 70-85 million war-time deaths in the same amount of time). We’re supposed to find it ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ that sentient life is a continuous Holocaust and basic human survival requires us to exacerbate the Holocaust of several other species on an industrial scale. I watched a video entitled ‘male chick maceration’, a solid 5 minutes of a conveyor belt feeding live baby chickens into a meat grinder, along with the egg shells they shouldn’t have hatched from. Each procreator, when they conceive new lives, turns the wheel of the conveyor belt – not just for their own species, but for the species they depend on to survive. Each and every parent contributes to this mass killing; each and every parent is a pixel in the portrait of their species’ morality, and that image is red. It is ironic that antinatalists care more about the safety of children than parents do. You are prepared to (or have) put your children in a world that always inflicts pain, suffering and death on sentient beings. We don’t. Criminal irresponsibility is innate in the sentient condition, a built-in defence for its crimes that uses ignorance and addiction to perform a moral bypass on its hosts, ensuring the continuation of the species. On the other hand, nobody, it seems, is pointing a gun at your head, compelling you to reproduce. If you do, your kids will suffer and die to get you high. I propose that ‘innocence through addiction-lead ignorance’ is no longer an acceptable defence. 14 Why do foetuses get to die better than us? We need to align our purported morality with reality, perhaps enshrined as a ‘National Mercy Service’, whose mission statement could be: “Life is not healthy. It is a terminal disease. Suffering is guaranteed. The prevention of life is our primary mission. We should promote the idea that procreation should be a well-thought conscious decision, rather than an instinctual consequence by irresponsible pleasure seekers. Given that our bodies have a head-start on indoctrinating us to multiply, we should build into our species artificially innate measures that force us to consider the implications of what we’re about to do (beyond getting our next hit): 1. Build into our sex education the concept of anti-natalism. 2. Apply a Do Not Resuscitate order on existing and new people; an order that the subject can opt out of. 3. Sterilise all new people, but make it reversible. 4. Imprison parents for one day per child if carried to term. We died when we were conceived because no one intervened. When the subject is taught anti-natalism in conjunction with sex education; when the subject learns of their Do Not Resuscitate order or sterilisation; when the subject observes others (or is themselves) imprisoned for carrying to term their offspring: it is at these points in the subject’s life, we hope they pause for thought to understand why these measures were implemented – life will torment, damage and destroy everyone afflicted with it. Creation contradicts the morality our common behaviours portray. If our mission fails and life is brought to suffer, we should facilitate a willing subject’s termination in as painless a manner as possible (render them unconscious via general anaesthetic, followed by a lethal dose). No effort and expense should be spared to acquire the best drugs and materials to aid in this endeavour, or to transport the subject to a participating facility. This is the only decision about the subject’s existence that the subject has a choice in – it should be harassed equally as much as the decision to procreate is. We didn’t ask to be here, we damn well deserve an easy way out.” Abortion is an easy way out… “Deciding to have an abortion The decision to have an abortion is yours alone. Some women may be certain they want to have an abortion, while others may find it more difficult to make a decision. All women requesting an abortion can discuss their options with, and receive support from, a trained pregnancy counsellor if they wish. 15 Impartial information and support are available from:  your GP or another doctor at your GP practice  a counselling service at the abortion clinic  organisations such as Brook (for under-25s), BPAS, Marie Stopes UK and NUPAS You may also want to speak to your partner, friends or family, but you do not have to. They do not have a say in your decision. If you do not want to tell anyone, your details will be kept confidential. If you're under 16, your parents do not usually need to be told. The doctor or nurse may encourage you to tell a parent, carer or other adult you trust, but they will not make you.” …but once you’re conceived, you’re a slave to the addicts that created you – primarily your parents, then siblings, friends, partners, associates etc. Thus, you are usually brought to term to operate as part of your family’s (and society’s) drug supply. What are your options if you’ve decided you want to die? How easy is it to commit suicide? Well, you being dead denies your addicts their drugs, so it’s incredibly difficult. Suicide is legal, but assisting suicide is illegal. It is illegal to assist someone who is performing a legal act. The suicidal are therefore deprived of a humane death (in a clinic or hospital, perhaps), forcing them to consider painful, possibly violent alternatives, which can result in further suffering through injury and disability (if the attempt fails). Should the suicide be successful, the suicider risks their family, partner and/or friends finding their body, perhaps in a shocking, gruesome state. The authorities addicts, of course, know what they’re doing. They know that they can't prevent suicide, but they can heavily discourage it by making it as difficult as possible. For the suicides that they don’t discourage, the suicider died inhumanely at the hands of a manipulative and barbaric legal system. Suicidal thoughts/depression are interpreted as signs of an illness, but what if depression is withdrawal from our built-in addiction? What if the addiction is the illness, and depression is a sign of sobering up? To be drug-free through this lens would require you to be unconscious or dead, but you don’t necessarily have to die with your negative emotions and you don’t have to procreate to be re-addicted to life. That being said, if you want out, you should be let out, near enough no questions asked (unlike a foetus, you can assess the evidence of your suffering and communicate your preference). Instead, the authorities addicts conduct an interrogation on the sufferer: they are questioned; commanded to re-assess; to be made to feel like they don’t know their own mind; second-guessed; unsupported in their aim; emotionally blackmailed; prohibited; detained, counselled and medicated at the hands of a manipulative and barbaric health system. 16 Anti-natalism extremely detracts from a natalist’s addiction to life, so it is understandable that our critics believe that we have arrived at our position via depression; that our position is invalid because we arrived at it via what they consider to be an illness. As much as I dislike the feeling of having my world view dismissed by the suggestion that I’m ill, it is not obvious to me how someone becomes an antinatalist without having their drug supply persistently depressed by the negative aspects of life. People can experience this depression in a general way – witnessing and empathising with the suffering of others. A lot of us, however, have to experience our own suffering as a constant or repetitive torture. You might find that surviving depression makes you appreciate that compassion for future suffering should result in its prevention, not its propagation for the sake of addiction fulfilment, especially when the addiction can be fulfilled by non-procreative means. Suicide causes future suffering too, so it could be argued that anti-natalists should be in opposition to suicide for the same reason; that the suicidal have an obligation to their dopamine dependencies not to proceed. You are emotionally blackmailed by the simple fact that you were brought to term in a world that forces addicts to become addicted to each other, who will then suffer if that addiction is ripped away. Not only did you have no choice but to be brought into this world to suffer, you seemingly have no choice about leaving this life at a time and painless method of your choosing; no, your suffering must continue in order to protect the addiction of your dopamine dependencies. Fuck that. Where are your parents? I feel like punching them in their junk. Just as parents have flagrant disregard for the pain, suffering and death they author on their children by creating them, so should the suicidal be afforded flagrant disregard for the suffering that their suicide causes. You don’t necessarily have to be depressed and/or suicidal to have these thoughts, you’re just assessing the options kindly provided to you by your parents. The nonsuicidal seem happy to continue sucking every last drop of dopamine from reality’s teat until they are subject to one of the aforementioned ‘options’ (causes of death (list not exhaustive)): stroke, heart attack, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, asphyxiation, beaten, stabbed, shot, burned, crushed or blown up. Is it wrong to want an easier death than these? Most people would wish to die peacefully in their sleep. Well, they can. We have the barbiturates to render people unconscious and kill them by overdose, making all other methods of dying inhumane (especially inhumane when the addicts give the suicidal no other option than to do something like stand in front of a moving train). We could’ve repurposed Harold Shipman for the job. Unfortunately, the Nazis gave organised dying a bad name. The suicidal want to die peacefully in their sleep too, but they don’t have to wish when there is Nembutal. Guess what the addicts banned. In the regions where physician-assisted suicide is illegal, your ‘right to die’ is an illusion. You must beg, plead, ask the addicts nicely that alongside Maternity wards (entry from nothingness) we add Eternity wards (exit to nothingness), such that we can die gracefully; with dignity; at a time of our choosing. In the regions where physician-assisted suicide is legal, your right to die is conditional: you must be of a certain age; already suffering; usually terminally ill. You must get other people’s opinions, meet various criteria, sign multiple documents, confirm and re-confirm your intention until you are blue in the face (from suffocating on the bureaucracy). Parents get to kill their kids by 17 creating them on a whim, no questions asked, with encouragement, support and benefits from governments and health systems. I've never liked the idea of dying on life's terms (at the hands of a random ailment, accident or attack), but I don’t consider myself suicidal in the classic sense. I enjoy life just enough to risk the regular fates, but I’d like to have the option of a graceful exit at any age (when reality focuses on my mortality). I can, however, envisage a day where I get slightly annoyed and down Nembutal as if it’s nothing more eventful than drinking a cup of tea (stubbing my toe for the one-hundredth time might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back). Sure, I’d be acting on an emotion that might not be there this time tomorrow. When all dopamine leaves all thoughts and I am empty, my body still breathes – there is no necessity for my body to die with the dopamine. To pause my suffering, I carefully re-addict myself to life without propagating suffering via procreation. Through my understanding of life as an addiction, I take the suicide out of depression and the killing out of happiness. I might appear content. Happy, almost. Perhaps successful. But don’t confuse management of suffering with affirmation of life. Make no mistake – I am here under duress. 18 Your dopamine destination doesn’t have to continue the species I recall a colleague who was talking about how many children she wanted with her fiancé. Grace: “I want four kids and he wants two, so we’ve compromised on three.” Me: “How about zero kids?” Grace: “I like kids! We’ve got to have some otherwise humanity will go nowhere.” Me: “Why does humanity have to go somewhere?” Grace: “Wow, this has gone a bit morbid, hasn’t it?!” You have expressed a need to drive our species via procreation to some sort of destination, but you have not stated where (just that if we don’t have kids, our species will go ‘nowhere’). When questioned as to why humanity has to go somewhere, your response was indicative of you having your dopamine supply reduced or depressed, revealing that the destination you’re referring to is a dopamine hit. This is typical sentient behaviour – we strive for our next dopamine hit; we are biologically driven to our next dopamine destination. What you meant by “humanity will go nowhere” was: its members would no longer have a dopamine destination to travel to (on the assumption that every member of our species is sufficiently addicted to the dopamine induced by new lives, such that they have a desire to procreate). Google You’re the one that has (what is sadly considered) a ‘normal’ and ‘healthy' interest in the disturbing and unpleaseant subjects of afflicting disease on your children before filling three coffins with their dead bodies via procreation. 19 Given that the word ‘morbid’ is commonly associated with death, you appear to be conflating there being no more people with losing people (losing people – aside from relationship failures – is typically achieved by them dying). Whilst the children you plan on creating don’t exist (thus, cannot die; thus, cannot be lost), your dopamineinducing expection of the dopamine hits you’d receive from them does exist (thus, can ‘die’; thus, can be lost). Google Dopamine gives life meaning; ‘the meaning of life’ is whatever is inducing repeated dopamine hits in your body through repeated ritual. Love is a famous meaning of life because the intensity of the dopamine hits is high due to the close physical (thus emotional; thus intimate (in the case of lovers)) proximity of lovers and family members; through the related rituals of courting, marriage, procreation, rearing etc. For those who are distracted from the dopamine hits offered by intimate physical relationships, they receive repeated dopamine hits (that are purportedly an equivalent intensity as that of physically-induced feelings of love) through new or established belief systems; through the related rituals of study, worship, ceremony, sacrifice etc. A person who does nothing but build and play with model railways also has a meaning of life, regardless of the fact that she/he would be receiving less intense dopamine hits than the people we typically consider to have a ‘true’ or ‘proper’ sense of meaning in their lives. By removing new lives from your addiction equation, anti-natalists are removing the dopamine hits that give your life meaning, making us appear to believe that life is meaningless; making us appear to be nihilists. A person who writes a book that could be described as “sucking all the joy out of life” has a meaningful life, because I’ve received repeated dopamine hits from the repeated ritual of writing this book. Who says life is meaningless if we stop procreating? The addicts who rely on procreation to get their dopamine hits. This reveals a failure of imagination. Whilst I don’t believe that life is ever worth starting, once you’re lumbered with it, life has many aspects to it that can make it meaningful, thus worth continuing (assuming that you have the emotional agility to re-addict yourself to aspects of it when depressed (or if you choose the easy option: to take anti-depressants)). We don’t believe that life is meaningless, we know that life can be meaningful without forcing new people to pay the price for our wellbeing. Anti-natalism, if adopted by everyone, would result in our extinction. What, exactly, is bad about extinction? The movie and TV industries have done a fantastic job at making us recoil in horror at the notion – we almost exclusively believe that becoming extinct causes immense pain and suffering. Temperature extremes; hurricanes; earthquakes; tsunamis; resource depletion; disease; nuclear war; alien invasion; planetary destruction. The focus is on losing; loss. Anti-natalism, as a method of extinction, inflicts no pain, no suffering and kills no one. No one is lost. It’s a gradual process whereby the existing addicts find non-procreative ways to 20 entertain themselves until they die. There are plenty of people who, for various reasons, don’t procreate – and their reasons don’t necessarily ally with, or align to anti-natalism. They are addicted to other aspects of life that don’t require its propagation. The only loss is the dopamine hits you expect to receive from procreating, which are replace-able. Nobody’s crying about all the non-existent people on Mars. You don’t have to cry about there being no more people on Earth. Change what you’re addicted to. Change your dopamine destination. 21 It’s about the journey, not the destination I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve been kidnapped; snatched from nothingness; stolen from peace; ripped from my freedom from disturbance to suffer my parent’s journey; to suffer: 1. Physical discomfort (too hot/cold; atmospheric/weather-caused clothing discomfort; maintaining the same position for too long (necessitated by using public transport etc.); exercise). 2. Thirst. 3. Hunger. 4. Being fed (and addicted to the taste of) meat and other animal products; made complicit in other sentient beings’ suffering and deaths from an early age. 5. Excretion of unpleasant substances. 6. Chores. 7. Small injuries (scuffs, bruising, cuts). 8. The common cold. 9. The flu. 10. Intense tooth ache (the “banging your head against a wall all night to distract yourself from the pain” type). 11. Tooth removal. 12. Broken bones. 13. Aches and pains of varying intensity. 14. Boredom. 15. Stubbing my toes. 16. Familial ‘duties’ imposed upon me in a family I never asked to be a part of. 17. The continued harassment of being torn from the peace of sleep to attend school. 18. Bullying. 19. Physical assaults. 20. Pressure to (or frustration/feelings of inadequacy by failing to) achieve something. 21. The continued harassment of being torn from the peace of sleep to attend work (slavery to survival). 22. Humiliation/loss of dignity. 23. Stress. 24. Fear. 25. Anxiety. 26. Panic attacks. 27. Grief. 28. Depression. It all adds up, however minor or mitigated these pain points seem or become. Compared to my previous state (of not existing), I do not appreciate paying these prices for my parent’s optimism. But calling these ailments and injuries “prices” (or “impositions”) is being too polite. These are attacks. Attacks that will result in my death. I consider my conception an attack. If one person inflicted some (or all) of these ailments and injuries upon me, with the result being my death (whether they intended to injure and kill me or not), it would be hard not to take it personally. 22 Instead, two people did this to me. Nothing has changed. Anti-natalism isn’t just a philosophy. This is personal. We tolerate these attacks because they’re compensated with nature’s currency – dopamine. We are biologically lead to believe that dopamine is a fix; a solution to our problems, but it’s a drug fix. It’s the equivalent of giving morphine to a mortally wounded soldier. Sure, you’ve fixed her suffering (temporarily), but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s still bleeding to death. You made her feel good about a bad situation. That’s all we’re doing – making ourselves feel good about this bad situation. Dopamine is addictive, drug-like; it has withdrawal symptoms such as distress, grief and depression – we invariably become addicted to temporary dopamine inducers (other humans) that will leave or die, so these ‘fixes’ (and happiness) are also future suffering in disguise. Pleasure, via propagation, creates the problems it ‘fixes’. Unfortunately, it seems that we’d rather have the problems so we can feel good from the ‘fixes’, than to not have the problems at all. Is it possible to be happy without it being compensation for (or a cause of) suffering? What makes you happy that isn’t needed to distract you from (or delay) your suffering? Natalists and anti-natalists, at their core, want the same thing – to solve suffering. Natalists remain addicted to the biological belief that the problem can be solved with dopamine (they want to maintain the addiction in the process). They focus on improving the potency of the temporary drug fixes – their innovators and inventors greatly improve (or otherwise revolutionise) our modes of living, socialising, health and mobility. Innovations and inventions imbue and enrich words like ‘progress’ and ‘future’ with an inordinate amount of dopamine, subconsciously requiring or commanding us to create more engineers and consumers to innovate, invent and consume the dopamine hits that each innovation or invention promises to induce. We need to resist these calls to conception – the mission is to solve suffering, not to feel good about the impossibilities of achieving it without extinction. We cannot be free from suffering if we insist on creating new lives; we cannot have morality and humanity. We’ve had about 200,000 years and thrown over 100 billion people at this problem – I tentatively suggest that we’re pissing in the wind. If the addiction-retaining solution to suffering is to be continuously under the influence of dopamine, perhaps this explains why we immerse ourselves in ‘dopamine bubbles’ (family, friends, fucking, faith, fortune, future), whose walls we fortify to mitigate or deny the depressing effects of reality’s dopamine disrupters. The extent of our (almost wilful) ignorance or denial of our suffering possibilities (to protect our dopamine bubbles; to protect our addictions) can be extreme – I’ve met people who genuinely believe that they can prevent all harm to their offspring …until cot death strikes. Reality does not have ignorance of, nor does it deny unsavoury possibilities because you do. Religion was/is most effective at ensuring its adherents receive a continuous supply of dopamine (or desperate concoctions of antidotes to suffering that bend or break the constraints of reality); it has the advantage of outliving the more temporary dopamine-inducing alternatives. But the World Wide Web and an increased understanding of reality (delivered through refined atheist rhetoric) have made it too easy to puncture the faith dopamine bubble. When the religious find release from their dopamine-inducing beliefs, they face the stark prospect that there is no cosmic parent or purpose; they might contemplate their 23 insignificance in the vast cosmos – it can be a bit depressing. They might ask: “What’s it all for?” and “What’s the point?”. When non-anti-natalists find release from their species addiction, they face the stark reality that all of their suffering and eventual death was for the sake of an orgasm by addict parents whose addiction camouflages itself as a cure (but is in fact the cause of all suffering); they might contemplate that the only purpose of life is to continuously create, torment and kill innocents – forget depressing: it’s a sick joke. One day, in all likelihood, I’ll have a heart attack, clutching my chest as I crawl to call for help. My life won’t be flashing before my eyes, I’ll be thinking about the alternative decisions and options my parents could’ve made or had, that could’ve prevented all my suffering and this fate. I might ask: “Why am I suffering when I didn’t have to?”, to then consider all in life I love and ask: “What was the point because I can’t keep any of it?”. Some people believe that by conceiving new lives, they are bestowing a gift on their children. Some of them believe that they are owed a debt of gratitude for doing so. You are owed, but it will not be with gratitude that you are repaid. I discovered early that to minimise deep suffering would be to minimise deep happiness; I would need to become a ‘dopamine minimalist’ (primarily, to avoid intimate relationships). That being said, my hormones kicked in and puberty took hold; after a few short relationships (one where I was on the brink of risking reproduction), I decided to distance my body from temptation; I banned myself from friendships and intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex. Over the years, I’ve crossed paths with many tempting, very compatible candidates for both, but I denied them all. In retrospect, perhaps I should’ve explained my position: “Liking you requires that a drug-like effect takes place in my body, of varying intensity and addictiveness. The degradation/loss of any relationship we have will cause me to experience withdrawal-like symptoms such as distress, grief or depression. I do not wish to experience these things again. In addition, we’d be inflicting these symptoms on any children we create, ensuring their deaths. I don’t dislike you, I dislike the inevitable suffering that liking you entails”. Given that anti-natalism withdraws natalists from their addiction, it can be an unwelcome philosophy; you are likely to reject it because it will deprive you of good feelings, but do you reject it for reasons that don’t stem from it depressing you? Or to put it another way, do you reject it for reasons that stem from your addiction to other dopamine-inducing aspects of life (that you feel warrants the continued reproduction of our species)? To reject anti-natalism on these bases is a declaration that your happiness (or the happiness of potential/actual parents) is more important than the pain, suffering and death of your (or their) children. Perhaps you reject it simply because I offended you – you might find anti-natalism as offensive as the person who exposed you to it. Your natural response might be to (predictably) act in opposition to the offender’s suggestion – you are free to procreate to spite an anonymous antinatalist that cares more about your children than you do. They say “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”. Must I really pander to your addiction? Pretty please, with sugar on top, stop torturing and killing your kids. Anti-natalists and mothers do it for the kicks because dopamine is the ‘do’ in do and don’t; we are both motivated by our addictions, but anti-natalists also do it for compassion. Compassion without exception defines morality. 24 I sometimes question whether it was necessary to attack Joe, Chloe, Grace, you; whether it was necessary to put this book past your eyes. What’s at stake here is the suffering and deaths of another 100 billion lives (and the rest). The suffering I cause by promoting anti-natalism this way is a small price to pay if at least one life is spared from suffering via non-procreation or abortion. My only regret is that your nature conspires to keep you ignorant of (or distracts you from) the suffering your addiction causes; necessitating an attack to penetrate your addiction (to burst your dopamine bubble(s)), to ensure the message gets delivered. Despite the vitriol, I don’t hate you. I hate suffering – but it seems that the only way to apply a permanent solution is to attack; to attack the cause (your body through your mind (because your mind is the controller of the cause, and the cause is your body (that has been evolutionarily designed to be an addict; an addiction that impels you to propagate suffering)). I appreciate that the motivation to write and distribute this book appears to come from a place of anger. This is not anger. This is weaponised compassion. Life does not just happen. Shit does not just happen. By procreating, you write a blank cheque for all possible outcomes – don’t complain when reality cashes it in at the expense of your children’s wellbeing and lives. The buck fuck stops with you: keep your trousers on, or your legs shut, or use contraception at all times and abort when pregnant. Better still, get yourself sterilised or fuck something other than the reproductive organs of the opposite sex. Your kids will suffer, your kids will die, you made it happen and you could’ve prevented it. Look, if you have to fuck, please – go fuck yourself.

    domingo, 8 de agosto de 2021

    Citas celebres de Gandhi (Antinatalistas)

    Si la destrucción es violencia, la creación también es violencia. La procreación, por tanto, implica violencia. La creación de lo que está destinado a perecer ciertamente implica violencia.

    viernes, 6 de agosto de 2021


     No haber nacido, de sólo pensarlo, ¡qué felicidad, qué libertad, qué espacio!


    La única, la verdadera mala suerte: nacer.


    E. M. Cioran Del inconveniente de haber nacido


    Tres de la mañana. Percibo este segundo, después este otro; hago el balance de cada minuto. ¿A qué viene todo esto? A que he nacido. De cierto tipo de vigilias viene la inculpación del nacimiento. 


    «Desde que estoy en el mundo», ese desde me parece cargado de un significado tan espantoso, que se torna insoportable. 


     No corremos hacia la muerte; huimos de la catástrofe del nacimiento. Nos debatimos como sobrevivientes que tratan de olvidarla. El miedo a la muerte no es sino la proyección hacia el futuro de otro miedo que se remonta a nuestro primer momento. Nos repugna, es verdad, considerar al nacimiento una calamidad: ¿acaso no nos han inculcado que se trata del supremo bien y que lo peor se sitúa al final, y no al principio, de nuestra carrera? Sin embargo, el mal, el verdadero mal, está detrás, y no delante de nosotros. Lo que a Cristo se le escapó, Buda lo ha comprendido: «Si tres cosas no existieran en el mundo, oh discípulos, lo Perfecto no aparecería en el mundo...» Y antes que la vejez y que la muerte, sitúa el nacimiento, fuente de todas las desgracias y de todos los desastres.


    La imposibilidad de encontrar un solo pueblo, una sola tribu donde el nacimiento provoque duelo y lamentación, prueba hasta qué punto la Humanidad se encuentra en estado de regresión.


    Rebelarse contra la herencia, es rebelarse contra millones de años, contra la primera célula. 


    Nunca estoy a gusto en lo inmediato, sólo me seduce lo que me precede, lo que me aleja de aquí, los innúmeros instantes en que yo no fui: lo no-nato, en suma.


    Se que mi nacimiento es una casualidad, un accidente risible, y, no obstante, apenas me descuido me comporta como si se tratara de un acontecimiento capital, indispensable para la marcha y el equilibrio del mundo.


    Haber cometido todos los crímenes: salvo el de ser padre.


    Me gustaría ser libre, inimaginablemente libre. Libre como un ser abortado.


    La única, la verdadera mala suerte: nacer. Se remonta a la agresividad, al principio de expansión y de rabia aposentado en los orígenes, en el impulso hacia lo peor. No es de extrañar que todo ser venido al mundo sea un maldito.


    Días milagrosamente cuajados de esterilidad. Y yo, en vez de alegrarme, de cantar victoria, de convertir esa sequedad en fiesta, de ver un ejemplo de mi realización y madurez, de mi desapego, me dejo invadir por el despecho y el mal humor: así de tenaz es en nosotros el hombre viejo, la chusma turbulenta incapaz de hacerse a un lado.


     «Todo es dolor», esta fórmula budista modernizada daría: «Todo es pesadilla.» De la misma manera el nirvana, llamado a poner término a un tormento más generalizado, dejaría de ser un recurso reservado sólo a algunos, para tornarse universal como la pesadilla misma.


    No me perdono el haber nacido. Es como si, al insinuarme en este mundo, hubiese profanado un misterio, traicionado algún compromiso de magnitud, cometido una falta de gravedad sin nombre. Pero a veces soy menos tajante: nacer me parece una calamidad que, de no haberla conocido, me tendría inconsolable.



    viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

    Deeper Honesty (Resumen)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever Deeper Honesty How to reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss, and “That”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This book should be read in a pdf format. -- It’s free to read online (or download), from the main website: -------------------- To deter people from trying to censor this book, (and, or website), this book can also be downloaded (legally, and for free), from these decentralised sources: --, details, ever-deeper-honesty (This source only has the old version of the book.) -- Download a free app, called “BitTorrent Sync” (, and then use this secret, key: BI4SQVUKBFPWEYJCIOBZI3EN73ZJ2XJPE (It’s available on all mobile devices, and desktops.) Or, click this link, follow instructions to install the app, and it will give you the book. https:, ,, #f=ever-deeper-honesty&sz=0&t=1&s=Q52GDELDNVON2PNPYMBUQSSY6YT4LOMK&i=CB3TL52SCH7IYOK2L7WMOLYXB6NIWGQUT&v=2.3 -------------------- If there are any problems with the main website, or minor errors in the book (eg: spelling errors, typos, formatting, etc), then please email: -- BitTorrent Sync, and, will have the latest version (of corrections). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This book is split into 2 parts: Part 1: Conclusion (One sentence) -- page 2 Conclusion (Short) -- page 3 Summary -- page 40 Conclusion (Long) -- page 54 Note: You only need to read the first 45 pages of this book. -- That will be good enough, to help you reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss, and “That”. However, if you want to speed up this process, then read the long conclusion. You can totally ignore the rest of the book. -- Ie, you do not need to read part 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 2: The rest of the book -- page 595 to 1193 Part 1 is infinitely better than part 2. Part 2 expands on things in part 1, and therefore part 2 is an 80% overlap, repeated repetitive version of part 1. And, part 2 is missing many important things, which are in part 1. And part 2 is not finished very well (does not flow very well) in certain places. I only included part 2, because it can be of extra help to certain people, (I’ll explain this more, on the first page of part 2). Note: Part 1 needs to be read before part 2, because it contains definitions of certain words, terms, phrases, concepts, which are used in the rest of the book. Similarly, part 1 should be read in a linear way, because it introduces certain words, terms, phrases, concepts, in a progressive way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caution: This book has the potential to shatter all your delusions about life. If you want to avoid this possibility, then do not read it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This book can be copied and distributed (in part, or whole), without permission, as long as it remains unaltered, and you mention the title of the book, and the website address, and it's kept free of charge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusion (one sentence) There is no freedom, choice, option of an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way out of life (and existence), therefore, life (and existence) is prison, torture, slavery, rape, and therefore, life (and existence) is survival of the stupidest. -------------------------------------------------- 2Note: This book explains many realisations, conclusions, and solutions (including practical ones, which are applicable to all aspects of life, and all levels of life), and these will all be detailed in the conclusion. However, if all of it had to be condensed into one sentence, then that sentence would be the one above. I have deliberately avoided using a very short sentence, because when the sentence, phrase is too short, there is the risk that it can be misunderstood, or it just becomes too: vague, ambiguous, meaningless, useless in practical life, etc. There were many alternative sentences that I could have used, (as will becomes apparent when you read the short conclusion), however, this sentence was perhaps the best general, overall one, because it’s good for all aspects of life, (and all levels of life, existence), and it also acts as a good pointer, (ie, it can send you ever-deeper). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusion (short) Note: The terminology, phrases, ideas, information that is said in the first three pages of this conclusion, will make much more sense, after you have finished reading the whole of this short conclusion. -- This is especially true, in terms of saying that this information is not opinion, and is therefore indisputable, and inescapable. -- So, bear with me, for these next three pages. There are only two types of people, society, (type A, and type B). These can be summed up as follows. Type A people, society: These people, societies, understand that everyone must be provided with the most fundamental of rights, which is: The freedom, choice, option, to move away from suffering, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, whenever they want. This is obvious, because if you do not have the right, freedom to move away from suffering, then it would be legal for anyone to kidnap you, and then imprison you in a basement, where you are then raped and tortured on a daily basis, for the rest of your entire life. Ie, in that basement, you would be going through intolerable pain, suffering, but you have no right to demand that you be allowed to leave that situation of suffering. Ie, the perpetrator is legally allowed to do anything that they want to you, for the rest of 3your entire life. And therefore, it’s obvious, that this right, freedom must exist in all aspects of life, and at all levels of life, existence. And, obviously, it must also be preventative. Therefore, the two main priorities of these people, societies, must be to: 1. Make sure that all people, entities, have the freedom, choice, option, to leave any situation of suffering (including life, existence itself), in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, whenever they want. 2. Not create new babies, entities, because they know that: a) Any baby that is brought into existence, will suffer regularly, throughout it’s entire lifetime. -- Ie, they know that they need to be preventative (of creating situations of suffering), and since life is inherently prison, torture, slavery, rape (suffering) from the moment that a baby is born, they know that it would be extremely immoral to bring a baby into existence. Indeed, it’s obvious that it would be extremely immoral to do this, because this would cause suffering, and they know that suffering is unacceptable and unnecessary. Note: The only people who are not able to truly recognise, admit this (that suffering is unacceptable and unnecessary), are all the selfish, immoral people, because they need to keep (directly and indirectly) brainwashing, programming themselves (and everyone), to believe that suffering is acceptable and necessary, because: (a) They have to do this, because it’s one of the main ways, of keeping people trapped, enslaved, (as their personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). (b) They have to do this, to hide their selfish, immoral actions, of controlling, manipulating, using, enslaving people, (babies, children, adults), as their personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves. (I will define “personal-slaves” and “work-slaves”, later in this short conclusion.) -------------------- Note: I say that their actions are “selfish, immoral”, because this is obvious (and indisputable), because they are directly causing suffering to people (their personal-slaves, (and, or workslaves)), and in most cases, that suffering will 4occur regularly, for an entire lifetime, (eg, when they bring a baby into existence). Note: This book uses terms like “bad”, “wrong”, and “selfish, immoral, cruel, evil”, because these terms can be real, true, objective, fact (and fair, equal, neutral, and not opinion-based, nor based on some agenda), if they’re all naturally derived from: “The neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything)”. -- I’ll explain this in detail, in the summary. b) A baby cannot consent to be born, and therefore, the act of having a baby, is non-consensual, (and therefore rape). -- Also, the type A people, society know, that if one non-consensual act is allowed to happen, then many non-consensual acts will start to happen, and this means that suffering will then spread to everyone. -------------------- Type B people, society: These people, societies, are selfish, immoral, because they only care about trying to use, enslave all people (and entities), as their personal-slaves (and, or work-slaves), and therefore, they do all that they can, to make sure that no one is provided, with the most fundamental of rights, (the freedom, choice, option, to move away from suffering, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, whenever they want). And therefore, they try to restrict this freedom, in all aspects of life, and at all levels of life, existence. Therefore, the two main priorities of these people, societies, are to: 1. Make sure that no one has the freedom, choice, option, to leave life, existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, (whenever they want). -- And to ensure this, they will invent, create, implement (and enforce), many rules, beliefs, systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), in all aspects of life, which prevents this from happening. 2. Encourage, pressure, coerce, condition, brainwash, program everyone, to do things that will (directly or indirectly) create new babies, entities, because they know that: a) As soon as a person has a baby, that person is then part of the crime, and therefore that person will then have to constantly brainwash, program themselves (and everyone), to believe that: • Having a baby is good, moral, selfless, important, etc. • Having a baby will bring you happiness, joy, love, etc. • Suffering is acceptable, important, good, necessary, etc. • Suffering is part of life, (and therefore you, we, everyone, 5must just accept it). • Using, enslaving people (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves), is something that is acceptable, important, good, necessary, etc. • Etc. -------------------- Note: The aim of brainwashing, programming, is to be able to make people so blind, that whilst they're looking at a black object (eg, suffering), you'll be able to tell them, that it's actually white, and they'll believe you, (rather than their direct experience (of suffering)). This is vital, because only when you can control them on this level, can you make them believe that: (a) They're not suffering, (even whilst they're having the direct experience of suffering). -- And this means that you can continue to use them as your personal-slave, (and, or work-slave). Or, (b) They are suffering, but they chose it, (and, or want it, and, or need it), for reasons x, y, z. -- And this means that you can continue to use them as your personal-slave, (and, or work-slave). b) If new babies, entities are not created, then there will not be enough people to use as slaves, (personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves), and this will make life (for the type B people) harder, and, or not as enjoyable, and, or it will totally collapse their family, community, society, country, or whatever else. Ie, these things are the desires and fears, of the type B people, societies. And therefore, it is from these selfish desires and fears, that all their actions will be based. And therefore, all actions from all type B people, societies, will always be inherently selfish and immoral. -- And therefore, there will always be suffering. -------------------- Note: There is no middle ground (between the type A, and type B people, societies), because all people either have this most fundamental of rights, freedoms, or they don't. And, if they don't have this most fundamental of rights, freedoms, (ie, the freedom, choice, option, to move away from suffering, in an 6instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, whenever they want), then they don't have any real, true freedom, which must inherently mean, that they're in a life which is inherently prison, torture, slavery, rape, (whether: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual). ---------- Note: Although the type A people, society, will do these things (as explained above), to reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, it's not a hardship, (nor something that they do unwillingly), because it's just something that they naturally do, because they just naturally do not want to cause suffering, to any person, entity, being, dimension, anything. Ie, the type A people, society, aren't trying to be moral (or whatever else), they just simply don't want any person, thing to suffer. -------------------- However, the information above (about reducing, preventing, eliminating suffering), is only one part of the story. -- Indeed, it can only be one part of the story, because life has three key, fundamental parts (desires) to it, which are to: 1. Permanently reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering. And, 2. Get ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss. And, 3. Get “That” (which is beyond happiness, pleasure, joy, ecstasy, etc, and beyond freedom, peace, love, bliss, and beyond all divine, godly, religious, spiritual experiences, and beyond: truth, identity, enlightenment, god, experience, self-realisation, etc). In this book, I will use the word “That”, but some other people might call it: 'It', 'Home', 'Source', 'Truth', etc. -- Note: I will talk about how to get “That”, (or be as “That”), but the use of these words, terms (eg, “get”, “be as”, etc), are all incorrect, however, they will have to do. Note: The type A people, societies, will want to make sure that all people, entities, things in existence, get these three things (in points 1 to 3 (above)). There is one key fact about these three fundamental desires in life, and this will become obvious, when a person is able to clearly, honestly look at everything in life, existence. -- To see everything clearly, honestly, all you need to do, is to see everything from “The neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything)”, (as will be explained in the summary of this book)). -- Ie, by doing this, a person is not looking at everything in life, in a skewed, biased, deluded, filtered way, due to their selfish desires, fears, delusions. So when this is done, the one key fact about these three fundamental desires in life, (which becomes obvious), is that all three of these things, are pointing in the same 7direction, and towards the same conclusion, thing. And what this means, is that no matter what aspect of life (or level of life) you start with, if you examine it with ever-deeper honesty, there will be many superficial conclusions, realisations (which I will detail in the long conclusion), and they will all be pointing in the same direction, towards the same fundamental conclusion, thing. An example of two of these superficial conclusions, realisations, are: A) All types of society, life, existence, are only in existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes. B) The less that you cling to people, things in existence, the more freedom, peace, love, bliss you will have (in the long-term). And, these two superficial conclusions, realisations, (like all the other conclusions, realisations), are all pointing in the same direction, towards the same fundamental conclusion, thing, which is that: All things in life, are directing everyone, towards “That”. Of course, this is to be expected, since “That”, is something that solves the first two fundamental desires in life, (as explained in points 1 and 2 (above)), because “That” is something which: 1. Has (is) zero suffering. And, 2. Is beyond freedom, peace, love, bliss. Ie, what this all means, is that the only true freedom, peace, love, bliss, is in (as) “That”. Of course, this is to be expected, because “That”, is something which is beyond all people, things, experiences, feelings, sensations in existence, and beyond freedom, peace, love, bliss, and beyond existence itself. Ie, earlier in this conclusion, instead of saying that “life has three key, fundamental parts (desires) to it, which are...”, I could have just said that: Life has one key, fundamental part (desire) to it, which is the desire for “That”. ---------------------------------------- Indeed, this is all obvious, however, the key thing that most people are blind to, (because they've blinded themselves to it), is the fact that: 8This thing called “That”, is non-existence. Note: Non-existence, is what remains, in the absence of everything, (including: awareness, consciousness, “i”, “I”, dimensions, realms, existence, etc). -- Therefore, non-existence is not a state-of-being, where you are aware of the void, nothingness, etc, (since awareness cannot exist in non-existence). -- Indeed, non-existence is not a state-of-being of any kind, since it is beyond all of this, and it's also beyond: enlightenment, awakening, self-realisation, liberation, non-duality, etc. -- Indeed, it's so far beyond all of these games, nonsense, that it can't be compared to any of it. Note: The reason why the word “That” is in quotes, is because it’s not a ‘thing’ that exists, (and indeed, it can’t exist, since: “That” is that which remains, in the absence of all things). -- The key point that I’m trying to emphasise, is that the word “That”, is in quotes, purely for this reason, and not for any other reason. Ie, it’s not in quotes, because it’s some mystical thing which no words can describe. Yes, it’s true (in a sense), that no words can describe it, however, this is only because it is not some ‘thing’ that exists. However, this thing called “That”, is not a mystery, since we do know what it is, (since “That” is the absence of all things, (which is the same as non-existence)). And, yes, it’s true (in a sense), that this thing called “That”, is something that cannot be attained, however, this is not because it is some thing (or some state-of-being) which is: mystical, illusive, hard to attain, etc. Ie, the only reason why it “cannot be attained”, is because to “attain” something, you (as a person) need to exist. And, “That”, can only exist, in the absence of all things, (which therefore also includes you, as a person, or as any other identity, eg: consciousness, awareness, oneness, nothingness, everything, existence, non-existence, “That”, etc). Note: That last sentence did also include non-existence, and “That”. Ie, yes, it is true, that when you strip away all the superficial (and deep) layers of a person, then what will remain, is “That” (non-existence), however, it’s ridiculous to say, “I am ‘That’”, because you cannot exist in “That”, nor as “That”. -- However, “That” can ‘exist’ by itself, (as non-existence). So, for all these reasons (which I have just explained), it does still make sense to put the word “That” in quotes, however, just remember, that the quotes are not there, to say that “That” is something which you truly are, (or whatever other similar attempt to claim a new identity), nor are the quotes there, to state that this thing is a mystery, (or: mystical, spiritual, divine, etc). Indeed, it’s totally the opposite, since there is nothing simpler, than non-existence. ---------- Note: There are many reasons why people are blind to this fact (that this thing called “That”, is non-existence), and I'll explain all of them, in the long conclusion. -- And I'll also explain, why it's obvious, that this thing called “That”, is non-existence. 9And I'll also show how so many other things, then also become obvious. Eg, it's obvious that, “All types of society, life, existence, are only in existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes”, because, if you wanted the ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss, you wouldn't create babies, entities, life, existence, because the ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss, only exists in (as) “That”, (non-existence). -------------------- Note: Although some of this information (eg, the sentence, “All types of society, life, existence, are only in existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes”), might sound too unrelatable, irrelevant (in terms of reducing, preventing, eliminating suffering in normal everyday life), it’s actually all totally relevant, because it's actually this exact same issue, that is causing all the suffering in everyone's normal everyday life, because: 1. People are only staying in life, existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes. And, 2. People are only creating babies, entities in life, existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes. These selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes, are to use, enslave these newly created babies, children (and future adults), as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves. The definitions of these, are as follows: a) Personal-slaves. Personal-slaves are babies, children, adults, which are used, enslaved, not for work purposes, reasons, but for personal reasons, uses. Ie, if you have a relationship partner, (or: friend, baby, child, family, etc), then they are your personal-slaves, because you're trying to get, control, manipulate, use (enslave) a person, (whether that person is a baby, child, adult), in order to get things from them, (eg: happiness, love, money, entertainment, energy, attention, power, respect, sex, pleasure, affection, intimacy, a connection, popularity, image, identity, certain feelings, security, safety, stability, survival, peace, freedom, a family, a child, experiences, sensations, etc). Note: People only decide to have babies (and relationships, friendships, families, etc), because they want some (or many) of these things. b) Direct work-slaves. If you are using, enslaving a person, (not for personal reasons, 10but for work reasons), then that enslaved person, is your work-slave. -- This can be split into two categories: direct work-slaves, and indirect work-slaves. Direct work-slaves, are children, adults, who you directly use, enslave, to do work, chores, jobs, etc, (whether for some of the time, or all of the time). -- A basic example of this, is a house maid, servant, slave. However, there are also many other examples. Eg, you force your children, (when they're old enough), to be a slave (get a job, and do their own chores), because this means that they're then doing their own job, work, chores (to keep themselves alive), so that you can then continue to use them, as your personal-slave, (but without you having to pay for things (food, water, shelter, etc), to keep them alive, or doing the basic chores, which are necessary to keep them alive). c) Indirect work-slaves. Indirect work-slaves, are people, entities, and you want these people, entities, to be constantly created, born (and kept alive), because you want to use them, to do work for you (indirectly). Eg, you want people (who you don't directly know), to work (be a slave) at jobs, because you want to have: electricity and water in your home, and to have food in shops, and to have your trash taken away, etc. And, or, you want other people to deal with certain things, that you don't want to deal with yourself, (eg, dealing with: dead people, old incapacitated people, sewage, making clothes, things in factories, etc). ---------- Note: This information about indirect work-slaves, is only half of the story. -- Ie, one half of the story, is that people want babies to be constantly created, born (and kept alive), so that they can be used as indirect work-slaves. -- However, the other half of the story, is that people don't just want this, but they also (inherently) want: A) Them to be brainwashed, programmed to get jobs. B) Them to be brainwashed, programmed to not leave their jobs. C) A fail-safe system, to make sure that they do not (and, or 11cannot) leave their jobs. D) Them to be deeply brainwashed, programmed, to believe (as a matter of fact), that they should never kill themselves. (I’ll explain all of this in detail, in the long conclusion.) And the brainwashing, programming will be so deep, that they won’t even know that it’s been put inside them. -- This is always necessary, because otherwise they would kill themselves. This is obvious, because if a person can’t escape a situation of suffering (which is going to last decades long), then they will want to escape from life. E) A fail-safe system, to make sure that they can't kill themselves easily. -- Ie, if the brainwashing, programming (from the previous point) starts to fail, then they might want to kill themselves, however, many of them won’t do it, if they can’t get the equipment, medicine needed, to kill themselves in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed way. Ie, the reason why they can’t get this equipment, medicine, etc, is because it’s been made illegal. -------------------- Note: It’s important to recognise (and admit), that these last two points (D and E), are not just what people want for their indirect work-slaves, but also for their personal-slaves. Moreover, most people, societies, want all five of these points (A to E), not just for their work-slaves, but also for their personal-slaves. And, 3. People are only forcing other people to stay in life, existence, for selfish (malevolent) reasons, purposes. -- These reasons, purposes, are to keep being able to use, enslave these newly created babies, children (and future adults), as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves. -- And, of course, this can only be done, if they make sure, that no one is provided, with the most fundamental of rights, (the freedom, choice, option, to move away from suffering, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, whenever they want). -------------------- 12Note: When talking about personal-slaves and work-slaves, one important point that needs to be seen from all of this, is that: People create babies, children, with the intent to enslave them, (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). Moreover, this is what people call: “love”, “care”, “moral”, “selfless”, etc. And, almost all people think that this behaviour is acceptable, ok, important, etc, (even if they don't have (or want) children themselves). ---------- Note: People say that they “care”, but all they really care about, is doing just enough, to ensure that all slaves (personal-slaves and work-slaves) are: 1. Kept alive. 2. Kept in a useable state. Ie, people will do everything in their power, to make sure that their personal-slaves are healthy (and kept alive), because they want to use them. -- Indeed, this is to be expected, because a dead personal-slave, is of no use to them, and an unhealthy personal-slave, is unpleasant to use, (or is unusable). ---------- And what compounds this, is the fact that all people know, that it takes a lot of time, energy, money, effort, etc, to: 1. Find, and then condition, groom, a partner, friend, lover, into a good personal-slave, (ie, one which fulfils your desires). 2. Create, and then condition, groom, a baby, child, into a good personal-slave, (ie, one which fulfils your desires). Ie, this makes people even more determined to make sure, that their personal-slaves never have any real fundamental freedom, choice, option, (eg, the freedom, choice, option to leave life). -------------------- Note: Since everyone is doing this immoral behaviour, this means that everyone is constantly trying to hide their immoral behaviour. However, even after hiding it, they continue to keep brainwashing, programming everyone, because they want to be allowed to do all of this immoral behaviour, in plain-sight. Of course, the result of all this, is inevitable, where everyone has brainwashed, programmed everyone to such a degree, that everyone now believes (and 13sees) black (suffering) as white. And indeed, this is why people are seeing everything in life, upside-down. And it’s important to see, that the things which are the most upside-down, are the most important things in life. -- And, the most important things in life, are the ones to do with suffering. -- And this is why there's so much suffering in the world. ---------- And, it’s important to see that: There will always be suffering in the world, because people want (and need) suffering to exist. The reason why people want (and need) suffering to exist, is because pain, suffering is a weapon, tactic which everyone uses, to control, manipulate, brainwash, program, condition their personal-slaves (and work-slaves). -- Indeed, pain, suffering, is the number one weapon, tactic, as a punishment, and reward. It might sound strange to say “and reward”, but everyone does this. Ie, everyone uses pain, suffering not only for punishment, but also for reward, (ie, the reward is that the perpetrator temporarily ceases to cause pain, suffering to their personal-slave). ---------- Of course, what this means, is that feelings, sensation, awareness, etc, are all only necessary, to create an entity that is able to be used, enslaved, raped. -- Ie, feelings, sensation, awareness, consciousness, etc, are all only created, for malevolent purposes. Of course, many people try to brainwash, program everyone to believe, that awareness, feelings, sensations, consciousness, memory, etc, are good, great, divine, etc. -- However, it's obvious, that they are cruel, evil things, because there is no choice in them. Ie, Unless you can get rid of awareness, consciousness, memory, etc, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way, (whenever you want), then these things are inherently (by definition), weapons, tactics, which are deliberately designed to create imprisonment, torture, slavery, rape. And since Awareness, consciousness, memory, etc, is what “existence” is, this inherently means that “Existence” is also a thing, that is a weapon, tactic, which is deliberately designed to create imprisonment, torture, slavery, rape. 14-------------------- And therefore, It is to be expected, that existence will always be inherently causing suffering. And therefore, To reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, there is no other option, except to end existence, forever. -------------------- And, no matter which way you come at it, the result is always the same. -- Eg, it's obvious that all these things (feelings, sensation, awareness, consciousness, etc) are malevolent, because anything that is done for benevolent reasons, would want all people, entities, dimensions, to have zero pain, suffering (and ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss). And, the only thing which is zero pain, suffering (and ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss), is “That”, (non-existence). Ie, if you are benevolent, then the only thing worth creating, is “That”. However, “That”, is something that only exists, in the absence of creation, existence. Therefore, if you are benevolent, you will inherently: 1. Not create any creation, existence. 2. Not perpetuate any creation, existence. 3. End the whole of existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. And therefore, any action that is anything other than these three things, is (by definition) malevolent. -------------------- Note: If anyone is concerned that this conclusion is finding that everything in existence is malevolent, then let me clarify this situation for you. After you are able to clearly, honestly see everything in life, existence, it’s just so obvious, that: It is all malevolent, because if it was benevolent, there would be zero suffering. 15It’s just that simple. ------------------------------ And therefore, it really is true, that all types of enlightenment, (and all types of paths to enlightenment), are malevolent. And this is so obvious, because it’s obvious that the only thing worth having, being, is the thing which is zero suffering for all (and ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss for all), which is “That”, (non-existence). Ie, all statements about enlightenment being malevolent, are true, (and this is regardless of whatever definitions are used, (and regardless of whether it’s called: enlightenment, awakening, self-realisation, ascension, descension, or whatever else)). -- Of course, the only exception to this, is if it’s accepted that, There is only one true definition of enlightenment, which is that: True enlightenment occurs, when the whole of existence permanently becomes “That”, (non-existence). -------------------- And therefore, it’s obvious that: There is only one ideal path to true enlightenment, which is to end the whole of existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. -------------------- And, of course, since “True enlightenment occurs, when the whole of existence permanently becomes “That”, (non-existence)”, then what this means, is that there can’t be any things like “enlightened people” (or enlightened: beings, entities, societies, worlds, times, eras, dimensions, realms, etc). Note: With this true type of enlightenment, there’s absolutely no need to discuss anything about it, because there’s absolutely no ambiguity, (nor issues about interpretation, nor anything to dispute, nor any other stupidity), because this enlightenment is about the whole of existence as “That” (non-existence), and in non-existence, there are: • No teachings. • No teachers, (and no enlightened people, beings, etc). • No students, disciples, followers, etc. • No special places, (eg, ashrams, monasteries, etc). • No rules, dogma, etc. • No person that can get enlightenment. • No special powers. • No such thing as enlightenment, (or awakening, self-realisation, etc). • No special, higher dimensions (or realms, etc). 16• No god. • No existence. • Etc. Indeed, it’s even ridiculous to use the term enlightenment. ---------- Of course, when you understand all of this, you then realise, that all the things which people call enlightenment, spirituality, religion, god, etc, are nothing but weapons, tactics to control, manipulate, use, enslave people, (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). Note: All of this causes suffering, but the blame for all of this, is on the people, (not on the institutions, organisations, systems), because people are constantly creating (and, or perpetuating the existence of) these religions, institutions, groups, organisations, systems, etc, because they want to use these things, to control, manipulate, enslave their personal-slaves (and, or work-slaves). Ie, all these things cause suffering, but people want them to be kept in existence, because people want to use them, as part of their arsenal of weapons, tactics. And, of course, that is only part of their arsenal. -- Ie, there are many other weapons, tactics, including all the rules, beliefs, systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), across all aspects of life. And, it’s important to remember, that: All of this is created (and, or perpetuated), purely because people want to use, enslave people, (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). -------------------------------------------------- Note: It’s important to see, how all the information in this conclusion, is applicable to all levels of life. One example of this, is that a person can use the information provided, to truly, totally deprogram themselves, and even if they start at the superficial levels, it will lead them to ever-deeper levels, and then to “That”. -- To give an example of this, let’s use the following obvious statement. To reduce the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that is in your life, you have to recognise (and admit), the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that you are in. This is obviously a superficial level of deprograming, however, it does lead you to ever-deeper levels, and then to “That”. -- To make this clearer, we can re-word it, as follows: To reduce the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that is in your life, 17you have to recognise (and admit), the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that is your life. And, this is true for all levels. Ie, it’s true for the individual, and for existence itself. -- Indeed, to make this clearer, we can re-word it, as follows: To reduce the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that is in existence, you have to recognise (and admit), the prison, torture, slavery, rape, that is existence. Ie, it then becomes very obvious, that the only solution, is to end existence. And then, what remains, is “That”, (non-existence). ---------- Note: What all of this should be beginning to show, is that the idea of ending existence, (in order to end all suffering (for all)), is not some out-there desperate idea, but instead, it's just the only solution. -------------------------------------------------- However, let’s bring it down to the level of the individual again. It’s important to realise, that to solve any problems in life (no matter how small), you need to examine everything. Indeed, this is obvious, because life is something that is made up from many different aspects, subjects, topics (in and of life), and these are all interrelated, and inextricably interlinked. -- Therefore, if you make even the smallest of changes to one aspect of life, the other aspects will all be affected. Therefore, if you want to solve problems in life, you can't just solve one aspect at a time, (because this will solve one aspect, but cause problems in all other aspects of life). Therefore, you have to examine it all, or not bother. Indeed, doing anything else, will just create more problems, suffering. ---------- And what is also obvious, is that to reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, the absolute deepest issues in life must be analysed. -- By “deepest”, I mean the absolute deepest, because if there are 100 levels, but you only analyse 99 levels, then all those 99 levels which you analysed, can all be incorrect, bad, upside-down, because all those 99 levels, are built on top of the most fundamental level, (which you have not analysed). A good example of not analysing a fundamental level, can be seen in the subject of 18suffering. -- Eg, if you've been brainwashed, programmed to believe that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”, then when you do an activity in life, which makes you suffer, you just think that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”, and therefore, you'll just keep doing that same activity, and therefore, you'll keep suffering. Ie, this will keep happening, until you analyse (and deprogram) the brainwashing, programming in you, which made you believe that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”. -------------------- However, even if you do analyse all of the fundamental levels, issues in life, it is also vital, that you analyse all of the other levels, (all the way up to the most superficial levels). Most people do not do this, and this makes their knowledge (about the fundamental level), meaningless (due to it being an incomplete picture, understanding of the whole), and therefore, this will inevitably lead them to cause suffering (to themselves, and others, and everyone). ---------- Of course, most people don't want to examine all levels, because that is their tactic. Ie, to avoid learning that they’re a selfish, immoral, cruel person, they simply avoid examining certain levels. -- Eg, if someone is exposing them as being selfish, immoral, then they’ll hide behind some quotes which refer to some deeper level, (eg, the level of non-duality). Indeed, it’s common to hear people try to escape their immoral actions, by saying things like: “There is no good, bad, right, wrong, moral, immoral”. Of course, after you know about the “neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything)”, these people will not be able to escape via those tactics. And neither will you. And neither will anyone. -- I’ll explain this in more detail, at the end of this short conclusion. -------------------- Of course, because those people will not be able to escape via any of those tactics, they will then resort to other tactics, (eg, sly, subtle ridicule, shaming, etc). Indeed, this is common in all aspects of life, (eg, relationships, friendships, family, etc). Note: It’s important to see, that because people are constantly being immoral (by using, enslaving people (as their personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves)), this means that they're going to be constantly trying to say things to you, in an attempt to brainwash, program you, and this will keep happening, until they succeed in making you believe that their immoral actions, are moral and acceptable. Therefore, if you know that what they’re doing is immoral, then it’s important to realise, that this will never end. -- Ie, they will never be able to give up trying to brainwash, program you. And indeed, they can’t ever give up, because they need everyone around them to believe that 19using, enslaving people as personal-slaves (and work-slaves) is moral and acceptable, because otherwise they will begin to feel guilty about all the suffering that they’re causing their personal-slaves (and work-slaves). Therefore, since this could go on forever, if you want to reduce, prevent, eliminate some suffering in your life, all you need to remember, is that as soon as you see anyone trying to subtly, slyly use all kinds of brainwashing, programming, control, manipulation, tactics (of whatever kind) on you, then you just naturally see that as a warning sign (of what they’re truly like), and therefore, you realise that the only wise course of action, is to instantly end the relationship, interaction, and permanently cut all communication with them, forever. ---------- Side note: You do not need to give them any explanation, answer (about why you want to leave the relationship, interaction, and cut all communication with them, forever). -- However, if they want an explanation, answer, (and if you want to say one last thing (which might help them)), then just tell them that they will have their answer (and all their answers), if they examine the situation with ever-deeper honesty. ---------- Side note: The term “ever-deeper honesty”, refers to the process of being honest in ever-deeper ways. This is different to the term “Ever Deeper Honesty”, which refers to the title of this book. (This is explained a bit more, on the last page of this book.) -------------------------------------------------- Note: Many people will try to say (argue) that: 1. “I am not using people as personal-slaves, or work-slaves.” 2. “I give people freedom.” 3. “Life is not prison, torture, slavery, rape.” 4. “Life is not just 99% suffering, with a small scrap of happiness, peace for 1% of the time.” 5. Etc. The key point is, that none of this needs to be discussed, because it’s all just words, excuses, lies, misdirection, deceit, gaslighting, etc. -- This is true, because all of the issues in these statements (in points 1 to 4 (above)), are not things that are debatable, because it’s indisputable that all these issues exist, as soon as people, society are doing the things, that the type B people, society do. Indeed, a simple way to see this, is that: If a person honestly believes these statements (in points 1 to 4 (above)), then they will have absolutely no issue with proving it. Ie, if they believe these statements, then they can prove this, by allowing a charity to be created, which will provide everyone with two things: 201. A building, (which will be in every town), which absolutely any person can walk into, and ask to leave life, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed way. 2. A service, (which will be in every town), which absolutely any person can phone, to request a person to come to their home, so that they can leave life, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed way. And, this charity, service, building, will allow the person to choose any method of death, including the option to have an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed death whilst they’re in the deepest states of deep sleep. (Note: Many people would want this type of death, for many reasons, which I’ll explain in the long conclusion. Indeed when you see the reasons, you’ll see that many people would prefer this over a natural death, or suicide, or the usual methods of assisted-suicide (consensual-murder). -- Indeed, this is obvious, because there is no type of death that is more peaceful, than an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed death whilst a person is in the deepest states of deep sleep. The key point is, that the time for talk, debate, conversation (ie, excuses, lies, misdirection, deceit, gaslighting, etc), is over, because this freedom to move away from suffering, either exists, or it doesn’t. Indeed, you are either a type A person, society, or a type B person, society. And, this is not about trying to use words to convince (lie) about which one you are, because no conversation is needed, because a simple observation will reveal if: • You use people as personal-slaves (and, or work-slaves), or not. • This charity, service, building exists, or not. • Babies are being brought into existence, or not. • You are trapping, imprisoning, enslaving, torturing, raping people, via creating (and, or perpetuating) various rules, beliefs, systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), or not. • Etc. Note: It’s important to realise, that this does not require intelligence, nor does it depend on believing people, governments, organisations, groups (whether official, or unofficial, alternative, or whatever else). Ie, each person can do this for themselves. Ie, each person can see if this charity, service, building exits, for them. Ie, each person can 21check for themselves, whether they (themselves) have access to this charity, service, building. Indeed, it’s vital that each person has access to this charity, service, building, because it’s vital that not one person, entity is excluded. And therefore, this charity, service, building, has to be restriction free. Ie, there are no requirements (eg, age, class, gender, race, etc), and also, there are no checks, no waiting, delaying, nor any other sly tactics. -- Indeed, you simply phone (or walk into) this charity, service, building, and you are then provided with instant freedom from this life of prison, torture, slavey, rape, and it all happens in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed way. And it’s important to see, that doing anything other than this, is outright immoral, cruel, evil, since it is directly causing people to suffer an entire lifetime of prison, torture, slavey, rape (suffering). ---------- Side note: Any people who say that “Everyone already has the freedom, to just go and commit suicide”, are totally ignorant (and selfish, immoral), because: 1. A quick think (or listen) about the subject of suicide, reveals that there is absolutely no method of suicide, which provides an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed death. And, the last one of those words, (“guaranteed”), is (arguably) the most important one, because all methods of suicide can easily, accidentally go wrong, and then you still end up having to be in this despicable life, but in a situation, life of even more suffering. 2. Many people only want to leave life, whilst they have: a) Absolutely zero negative thoughts (in their head). And, b) Absolutely zero negative emotions, energies (in their body). There are a whole variety of reasons why people will want this. What this means, is that they only want to leave life, if there is a method which provides an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed way out of life whilst they’re in the deepest states of deep sleep. And for most people, this is an impossible thing to set-up (and do) by themselves, especially since a lot of the equipment that is needed to do this, is illegal. -- And, if people help each other with this, then despite the fact that this act is moral (since it ends suffering), and is consensual (ie, it is consensual-murder), it is illegal. The key point is, that most of these people do not want to do any illegal things, 22because this might lead to being put in jail, which is a situation, life of even more suffering. 3. Many people will not be able to commit suicide, because they’ve been brainwashed, programmed (since birth), with thousands of rules, beliefs, systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), and this has been done directly and indirectly, and all of these rules, beliefs, systems, sit on top of very deep programs, beliefs, (eg, the belief, idea, story, lie, gaslighting that: “Life is good, death is bad”). Ie, they might have removed many programs from themselves (ie, deprogramed themselves a bit), however, they might not be able to remove this belief, program, because they do not know that it is in them (because it was put into them in an indirect way). (I’ll explain this in more detail, later in this short conclusion.) Note: It’s important to remember, that all of this brainwashing, programming, teaching, conditioning is done, purely so that people can use, enslave, rape people, (as their personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). 4. Etc. The level of how selfish, immoral, cruel, evil this all is, will become increasingly apparent, when these terms (“personal-slaves”, “direct work-slaves”, and “indirect work-slaves”), are examined with ever-deeper honesty, (which I will do, in the long conclusion). -- And, you will then also understand, the importance of using words like “cruel, evil”. Indeed, there are many very good reasons why these words need to be used, (but it must be done in a fair, equal, neutral way). ------------------------------ Note: Earlier on, I mentioned the issue that: Life is 99% suffering, with a small scrap of happiness, peace (for 1% of the time). This is true, if you include all types of suffering (including light, mild suffering), and it’s calculated across your entire lifetime. This is all obvious, if you’re able to clearly observe life, with ever-deeper honesty. -- This is a big issue to cover, because all aspects of life, need to be covered. So this will all be done in detail, in the long conclusion. Of course, doing this in detail, needs to be done for many other reasons, eg: to show that all things in life are pointing in the same direction, (towards “That”, (non-existence)), and this includes even the most amazing moments in life, (including: divine ecstasy, pure pleasure, orgasms, true happiness, etc). 23---------- Note: All of that information (in the long conclusion), will be able to help you permanently reduce some suffering (in many different aspects of your life). However, if you want to permanently eliminate all suffering in your life, then: You have to open your mind, to the fact that the solution to this, is not in life, existence, but from life, existence. ------------------------------ Note: No matter where you start from, this solution, conclusion is always the same. Before moving onto the summary, let’s run through this solution, conclusion in a slightly different way, as follows. To get to the key point, let's start from here: People are (obviously) not free, because they're not provided with an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way out of life, whenever they want. And, the only reason why people are not provided with an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way out of life, is because: Everyone wants to imprison, torture, enslave, rape everyone, (as their personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). And therefore, this means that: Life will always inherently be prison, torture, slavery, rape. And therefore, this means that: Life will always inherently be suffering. ---------- Indeed, a clear, honest observation of life, will show you that all of the statements (in this conclusion) are true. -- And, no matter which way you come at it, the result is always the same, which is that: Life is suffering. And, if you're able to see clearly, honestly, you'll see how even the most amazing, wonderful things in life, are inextricably interlinked with suffering. ---------- So, from all of the above, we can then say that: 24Since, Suffering is unacceptable and unnecessary. And, Life is suffering. It inherently follows, that Life is unacceptable and unnecessary. And therefore, that Existence is unacceptable and unnecessary. -------------------- However, The ultimate permanent solution, to all problems, pain, suffering, discomfort, in life (and existence), is the same as, The ultimate permanent freedom, peace, love, bliss, (which everyone is seeking, desiring), and therefore, All desires, fears, seeking, and realisations, will inevitably all lead to this one-same-thing, which is “That”, (non-existence). ---------- And therefore, it becomes clear that some of these previous statements (eg, “Existence is unacceptable and unnecessary”), is not a bad thing, because everyone’s (deepest) desire, is for “That”, (non-existence). ------------------------------ Indeed, when you see things clearly, honestly, you realise that everything is actually pointing in this direction. Eg, earlier on in this conclusion, I said: “the type A people, society, aren't trying to be moral (or whatever else), they just simply don't want any person, thing to suffer.” Of course, I only said this as a stepping-stone, because the truth is that: By the time a society is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent. 25Ie, even if people, society are 90% moral, they will still have suffering in their lives, (because suffering will still be caused, because there is still 10% immorality), and therefore, they will naturally be propelled to keep eliminating suffering (in ever-deeper ways, (and at ever-deeper levels), until there is zero suffering, for all people, entities, beings, at all levels, including existence itself. Note: From this previous statement (“By the time a society is truly 100% moral, it is nonexistent”), it’s obvious that: By the time a society is truly worth living in, it is non-existent. -------------------- And indeed, all of this is true at all levels, and therefore, when this is applied at the level of the individual person, it is realised that: By the time a person, entity is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent. And from this, it’s obvious that: By the time a person, body, consciousness is truly worth living in (having), it is non-existent. ---------- And when this is applied at the level of existence, it is realised that: By the time existence is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent, (ie, non-existence, ie, “That”). And from this, it’s obvious that: By the time existence is truly worth living in (having), it is non-existent, (ie, non-existence, ie, “That”). ---------- And therefore, the inescapable conclusion, is that: The only thing truly worth living in (having)(being), is “That”, (non-existence). -------------------------------------------------- Therefore, from all of the above, it becomes obvious, that no matter where you start, it always comes down to the same conclusion, realisation, solution, desire, which is that: The ideal permanent solution, desire, of how to end all suffering (for all) (and 26get “That” which is beyond freedom, peace, love, bliss), is to end existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. It might sound strange (to some people), to say that existence can be ended (instantly, painlessly), but it is a practical possibility, (because anything that is created, can be ended). And, this is true, no matter whether the creation of existence, is: a projection, holographic, virtual, real, solid, a computer simulation, etc. Note: Perhaps only certain people, entities, have the ability to end existence, (in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way). Or, perhaps it needs a few people, entities, to be able to do this, (and, or, perhaps this needs to be 0.1% of the population). And, or, perhaps certain devices, equipment are needed. However, whatever the case, the important thing to realise, is that: Life, existence can be ended, and it will definitely be ended, because it’s already happening. -- Indeed, life, existence is naturally, inherently, inevitably going to end, because “life” (and “existence”), are just systems, and no systems is 100%. -- Ie, all systems will naturally, inherently, inevitably crack, and then they will keep cracking, until they no longer exist. -- Ie, it’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”. ---------- However, it’s also important to remember, that when speaking about any type of systems (eg, political, societal, financial, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), it is obvious that: All systems are going to (inherently) always cause suffering. And therefore: The longer the system continues, the longer the suffering will drag on. Ie: The longer the system continues (until the system totally ends, (no longer exists)), the longer the suffering will drag on. ---------- And, since life, existence is a system, this means that: The longer existence continues (until existence totally ends, (no longer exists)), the longer the suffering will drag on. ------------------------------ And, of course, the speed at which a system will come to an end, is dependent on various 27factors. Indeed, a good example is that: A building can’t collapse, end, if people, entities are constantly maintaining, perpetuating that building. Ie, in more general terms: A system can’t collapse, end, if people, entities are constantly maintaining, perpetuating that system. And at a deeper level, this means that: Existence can’t collapse, end, if people, entities are constantly maintaining, perpetuating that existence. And what this means, is that: Suffering can’t collapse, end, if people, entities are constantly maintaining, perpetuating that suffering. ---------- Therefore, everyone needs to realise, recognise, admit, that: 1. “Life” (and “existence”), are just systems. 2. All systems cause suffering. 3. The only true permanent way to end all suffering (for all), is to instantly, painlessly end all systems. And therefore, 4. The ultimate permanent solution, to end all suffering (for all), is to instantly, painlessly end existence, because then what remains, is “That” (which is beyond: peace, love, bliss, pain, suffering, etc), which is what everyone is truly wanting. And, the only way that this will all happen quicker, is if people recognise, admit, all the key points in this conclusion, eg, that: • Life (and existence) is prison, torture, slavery, rape. • Life (and existence) is survival of the stupidest. • Suffering is unacceptable, and unnecessary. • Using, enslaving people (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves), is unacceptable, and unnecessary. 28• Life (and existence) is unacceptable, and unnecessary. • Etc. ---------- And it’s important to realise, that this will all just naturally happen, if people just stop deluding, lying, misdirecting, brainwashing, programming, gaslighting themselves (and others). -- Ie, just stop with all that selfishness, stupidity, immorality, because it only causes you (and everyone) suffering, because you (and everyone) are just perpetuating suffering. However, do not see the things that I'm saying in this conclusion, as new beliefs to cling to. -- Actually, this is not an issue, because all of this information will do it’s job, and then dissolve itself. Indeed, this is obvious, because if people, societies act on this type of information, it will naturally propel them to keep moving towards less and less suffering and ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss, until all that remains, is “That”. ---------------------------------------- Note: A typical argument (excuse, misdirection), that many people will say, is: “If all people, entities, things, dimensions (and existence itself), are all inevitably heading towards “That”, then nothing needs to be done”. The simple answer to this, is that: Doing this is fine, if you want to suffer. Indeed, it all just depends on how much people, societies want to suffer. -- I’ll explain this as follows. In terms of how much people, societies want to suffer, this can be broken down into three options: Option 1: Extreme long-term suffering, will happen to all people, societies which are taking the indirect (totally opposite direction) route (to “That”). What I mean by the “indirect (totally opposite direction) route”, is that these people, societies are choosing a route of being selfish, immoral, bad, which will cause themselves immense long-term suffering, and this will keep happening, until the suffering becomes so extreme, that they are then forced to stop and examine all things in life (and life, existence itself). However, if they do not examine all aspects of life (and all levels of life, and life, existence itself, (in a clear, honest ever-deeper way)), then they will have to suffer more, (ie, keep going through this cycle-of-suffering), until they realise that the ultimate (and only) solution to suffering, is the same as the ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss, which is “That”, (non-existence). 29And therefore, all their actions (from that point onwards), is to help them (and everyone) get directly to “That”. Ie, all their actions are then moral. Whereas, the way that they were before, was purely about them living a selfish, immoral, bad life, where they used, enslaved other people, (as personal-slaves, and, or work-slaves). Side note: Just to reiterate this point, yes, I did use the word “bad”, because there is good, bad, (and: right, wrong, moral, immoral, etc). This is obvious, and I’ll explain this in more detail, when I explain the neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything), in the summary. Option 2: Short-term suffering, will happen to all people, societies which are taking the direct route (to “That”). These people, societies are just naturally moral, (ie, they just naturally do not want to cause suffering to others). -- And therefore: A) They just naturally do not want to bring any babies, entities into existence. B) They just naturally want to provide all people, entities, with the freedom, choice, option, to leave life, existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. C) They just naturally want to help deprogram any person, entity (who wants to truly, fully deprogram themselves). -- And, obviously, these people, societies, no longer brainwash, program anyone. Note: It’s important to see, that deprogramming will naturally happen (without external help), as soon as the constant brainwashing, programming (which everyone is constantly doing to each other) stops. Indeed, this is inevitable, because when someone suffers, they naturally stop to investigate what caused their suffering. However, in selfish, immoral societies, they get constantly told, brainwashed, programmed to believe that that suffering (which they are directly experiencing), is acceptable, important, necessary, etc, and therefore, this causes them to repeat the cycle-of-suffering. An analogy of this, is that you burn your hand on a hot stove, and therefore, you then remove it. However, you 30then get brainwashed, programmed to believe that that suffering (which you just experienced), is something that you must just accept (because: “That’s just part of life”, “You must be strong”, “You must persevere and succeed”, etc). -- Of course, if you accept this, then you’re going to put your hand back on the hot stove. And so the cycle-of-suffering continues. Option 3: Zero suffering, will happen to all people, societies which are taking the instant route (to “That”). These people, societies know that option 1 is pure stupidity (because why would you want to cause suffering to yourself). And they also know, that option 2 is good, but it’s still a little bit stupid, (because if you know that the ultimate end result, solution, desire, is “That”, then why not just go straight to “That”). And therefore, these people, societies will try to end existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. ---------- There is also a fourth option, which is those people, societies who are doing option 2 and 3 (simultaneously). Ie, whist trying to do option 3, they’re also doing option 2. Note: It’s important to realise, that even if people believe that option 3 is too difficult (or impossible, or whatever else), there is absolutely no excuse for not doing option 2, because points A, B and C (mentioned in option 2 (above)), are all able to be done by all people, societies, because A, B and C, do not need some skills (or technology) which only exists in the future. Ie, it’s all able to be done right now. And therefore, there is absolutely no way, excuse, for any people, societies, to justify their immoral behaviour. ------------------------------ Note: Some people might say, that after existence ends, it will just restart again. Ie, it won’t be permanent. This argument can be countered, and I will explain this all in more detail, in the long conclusion. Indeed, all arguments are countered. However, what is more important to see, is that all such arguments are not only countered, but are actually totally irrelevant. This might sound strange, but it’s true. I’ll explain why, in the long conclusion. The key point is, that no matter what arguments are used, or what aspect of life you’re examining, (and I will examine all aspects of everyday life), the ultimate solution, desire is always the same, which is zero suffering (for all), and “That” (for all), by ending existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. 31-------------------------------------------------- Note: It’s important to see, that I could have written all of this, without any mention of “That”, and without any discussion about ending the whole of existence. -- Indeed, I could have just said that: The conclusion of this book, is that everyone has one choice to make. (This choice will determine everything in your life, including how much you will suffer, and how much freedom, peace, love, bliss there will be in your life). This choice that has to be made, is between: Option A: You choose to believe that: “Suffering is acceptable”. Option B: You choose to believe that: “Suffering is unacceptable”. ---------- It really is that simple. Nothing more needs to be said. The reason why nothing more needs to be said, is because after this choice is made, everything will naturally follow. ---------- Of course, if a person, society chooses option A, then they will create (and perpetuate) suffering (for themselves, and everyone else). This is inevitable, because they believe that “Suffering is acceptable”. Note: When they do suffer, they have no right to complain, (because it’s absolutely ridiculous to complain about suffering, if you believe that “Suffering is acceptable”). Basically, if a person choose option A, it will be like a person punching themselves in their face (with their own fist), and then they’ll complain that it hurts (and that they’re suffering), but they’ll just keep doing this over and over again. And, despite the fact that they’re suffering, they will tell other people to do the same thing. Of course, the only way that this can all permanently stop, is when they change to option B (and choose to believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”). This is obvious, because whilst they believe that “Suffering is acceptable”, it’s just impossible for them to break the cycle-of-suffering. 32Ie, these people are literally creating their own suffering. ---------- Question: So, why do people choose option A? Answer: The reason why people choose option A, is because they want to believe (and need to believe, and have to believe) that “Suffering is acceptable”, because they can’t believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and then have babies, (because everyone knows that babies will suffer regularly, throughout their entire lifetime). -- Ie, they know that the baby will suffer regularly (throughout it’s entire lifetime), and if they believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and then have a baby, then that would make them indisputably immoral, cruel, (because they are causing suffering to a person, for an entire lifetime). And they also know, that if they believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and they then use, enslave people as their personal-slaves, (and, or work-slaves), then they are also indisputably immoral, cruel, because everyone knows that all personal-slaves (and workslaves) suffer regularly (throughout their entire lifetime). ---------- And another reason why people choose to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”, is because the only other alternative, is to believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and as soon as you truly believe (and naturally live) this, then everything in your life will start to shatter (in ever-deeper ways) as you realise that you have been brainwashed, programmed, used, enslaved (in ever-deeper ways). And you also realise, that you have been brainwashing, programming, using, enslaving people. And therefore, you have to accept, admit that you have been a selfish, immoral, cruel person, and perhaps even an evil person (if you caused any people long-term suffering). And then you also realise, that life (and existence) is prison, torture, slavery, rape, and that life (and existence) is cruel, evil. -- And therefore, this means that life (and existence) is survival of the stupidest. And the problem is, that all of these realisations, are inescapable, because it applies to all aspects of life, and all levels of life, existence. And therefore, for most people, the implications become too much to bear, and therefore, they prefer to stay in delusion, (and the only way to do this, is to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”). Side note: They might believe, argue that “suffering is necessary”, (and, or that “suffering is important”, and, or that “life is perfect”, or whatever else), but this is all just another way of trying to brainwash, program themselves (and others) to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”. I’ll explain this (and all other such brainwashing, programming, lies, gaslighting) in detail, in the long conclusion. -------------------- 33Note: It’s important to see, that this lie, delusion, is not just something that causes them suffering, because this lie, delusion (that “Suffering is acceptable”), only gains weight (becomes real enough), if they’re able to make other people believe it. This is why everyone is constantly trying to brainwash, program everyone with it, (directly, and indirectly). And, to make this belief have practical weight, they then also have to brainwash, program themselves (and others), to believe that it’s acceptable to have personal-slaves, and work-slaves, and babies. So, the key thing to see, is that: Just because they don’t want to face the truth (of how things really are in life, existence), they’re willing to cause other people suffering, just so that it makes them feel a bit better. And, in the case of believing that it’s ok for them (and, or other people) to have babies, they’re causing immense amounts of suffering, because every baby that is born, will suffer regularly, throughout it’s entire lifetime. Ie, everyone is suffering regularly in their everyday lives, and the reason why this is all happening, is because people keep brainwashing, programming everyone to believe that having a baby is acceptable, good, important, necessary, etc. Ie, so much suffering is caused to everyone, and it all keeps happening (in endless cycles), because people want to make themselves feel a bit better, (by deluding themselves enough, to avoid having to face the truth (of how things really are in life, existence)). And the key words in that last sentence, are “a bit”, because even after doing all of this (causing a lifetime of suffering to others), they still end up suffering most of the time. Therefore, these people, societies are the definition of stupid, and they are indisputably selfish, immoral, cruel, evil. -- And it must be seen, that these four words (selfish, immoral, cruel, evil), can’t ever begin to describe the fact, that these type A people, societies, are causing billions of people a lifetime of suffering, generation after generation. -------------------- And, what is also important to see, is that: These people have to brainwash, program themselves (and others), to believe that it's acceptable for people to have babies, because if they start to believe that it's not acceptable to have a baby, (because having a baby is selfish, immoral, cruel, evil, because life is prison, torture, slavery, rape), then they would also have to accept, that life is prison, torture, slavery, rape. And, of course, If a person accepts that life is prison, torture, slavery, rape, then they also have to accept, that life is survival of the stupidest. 34And, of course, If a person accepts that life is survival of the stupidest, then they also have to accept, that the only wise action, is to leave life, existence, as soon as possible. -------------------- Ie, the key point is: That as soon as the person accepts, that the act of having babies, is selfish, immoral, cruel, evil, then their whole life gets turned upside-down, (in a very traumatic way). -- And, since people do not like their lives to be turned upside-down, (in a very traumatic way), then what this means, is that they'll try to stay in 100% denial, delusion. And, of course, They can't stay in this denial, delusion, unless everyone else is also creating, perpetuating (and living in) this same denial, delusion. Ie, this is why, everyone is in denial, delusion. -- And, of course, where there is denial, delusion, there will always be suffering. Note: All people are in denial, delusion, (to varying degrees), and all people have more than one delusion, denial, (which are all happening simultaneously). -- However, the key point here, is that the previous few paragraphs, are talking about a denial, delusion, which is on the level of life, existence itself. Ie, the brainwashing, programming, conditioning, lies, deceit, denial, delusion, etc, just can't get any bigger than this. ------------------------------ Note: What this all means, is that two of the deepest programs, that everyone is (directly and indirectly) brainwashing, programming everyone with, are the beliefs, lies that: 1. “Life is good, death is bad.” And, 2. “Existence is good, non-existence is bad.” Of course, there are many other similar beliefs which people try to brainwash, program everyone with (directly and indirectly), and these beliefs all vary by replacing the word “good” (and “bad”) with some alternate word. Or, the long way to say these beliefs, lies, would, be: A) “Life (and existence) is 35good, precious, special, moral, selfless, acceptable, necessary, etc.” And, B) “Death (and non-existence) is bad, immoral, selfish, unacceptable, etc.” This is a very important subject, and I’ll examine it in more detail, in the long conclusion. -- The reason why I say that “This is a very important subject”, is because almost everything is based on these two lies, deceptions, brainwashing, programming. And, of course, whatever is based on a lie, deception, is also a lie, deception, and therefore, since 99% of life is based on these two lies, deceptions, then it’s to be expected, that 99% of your entire lifetime, will involve suffering (to varying degrees). And, with ever-deeper lies, deceptions, the truth of the situation gets ever-more hidden, and therefore, it becomes ever-harder to stop the cycle-of-suffering. The only way to truly understand this, is to examine just how much is based on these two lies, deceptions, and then keep examining it, with ever-deeper honesty. -- Indeed, most of the “normal” “harmless” thoughts in your own head, are based on these two lies, deceptions. -- Eg, a simple thought, comment like “I want a glass of water”, wouldn't be possible, unless there was an underlying belief, that “Life is good, death is bad”. Indeed, if you believed that “Death is good, life is bad”, then you would want death, and would probably be dead, (and therefore, you would not be able to want a glass of water (because you’re dead)). And, no one would ever consider doing any of the usual things, activities, hobbies in life, (eg: relationships, friendships, family, jobs, having children, etc), unless there was an underlying belief, programming in them, which was that: “Life is good, death is bad”. -------------------- Note: It’s important to realise, that this belief (“Life is good, death is bad”), can be easily brainwashed, programmed into people indirectly. -- Indirect brainwashing, programming, can be infinitely more effective than direct brainwashing, programming, because the person has never heard the fundamental program go into them, yet it’s running their life. -- Ie, it’s a phantom program. I’ll explain the difference, as follows: • Direct brainwashing, programming, is where you brainwash, program a person with that exact belief. -- Ie, in this case, a person is brainwashed, programmed to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and this is done by . brainwashing, programming them with the belief “Life is good, death is bad”. 36• Indirect brainwashing, programming, is where you brainwash, program a person with many other beliefs (which require a specific fundamental belief to also exist). -- Ie, in this case, a person is brainwashed, programmed to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and this is done by . brainwashing, programming them not with the belief that “Life is good, death is bad”, but with many other beliefs, (which require them to fundamentally believe that “Life is good, death is bad”). And it’s important to see, that almost all beliefs, need this fundamental belief (“Life is good, death is bad”) to exist. Ie, everyone has been indirectly programmed with this belief. And most people are totally oblivious to this fact, and the fact that this very fundamental brainwashing, programming, is running their every decision. -------------------- Side note: Many people talk about how sweatshops are bad. And they also talk about how everyone is bad for buying their clothes from manufacturers who use sweatshops. -- What everyone is missing, is that blaming sweatshops is misdirection. The real people to blame, are the parents who brainwashed, programmed their children (the employees of these sweatshops) with the belief “Life is good, death is bad”. -- Indeed, if this belief had not been brainwashed, programmed into them, then they would not be working in sweatshops. And, if no one in the world had been brainwashed, programmed with this belief, then no one would be working in sweatshops. And therefore, no sweatshops would exist. ---------- The key thing to see, is that: If this belief (“Life is good, death is bad”) is not in you, then if you ever come across anything in life that is unacceptable (eg, suffering that is caused by an unacceptable environment, activity), then you would simply move away from that environment, activity. Note: The reason why I said “simply”, is because you have no fear of moving away from it. Ie, most people don’t move away from suffering, because they have some fear, desire, etc. However, you have no fear, because you know, that if all environments, activities, people are seen to be unacceptable (because they all cause suffering), then you will simply choose to move away from all of them. Moreover, you also know, that if life, existence is seen to be unacceptable (because it causes suffering), then you will simply choose to move away from life, existence. 37Ie, this applies to everything, (all aspects of life, and all levels of life). Ie, the only reason why people put themselves through any suffering (in their job, relationships, friendships, etc), is because they have the fundamental brainwashing, programming in them, that “Life is good, death is bad”. Ie, this is why everyone is suffering. -------------------- So, this leads to an obvious question. Question: Who is responsible for causing this suffering to everyone? Answer: Everyone. Because everyone is constantly brainwashing, programming everyone with all types of things, and all these things are indirectly brainwashing, programming everyone, to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”. So, the situation is, that: Everyone is causing everyone to suffer, and this will continue, until everyone recognises, admits all of this, and stops trying to brainwash, program, use, enslave each other (as personal-slaves, and, or workslaves). And, one of the main things that people brainwash, program their slaves to believe, is that “Suffering is acceptable”. And it’s also important to see, that many people will try to brainwash, program everyone to believe in some lies about the purpose (and meaning) of life, because this will then indirectly brainwash, program people to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”. And, of course, it’s also important to see, that the belief “Suffering is acceptable”, can only exist, if you also believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and, “Existence is good, nonexistence is bad”. -------------------------------------------------- Note: If you believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, you will be naturally, inherently unable to have babies, (or use, enslave people as personal-slaves (or work-slaves)), because you just naturally do not want to cause suffering to others. And, a side-effect of being like this, is that you will suffer a lot less, and some suffering in the world will be reduced, prevented, eliminated. And, after you’ve reduced, prevented, eliminated this type of suffering, you’ll then be aware of deeper, subtler levels of existence, and in these deeper, subtler levels, you’ll realise that 38there is suffering (in a subtler form), and so you’ll naturally want to reduce, prevent, eliminate this suffering. Of course, by the time each level (in existence) is truly 100% free from suffering, that level will be non-existent. And therefore, by the time that this is done for all levels, all levels will be non-existent. And then what remains, is non-existence, (“That”). Ie, if a person, society chooses option B, then this belief (that “Suffering is unacceptable”), is not something that is a permanent part of their life, because it is only there as a tool, guide, to totally free them (and everyone) from suffering, and then, when the only thing that remains is “That”, there is no belief, (and no tool, guide, and no person, and no society). And, this is also true for all the other tools, guides in this conclusion, (eg, the tool, guide of ever-deeper honesty). Side note: I’m saying that these things are “guides”, however, it's not really a guide, because it doesn't tell you where to go, or what to do. Instead, it just tells you where not to go, and what not to do. Ie, these guides, (“Suffering is unacceptable” and “ever-deeper honesty”), are tools, guides which do not tell you to go to something. Indeed, they do not tell you to go straight to “That” (non-existence). What happens, is that as you keep using these tools (in everdeeper ways), you realise that everything in existence is malevolent. And then, the only thing that remains, is “That” (non-existence). Ie, these guides, (“Suffering is unacceptable” and “ever-deeper honesty”), are (temporary) tools, guides, which will help you to continuously keep reducing, preventing, eliminating suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss, until all that remains, is “That”. ---------------------------------------- Note: I’m not trying to make everything end up at this outcome (of “That”). I’m just saying, that you need to examine life clearly, honestly (in ever-deeper ways), and then whatever observations, conclusions are found, is what is found. Ie, I did not start from an outcome (which I wanted to get to), and then make up the rest. Ie, the important thing to do, is to: Deliberately use a solid, indisputable, inescapable start-point, because then whatever the outcome, you can’t dispute it, nor escape it. The reason why this is important, is because if you do not do this, then you’ll probably do a clear, honest observation of everything in life, and then realise that you don’t like the results, conclusions, solutions, and so you then go back and fudge the results, (or cover over the results, or constantly misdirect, delude yourself (and other people) away from these results, conclusions, solutions). 39-- This is what everyone is constantly doing, and this is why there is so much suffering in the world. So, what is clear from these previous few paragraphs, is that there are two important things here. Firstly, all of life must be clearly, honestly observed. Ie, the examination is of all aspects of life, and all levels of life. And not one aspect (or level) of life, is missed out. Ie, even the superficial aspects must be examined. I’ll explain why all this is true (and important), in the summary. Secondly, you need to have a solid start-point. This will make sure that you can’t dispute (nor escape from) the observations, conclusions, solutions that you find, and this will make sure that you can’t then delude yourself. And this will then break your cycle-of-suffering. Also, since this start-point is “The neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything)”, then it will not only be able to help break the cycle-of-suffering on an individual level, but also on all levels, (eg: family, community, society, country, planetary, the whole of existence). And, since it is free from opinion and agenda, it will lead to conclusions that are indisputable and inescapable not just for you, but for everyone. I’ll explain this “neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything)” next, in the summary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary Before this book can really start, it's important to establish: The neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything). Before I explain what this is, and how it comes into existence, I need to go through a brief (one page) explanation, of why we need a neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything). -- So the next page is very basic, but necessary. So bear with me. ---------- When people interact with each other, they do so, because they want something, (eg, a thing, feeling, person, etc). There are many weapons, tactics, that they can use to get, control, manipulate that person, (to achieve their desire), but the most common weapon, tactic, is words. -- Ie, they'll use (and, or define, or redefine) words, so that they can: 1. Create, sustain, destroy, various beliefs, ideas, information, etc. 2. Create, sustain, destroy, various rules, systems (whether: legal, moral, social, 40interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc). This happens at all levels. Eg, even within a small group of people, (eg, friends, relationships, etc), each person will want to try to impose their beliefs, ideas, rules, systems onto everyone, eg, what everyone in that group should believe is: • Good, bad. • Right, wrong. • Moral, immoral. • Acceptable, unacceptable. • Etc. Of course, the only reason why a person, group ever wants these beliefs, ideas, rules, systems to be implemented (and obeyed), are because those beliefs, ideas, rules, systems, will benefit them, (whilst being a disadvantage, to their competitors, enemies), and this will help them get what they're desiring. The potential problem for this book, is that this book wants to reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering, and for a specific type of suffering to be reduced, prevented, eliminated, the true cause of that suffering, has to be exposed, recognised, admitted. The problem then comes, because most people do not like it, when this happens, because it threatens to: 1. Expose some horrible truths to them, (and everyone else). -- Indeed, it's obvious, that a person will not want to hear any truths, if those truths are going to expose to everyone, that that person has been doing many selfish, immoral things, and causing many people to suffer. 2. Burst their bubble, delusions. -- Indeed, it's obvious, that threatening to burst a person's bubble, delusions, is the worst thing for them, because all people spend most of their life, trying to create (and, or maintain), their bubble, delusions, systems. Of course, since people do not want this to happen, they'll do everything in their power, to convince themselves (and other people), that the information (which is a threat to them), is not true. -- There are many ways to do this, and the simplest, is to just keep attacking the information (which is a threat to them), whilst also creating (and sustaining), the beliefs, ideas, rules, systems, that are beneficial to them. Indeed, it just becomes a game, war, where words are the weapons. And, if they're beginning to lose the war, then they'll say things like: • “Your ideas, beliefs, truths, are just subjective.” • “There is no 'truth'.” • “There is no good, bad, right, wrong.” • Etc. 41------------------------------ The key point is, that everyone keeps playing these games, wars, and therefore, suffering keeps happening, (for everyone). Therefore, if this book wants to end all suffering (for everyone), a method needs to be used, which exposes these truths, (ie, the true causes of suffering), and it does so in a way, which people cannot argue against, nor escape from. The only way to do this, is if this book starts from a neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything), and then continues in an objective, rational, logical way. And part of this process, will be to define words, in a neutral, natural, true way. And what this means, is that the definition of the words (used in this book), will be fair, equal. (Actually the words will be beyond fair, equal.) -- And therefore, all subsequent statements and conclusions (that are based on those words), are fair, equal, to everyone. So, let's begin. ---------------------------------------- A neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything), is something that is “true” (for everyone). -- And the only way to get something that is true (for everyone), is if you have something that is “real” (for everyone). One thing that is real (for everyone), is that: Suffering is real, (or as good as real). -- Therefore, the neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything), is: Suffering is real, (or as good as real). Of course, this must be provable. -- However, proof is not enough, because what is also important, is that this proof is: 1. Practical, tangible, real, (and not just some theoretical, academic, scientific, religious, spiritual, philosophical nonsense). 2. Able to be done by everyone. -- Ie, this is not a proof, which is done in an experimental laboratory, by only a few people in the world, and everyone else has to accept their findings, proof, and believe that they're not lying, misdirecting you, (or that they themselves, have been fooled, tricked). 3. Able to be recreated, as many times as you need. -- Ie, it's not just something that can be proven on some occasions, but it doesn't work on other occasions. 42Note: This proof does not really need to be done (in practice), because it's something that is so obvious. However, there are always some people, who want to argue against it (so that they can create selfish, immoral, unfair, unequal rules (and systems, beliefs), whether: legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc. So, if these people need this to be demonstrated, proved to them, then (as long as they consent to it), this can be demonstrated (and proved) to them, in the following way: To demonstrate (and prove) to them, that “Suffering is real, (or as good as real)”, all that you need to do, is to (directly or indirectly) cause pain, suffering to them, (which can be a combination of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, pain, suffering), and then keep increasing this pain, suffering, until it's far beyond their pain, suffering threshold. At this point, they will then admit that: 1. Suffering is real, (or as good as real). 2. Suffering is unwanted. -- Ie, they want the pain, suffering to be reduced, prevented, eliminated. 3. Freedom is wanted. -- Ie, they want the freedom, to be able to leave this situation (of intolerable pain, suffering), in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. -- And, if they can't leave this situation (of intolerable pain, suffering), then they want the freedom, to be able to leave life, existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. (I'll explain this in more detail, in the long conclusion.) Ie, this proves that, “Suffering is real, (or as good as real)”, and from this neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything), everything can start, because we now have something that is “real”, and “true”. ---------- Moreover, because we've now proved that, “suffering is unwanted”, we can now say that: Any pain, suffering that is inflicted (directly or indirectly) onto a person, is non-consensual, (unless they actually asked for this to be done to them). So, from here, we can now define all other words, (eg: “immoral”, “bad”, “wrong”, etc). -- Ie, since we now know, that pain, suffering is real (or as good as real), and that it's not wanted by anyone, it can therefore be said, that: A person that creates, perpetuates, increases (unwanted, non-consensual) 43suffering, (directly or indirectly, via their action or inaction) to another person, is doing something that is immoral, bad, and wrong. And, if this is done with high intensity, (or with low intensity over a long period of time), then it can be called “cruel”, and with even more intensity (or time), it can be called “evil”. Ie, these words have been defined, from this neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything). -- Ie, the definition of these words, are without agenda. And, therefore, they are fair, equal, to everyone. -- And therefore, any sentences that I create using these words, are also going to be fair, equal, to everyone. Ie, this is the opposite of what most people do, which is to define, use such words, to attack other people, (and, or to make themselves look good), and, or to create unfair beliefs, rules, systems, laws, (or for whatever other selfish, immoral motives that they have). Note: The issue of truth, words, and definitions, (and the dimensions, realms that are beyond all words and truths), will all be discussed in more detail, in the long conclusion. ---------------------------------------- So, lets now take this one step further. Earlier on, I mentioned that the person who is feeling pain, suffering that is far beyond their pain, suffering threshold, will admit that: 1. Suffering is real, (or as good as real). 2. Suffering is unwanted. -- Ie, they want the pain, suffering to be reduced, prevented, eliminated. 3. Freedom is wanted. -- Ie, they want the freedom, to be able to leave this situation (of intolerable pain, suffering), in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. -- And, if they can't leave this situation (of intolerable pain, suffering), then they want the freedom, to be able to leave life, existence, in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way. What is also important to see, is that immediately after point 3, they will then also admit that: 4. If they want to move away from pain, suffering, and this freedom is not provided (in an instant, painless, effortless, guaranteed, permanent way), then their situation, life, is prison, torture, slavery, rape. 5. Any people, society, systems, governments, laws, rules, etc, which force 44people into (and keep them in), a situation, life which is prison, torture, slavery, rape, are inherently selfish, immoral, cruel, evil. 6. There is no middle ground, because the freedom (to move away from suffering), either exists, or it doesn’t. 7. Since there is no middle ground, there is no room for discussion, debate, conversation, etc. 8. If the right to move away from suffering, does not exist, then this inherently means, that it's ok to imprison, torture, enslave, rape people. -- And this inherently means, that the society, systems, governments, laws, rules, people, etc, are: • Pro-torture. • Pro-rape. • Pro-enslavement. • Pro-false-imprisonment. ---------------------------------------- And, as they go deeper into all of this, it is also realised, that the category of evil, needs to be split into two sections: • Evil = A person that does an evil act, to a person, entity. • Ultimate evil = A person that does an evil act, to a person, entity, that they themselves created. Ie, making someone suffer (long-term) is evil, but creating them, and then making them suffer (long-term), is obviously infinitely more evil, (because it's evil, on top of evil). Note: The term “ultimate evil” sounds a bit extreme, and therefore, it would have been better to use some other term, however, there is no other term. -- However, it’s important to remember, that this term is just a natural result of the neutral, natural, true start-point (for everything). Ie, from this start-point, the term evil was derived, and then it was realised, that there is such a big difference between the two categories of evil, that this difference must be evident in the terminology used. Therefore, since this evil is infinitely more evil (than the other category), the term “ultimate”, is correct. And, the deeper you examine this at all levels, the more you realise, that there’s another reason why “ultimate evil” is a fair, reasonable, logical term, and technically speaking, it’s the correct (and ideal) term to use. The reason why this is the ideal word, terminology, is because the people who create new people, entities, are responsible for all the suffering in existence, and therefore, they are actually (by definition) the ultimate, highest of evil. This is obvious, because if people, entities did not keep creating new people, entities, then existence would end, and then there would be zero suffering and ultimate freedom, peace, love, bliss in (as) “That”, (non-existence). 45-------------------------------------------------- There is another key thing that I want to mention in this summary, but before I can discuss it, I need to reiterate some points. So bear with me, for this next page. This book will provide a method, of how to: 1. Permanently reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering. And, 2. Get ever-deeper freedom, peace, love, bliss. And, 3. Get “That”. The method of how to get these three things, (in points 1 to 3), will be applicable to all people, entities, beings, and also to all dimensions, reams in existence, and existence itself. Note: In this book, when I use the word suffering, I mean unwanted non-consensual suffering, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc). -------------------- Since everyone's actions (at a fundamental level), are based on one of these three things, (mentioned in points 1 to 3 (above)), this therefore means, that there is a fundamental: 1. Ever-deeper desire, which is applicable to all people, entities, beings. -- Ie, although people have different superficial desires, these desires are all based on the same fundamental desires, which everyone has. -- This book will explain these desires, which exist: a) In all aspects of life, (and in life, existence itself). b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 2. Cause of all suffering, (for all people, entities, beings, and existence itself). -- This book will explain the causes of all suffering: a) In all aspects of life, (and in life, existence itself). b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 3. Solution to all suffering, (for all people, entities, beings, and existence itself). -- This book will explain how to permanently reduce, prevent, eliminate suffering: a) In all aspects of life, (and in life, existence itself). b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 4. Realisation, conclusion of the meaning (and purpose) of all the different aspects of life, (and life, existence itself). And this is applicable, at all levels. -- This will be covered in the long conclusion. ------------------------------