viernes, 11 de junio de 2021

Copia medio traducida de ever-deeper-honesty

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Honestidad cada vez más profunda 


 reducir / prevenir / eliminar el sufrimiento 

y obtener 

una libertad / paz / amor / dicha cada vez más profunda 

 y “Eso”. 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Este libro debe leerse en formato pdf.  

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-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Este libro se divide en 2 partes: 

Parte 1 : Conclusión (una oración) - página 2 

 Conclusión (breve) - página 3 

 Resumen - página 40 

 Conclusión (larga) - página 54 

Nota: Solo necesita leer las primeras 45 páginas de este libro.  

- Eso será lo suficientemente bueno, para ayudarlo a reducir / prevenir / eliminar el sufrimiento, y obtener una libertad / paz / amor / dicha cada vez más profunda, y “Eso”.  

Sin embargo, si desea acelerar este proceso, lea la conclusión larga.  

Puede ignorar totalmente el resto del libro.  

- Es decir, no es necesario leer la parte 2.  

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----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Parte 2: El resto del libro - páginas 595 a 1193 La 

Parte 1 es infinitamente mejor que la Parte 2. La Parte 2 amplía cosas en la parte 1 y, por lo tanto, la parte 2 es un 80% de superposición / repetición repetida de la parte 1. Y, a la parte 2 le faltan muchas cosas importantes, que están en la parte 1. Y la parte 2 no está muy bien terminada (no fluye muy bien) en ciertos lugares. Solo incluí la parte 2, porque puede ser de ayuda adicional para ciertas personas (lo explicaré más en la primera página de la parte 2). 

Nota: La parte 1 debe leerse antes que la parte 2, porque contiene definiciones de ciertas palabras / términos / frases / conceptos que se utilizan en el resto del libro. 

Del mismo modo, la parte 1 debe leerse de forma lineal, ya que introduce determinadas palabras / términos / frases / conceptos, de forma progresiva. 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Precaución: Este libro tiene el potencial de hacer añicos todas sus ilusiones sobre la vida. Si desea evitar esta posibilidad, no lo lea. 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Este libro se puede copiar y distribuir (en parte o en su totalidad), sin permiso, siempre que no se modifique y se mencione el título del libro y la dirección del sitio web, y se mantiene de forma gratuita. 

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Parte 1 

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(una oración) 

No hay libertad / elección / opción 

de un instante / indoloro / salida sin esfuerzo / garantizada / permanente de la vida (y la existencia), por lo tanto, la 

vida (y la existencia) es prisión / tortura / esclavitud / violación, 

y por lo tanto, la 

vida (y la existencia) es la supervivencia del más estúpido. 



Nota: Este libro explica muchas realizaciones, conclusiones y soluciones (incluidas las prácticas, que son aplicables a todos los aspectos de la vida y a todos los niveles de la vida), y todas ellas se detallarán en la conclusión. Sin embargo, si todo tuviera que condensarse en una sola oración, esa oración sería la anterior. 

He evitado deliberadamente usando una frase muy corta, ya que cuando la sentencia / frase es demasiado corto, existe el riesgo de que puede ser mal interpretado, o simplemente se hace demasiado: vaga, ambigua, sin sentido, inútiles en la vida práctica, 

etc.Hubo muchas oraciones alternativas que podría haber usado (como se verá cuando lea la breve conclusión), sin embargo, esta oración fue quizás la mejor general / general, porque es buena para todos los aspectos de la vida (y todos los niveles de vida / existencia), y también actúa como un buen indicador (es decir, puede enviarte cada vez más profundo). 

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Nota: La terminología / frases / ideas / información que se dice en las primeras tres páginas de esta conclusión, tendrá mucho más sentido, una vez que haya terminado de leer la totalidad de esta breve conclusión.  

- Esto es especialmente cierto, en cuanto a decir que esta información no es opinión y, por tanto, es indiscutible e ineludible.  

- Entonces, tengan paciencia conmigo, en las próximas tres páginas. 

Solo hay dos tipos de personas / sociedad (tipo A y tipo B). Estos se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera. 

Gente / sociedad tipo A: 

Estas personas / sociedades, entienden que todos deben contar con el más fundamental de los derechos, que es: La libertad / elección / opción, alejarse del sufrimiento, en un instante / sin dolor / sin esfuerzo / garantizado / de forma permanente, cuando quieran. 

Esto es obvio, porque si no tienes el derecho / la libertad de alejarte del sufrimiento, entonces sería legal que cualquiera te secuestrara y luego te encarcelara en un sótano, donde luego te violan y torturan a diario. , por el resto de tu vida.  

Es decir, en ese sótano estarías atravesando un dolor / sufrimiento intolerable, pero no tienes derecho a exigir que te permitan salir de esa situación de sufrimiento. Es decir, el perpetrador tiene permitido legalmente hacer lo que quiera contigo, por el resto de 


tu vida. 

Y por lo tanto, es obvio que este derecho / libertad debe existir en todos los aspectos de la vida y en todos los niveles de la vida / existencia. Y, obviamente, también debe ser preventivo. 

Por lo tanto, las dos principales prioridades de estas personas / sociedades deben ser: 

1. Asegurarse de que todas las personas / entidades, tengan la libertad / elección / opción, de dejar cualquier situación de sufrimiento (incluida la vida / existencia misma), en un 

de forma instantánea / indolora / sin esfuerzo / garantizada / permanente, cuando quieran. 2. No crear nuevos bebés / entidades, porque saben que: 

a) Cualquier bebé que nazca, sufrirá regularmente, durante toda su vida. 

- Es decir, saben que necesitan ser preventivos (de crear 

situaciones de sufrimiento), y dado que la vida es inherentemente 

prisión / tortura / esclavitud / violación (sufrimiento) desde el momento en que nace un bebé, saben que sería extremadamente inmoral traer un bebé a la existencia.  

De hecho, es obvio que sería extremadamente inmoral hacer esto, porque causaría sufrimiento, y saben que el sufrimiento es inaceptable e innecesario.  

Nota: Las únicas personas que no son capaces de reconocer / admitir realmente esto (que el sufrimiento es inaceptable e innecesario), son todas las personas egoístas / inmorales, porque necesitan seguir (directa e indirectamente) lavándose el cerebro / programando ellos mismos (y 

todos) , creer que el sufrimiento es aceptable y 

necesario, porque: 

(a) Tienen que hacer esto, porque es una de las principales formas 

de mantener a las personas atrapadas / esclavizadas (como sus  

esclavos personales y / o esclavos de trabajo) . 

(b) Tienen que hacer esto, para ocultar susegoístas / inmorales 

acciones, de controlar / manipular / usar / esclavizar a las 

personas (bebés / niños / adultos), como sus esclavos personales 

y / o esclavos de trabajo. 

(Definiré "esclavos personales" y  

"esclavos de trabajo", más adelante en esta breve conclusión.) 


Nota: digo que sus acciones son "egoístas / inmorales", 

porque esto es obvio (e indiscutible), 

porque están causando directamente sufrimiento a las 

personas (sus esclavos personales, (y / otrabajo 

esclavos del)), y en la mayoría de los casos, el sufrimiento ocurrirá 


regularmente , durante toda la vida (por ejemplo, cuando 

dan a luz a un bebé). 

Nota: Este libro utiliza términos como "malo" / "incorrecto" y 

"egoísta / inmoral / cruel / malvado", porque estos términos pueden ser 

real / verdadero / objetivo / hecho (y justo / igual / neutral, y no de  

opinión) basado, ni basado en alguna agenda), si todos 

se derivan naturalmente de: “El punto de partida neutral / natural / verdadero (para 


- Explicaré esto en detalle, en el resumen. 

b) Un bebé no puede dar su consentimiento para nacer y, por lo tanto, el acto de tener un bebé no es consensual (y por lo tanto, violación).  

- Además, la gente / sociedad tipo A sabe que si se permite que suceda un acto no consensuado, entonces empezarán amuchos actos no consensuales 

ocurrir, y esto significa que el sufrimiento se extenderá a todos. 


Gente / sociedad tipo B: 

Estas personas / sociedades, son egoístas / inmorales, porque solo les importa tratar de usar / esclavizar a todas las personas (y entidades), como sus esclavos personales (y / o esclavos de trabajo), y por lo tanto, hacen todo lo que pueden para asegurarse de que nadie tenga los derechos más fundamentales (la libertad / elección / opción , para alejarse del sufrimiento, de forma instantánea / indolora / sin esfuerzo / garantizada / permanente, cuando quieran). 

Y por lo tanto, tratan de restringir esta libertad, en todos los aspectos de la vida y en todos los niveles de la vida / existencia. 

Por lo tanto, las dos principales prioridades de estas personas / sociedades son: 

1. Asegurarse de que nadie tenga la libertad / elección / opción, de dejar la vida / existencia, de una manera instantánea / sin dolor / sin esfuerzo / garantizada / permanente, ( cuando quieran). 

- Y para garantizar esto, inventarán / crearán / implementarán (y harán cumplir) muchas reglas / creencias / sistemas (legales, morales, sociales, interpersonales, personales, religiosos, espirituales, etc.), en todos los aspectos de la vida, que evita que esto suceda.  

2. Animar / presionar / coaccionar / condicionar / lavar el cerebro / programar a todos, a hacer cosas que (directa o indirectamente) crearán nuevos bebés / entidades, porque saben que: 

a) Tan pronto como una persona tiene un bebé, esa persona es luego parte del crimen y, por lo tanto, esa persona tendrá queconstantemente 

lavarse el cerebro / programarse(ya todos) para creer que: 

• Tener un bebé es bueno / moral / desinteresado / importante / etc. 

• Tener un bebé le traerá felicidad / alegría / amor / etc. 

• El sufrimiento es aceptable / importante / bueno / necesario / etc. 

• El sufrimiento es parte de la vida, (y por lo tanto / que / todos, 


debe aceptarlo). 

• Usar / esclavizar personas (como esclavos personales y / o 

esclavos del trabajo) es algo 

aceptable / importante / bueno / necesario / etc. 

• Etc. 


Nota: El objetivo del lavado de cerebro / programación es poder 

dejar a las personas tan ciegas, que mientras miran unnegro 

objeto(p. ej., sufrimiento), podrás decirles que en realidad es 

blanco y te creerán (en lugar de sudirecta 

experiencia(del sufrimiento)). 

Esto es vital, porque solo cuando puedes controlarlos en este 

nivel, puedes hacerles creer que: 

(a) No están sufriendo, (incluso mientras están teniendo 

la experiencia directa del sufrimiento).  

- Y esto significa que puede seguir 

utilizándolos como su esclavo personal (y / o 

esclavo de trabajo).  


(b) Están sufriendo, pero lo eligieron, (y / o lo  

quieren, y / o lo necesitan), por razones x, y, z. 

- Y esto significa que puede seguir 

utilizándolos como su esclavo personal (y / o 

esclavo de trabajo).  

b) Si no se crean nuevos bebés / entidades, entonces no habrá suficientes personas para usar como esclavos (esclavos personales y / o esclavos de trabajo), y 

esto hará que la vida (para las personas de tipo B) sea más difícil, y / o no tan 

agradable, y / o colapsará totalmente su 

familia / comunidad / sociedad / país, o cualquier otra cosa. Es decir, estas cosas 

son los deseos y miedos, de las personas / sociedades tipo B. 

Y por lo tanto, es de estos deseos y miedos egoístas, que se basarán todas sus acciones. 

Y por lo tanto, todas las acciones de todas las personas / sociedades de tipo B siempre serán inherentemente egoístas e inmorales. 

- Y por tanto, siempre habrá sufrimiento. 


Nota: No hay término medio (entre las personas / sociedades de tipo A y tipo B), porque todas las personas tienen este más fundamental de derechos / libertades, o no. 

Y, si no tienen el más fundamental de los derechos / libertades, (es decir, la libertad / elección / opción, para alejarse del sufrimiento, de una manera 


instantánea / sin dolor / sin esfuerzo / garantizada / permanente, cuando lo deseen) , entonces no tienen ninguna libertad real / verdadera, lo que debe significar inherentemente que están en una vida que es inherentemente prisión / tortura / esclavitud / violación (ya sea: física, mental, emocional o espiritual). 


Nota: Aunque la gente / sociedad tipo A, hará estas cosas (como se explicó anteriormente), para reducir / prevenir / eliminar el sufrimiento, no es una dificultad, (ni algo que hagan de mala gana ), porque es algo que hacen naturalmente, porque naturalmente no quieren causar sufrimiento a ninguna persona / entidad / ser / dimensión / nada. 

Es decir, las personas / sociedad de tipo A, no están tratando de ser morales (o cualquier otra cosa), simplemente no quieren que ninguna persona / cosa sufra. 


Sin embargo, la información anterior (sobre reducir / prevenir / eliminar el sufrimiento) es solo una parte de la historia.  

- De hecho, solo puede ser una parte de la historia, porque la vida tiene tres partes clave / fundamentales (deseos), que son: 

1. Reducir / prevenir / eliminar permanentemente el sufrimiento. 


2. Obtenga una libertad / paz / amor / dicha cada vez más profunda. 


3. Obtenga "Eso" (que está más allá de la felicidad / placer / alegría / éxtasis / etc., y más allá de la libertad / paz / amor / dicha, y más allá de todas las experiencias divinas / piadosas / religiosas / espirituales, y más allá: la verdad, la identidad , iluminación, dios, experiencia, autorrealización, etc.).  

En este libro, usaré la palabra "Eso", pero otras personas podrían llamarla: "Eso", "Hogar", "Fuente", "Verdad", etc. 

- Nota: hablaré sobre cómo obtener "Eso", (o ser como "Eso"), pero el uso de estas palabras / términos (por ejemplo, "obtener", "ser como", etc.), es incorrecto, sin embargo, tendrán que hacerlo. 

Nota: Las personas / sociedades de tipo A querrán asegurarse de que todas las personas / entidades / cosas existentes obtengan estas tres cosas (en los puntos 1 a 3 (arriba)). 

Hay un hecho clave sobre estos tres deseos fundamentales en la vida, y esto se volverá obvio, cuando una persona sea capaz de mirar con claridad y honestidad todo en la vida / existencia. - Para ver todo con claridad / honestidad, todo lo que necesita hacer es ver todo desde “El punto de partida neutral / natural / verdadero (para todo)”, (como se explicará en el resumen de este libro).  

- Es decir, al hacer esto, una persona no está mirando todo en la vida, de una manera 

sesgada / sesgada / engañosa / filtrada, debido a sus deseos / miedos / engaños egoístas. 

Así que cuando se hace esto, el hecho de una clave de estos tres deseos fundamentales en la vida, (que pasa a ser obvio), es que los tres de estas cosas, están apuntando en la misma 


dirección  y hacia la misma conclusión / cosa.  

Y lo que esto significa es que no importa con qué aspecto de la vida (o nivel de vida) comiences, si lo examinas con una honestidad cada vez más profunda, habrá muchas conclusiones / realizaciones superficiales (que detallaré en la conclusión larga ), y todos apuntarán en la misma dirección, hacia la misma conclusión / cosa fundamental.  

Un ejemplo de dos de estas conclusiones / realizaciones superficiales son: 

A) Todos los tipos de sociedad / vida / existencia, solo existen, por razones / propósitos egoístas (malévolos).  

B) Cuanto menos te aferres a las personas / cosas que existen, más 

libertad / paz / amor / dicha tendrás (a largo plazo). 

Y, estas dos conclusiones / realizaciones superficiales, (como todas las demás conclusiones / realizaciones), apuntan en la misma dirección, hacia la misma conclusión / cosa fundamental, que es que:  

Todas las cosas en la vida, están dirigiendo a todos, hacia “ Que".  

Por supuesto, esto es de esperar, ya que "Eso", es algo que resuelve los dos primeros deseos fundamentales en la vida, (como se explica en los puntos 1 y 2 (arriba)), porque "Eso" es algo que: 

1. Tiene (es) cero sufrimiento. 


2. Está más allá de la libertad / paz / amor / dicha. 

Es decir, lo que todo esto significa, es que la única verdadera libertad / paz / amor / dicha está en (como) “Eso”.  

Por supuesto, esto es de esperar, porque "Eso", es algo que está más allá de todas las personas / cosas / experiencias / sentimientos / sensaciones existentes, y más allá de la libertad / paz / amor / dicha, y más allá de la existencia misma.  

Es decir, anteriormente en esta conclusión, en lugar de decir que “la vida tiene tres partes clave / fundamentales (deseos), que son ...”, podría haber dicho que: La  

vida tiene una parte clave / fundamental (deseo) de eso,  

que es el deseo de "Eso".  


De hecho, todo esto es obvio, sin embargo, la La cosa clave a la que la mayoría de la gente está ciega, (porque se han cegado a sí mismos), es el hecho de que: 


Esta cosa llamada “Eso”, no existe. 

Nota: La no existencia, es lo que queda, en ausencia de todo, (incluyendo: conciencia, conciencia, "yo", "yo", dimensiones, reinos, existencia, etc.). 

- Por lo tanto, la no existencia no es un estado de ser, en el que eres consciente del vacío / la nada / etc, (ya que la conciencia no puede existir en la no existencia). - En efecto, la no existencia no es un estado de ser de ningún tipo, ya que está más allá de todo esto, y también está más allá: iluminación, despertar, autorrealización, liberación, no dualidad, etc. - De hecho, está mucho más allá de todos estos juegos / tonterías, que no se puede comparar con ninguno de ellos.  

Nota: La razón por la que la palabra "Eso" está entre comillas, es porque no es una "cosa" que existe, (y de hecho, no puede existir, ya que: "Eso" es lo que permanece, en ausencia de todo cosas). - El punto clave que estoy tratando de enfatizar es que la palabra “Eso” está entre comillas, simplemente por esta razón, y no por ninguna otra razón. Es decir, no está entre comillas, porque es algo místico que no se pueden describir con palabras. 

Sí, es cierto (en cierto sentido), que no hay palabras que puedan describirlo, sin embargo, esto es solo porque no es una 'cosa' que existe. Sin embargo, esta cosa llamada "Eso", no es un misterio, ya que sabemos lo que es, (ya que "Eso" es la ausencia de todas las cosas, (que es lo mismo que la inexistencia)). 

Y, sí, es cierto (en cierto sentido), que esta cosa llamada "Eso", es algo que no se puede lograr, sin embargo, esto no se debe a que sea alguna cosa (o algún estado de ser) que sea: místico , ilusorio, difícil de alcanzar, etc. Es decir, la única razón por la que "no se puede lograr", es porque para "lograr" algo, usted (como persona) necesita existir. Y, "Eso", sólo puede existir, en ausencia de todas las cosas, (que por lo tanto también te incluye a ti, como persona, o como cualquier otra identidad, por ejemplo: conciencia, conciencia, unidad, nada, todo, existencia, no- existencia, "Eso", etc).  

Nota: Esa última oración también incluyó la inexistencia y "Eso". Es decir, sí, es cierto, que cuando le quitas todas las capas superficiales (y profundas) de una persona, entonces lo que quedará, es “Eso” (no existencia), sin embargo, es ridículo decir, “Yo soy 'Eso' ”, porque no puedes existir en“ Eso ”, ni como“ Eso ”.  

- Sin embargo, “Eso” puede 'existir' por sí mismo, (como no existencia).  

Entonces, por todas estas razones (que acabo de explicar), todavía tiene sentido poner la palabra "Eso" entre comillas, sin embargo, recuerde que las comillas no están allí, para decir que "Eso" es algo que realmente lo eres (o cualquier otro intento similar de reclamar una nueva 

identidad), ni las citas allí, para afirmar que esto es un misterio (o: místico, espiritual, divino, etc.). De hecho, es todo lo contrario, ya que no hay nada más simple que la no existencia. 


Nota: Hay muchas razones por las que la gente está ciega a este hecho (que esta cosa llamada "Eso", no existe), y las explicaré todas, en el largo conclusión. - Y también explicaré, por qué es obvio, que esa cosa llamada “Eso”, no existe. 


Y también mostraré cómo muchas otras cosas, luego también se vuelven obvias. Por ejemplo, es obvio que, "Todos los tipos de sociedad / vida / existencia, solo existen, por razones / propósitos egoístas (malévolos)", porque, si quisieras la máxima libertad / paz / amor / felicidad, no lo harías crear bebés / entidades / vida / existencia, porque la máxima 

libertad / paz / amor / dicha, solo existe en (como) “Eso”, (no existencia). 


Nota: Aunque parte de esta información (p. Ej., La oración, "Todos los tipos de sociedad / vida / existencia, solo existen, por egoísmo razones / propósitos (malévolos) ”), puede parecer demasiado irrelevante / irrelevante (en términos de reducir / prevenir / eliminar el sufrimiento en la vida cotidiana normal), en realidad todo es totalmente relevante, porque en realidad es exactamente el mismo problema, el que está causando todo el sufrimiento en la vida cotidiana normal de todos, porque:  

1. Las personas solo permanecen en la vida / existencia, poregoístas (malévolos) 

razones / propósitos. 


2. Las personas solo están creando bebés / entidades en la vida / existencia, por razones / propósitos egoístas (malévolos).  

Estas razones / propósitos egoístas (malévolos) son para usar / esclavizar a estos bebés / niños recién creados (y futuros adultos), como esclavos personales y / o esclavos del trabajo.  

Las definiciones de estos, son las siguientes:  

a) Esclavos personales.  

Los esclavos personales son bebés / niños / adultos, que son 

utilizados / esclavizados, no por motivos / motivos laborales, sino por  

motivos / usos personales.  

Es decir, si tiene un compañero de relación (o: amigo, bebé, hijo, 

familia, etc.), entonces son sus esclavos personales, porque está 

tratando de obtener / controlar / manipular / usar (esclavizar) a una persona, 

(ya sea que esa persona sea un bebé / niño / adulto), con el fin de obtener cosas 

de ellos, (por ejemplo: felicidad, amor, dinero, entretenimiento, energía, 

atención, poder, respeto, sexo, placer, afecto, intimidad,  

una conexión , popularidad, imagen, identidad, determinados sentimientos, 

seguridad, seguridad, estabilidad, supervivencia, paz, libertad, una familia,  

un niño, vivencias, sensaciones, etc). 

Nota: Las personas solo deciden tener bebés (y relaciones, 

amistades, familias, etc.) porque quieren algunas (o muchas) de 

estas cosas.  

b) Trabajadores esclavos directos. 

Si está utilizando / esclavizando a una persona, (no por motivos personales, 


sino por motivos laborales), entonces esa persona esclavizada es su esclavo de trabajo.  

- Esto se puede dividir en dos categorías: esclavos de trabajo directos y esclavos de trabajo indirectos. 

Trabajadores esclavos directos, son niños / adultos, a quienes usteddirectamente 

usa / esclaviza, para hacer trabajo / tareas domésticas / trabajos / etc., (ya sea por parte del tiempo o todo el tiempo). 

- Un ejemplo básico de esto es una criada / sirvienta / esclava. Sin embargo, también hay muchos otros ejemplos.  

Por ejemplo, obliga a sus hijos, (cuando tienen la edad suficiente), a ser esclavos (conseguir un trabajo y hacer sus propias tareas), porque esto significa que luego están haciendo su propio trabajo / trabajo / tareas domésticas (para mantenerse con vida), para que luego pueda continuar usándolos, como su esclavo personal, (pero sin que tenga que pagar por cosas (comida / agua / refugio / etc.), para mantenerlos con vida, o haciendo las tareas básicas , que son necesarios para mantenerlos vivos).  

c) Trabajadores esclavos indirectos. 

Los esclavos de trabajo indirectos son personas / entidades, y usted quiere que estas personas / entidades sean creadas / nacidas constantemente (y mantenidas con vida), porque quiere usarlas, para que trabajen para usted (indirectamente). 

Por ejemplo, quieres que la gente (que no conoces directamente) trabaje (sea un esclavo) en trabajos, porque quieres tener: electricidad y agua en tu casa, y tener comida en las tiendas, y tener tu basura. quitado, etc.  

Y / o, quiere que otras personas se ocupen de ciertas cosas, que usted no quiere tratar con usted mismo, (por ejemplo, lidiar con: personas muertas, ancianos incapacitados, aguas residuales, confección de 

ropa / cosas en fábricas, etc.). 


Nota: Esta información sobre esclavos de trabajo indirectos es solo la mitad de la historia.  

- Es decir, la mitad de la historia, es que la gente quiere que los bebés sean constantemente creados / nacidos (y mantenidos con vida), para que puedan ser utilizados como esclavos laborales indirectos.  

- Sin embargo, la otra mitad de la historia es que la gente no solo quiere esto, sino que también (inherentemente) quiere: 

A) Que les laven el cerebro / que los programen para conseguir trabajos. 

B) Se les lavará el cerebro / se les programará para que no dejen sus trabajos.  

C) Una prueba de fallos del sistema, para asegurarse de que no lo hacen (y / o 11

no pueden) dejar sus puestos de trabajo. 

D) Que se les lave / programe profundamente el cerebro, que crean 

(de hecho) que nunca deben suicidarse 

. (Explicaré todo esto en detalle, en la larga 

conclusión). Y el lavado de cerebro / programación será 

tan profundo, que ni siquiera sabrán que ha sido puesto 

dentro de ellos.  

- Esto siempre es necesario, porque de lo contrario 

se matarían. Esto es obvio, 

porque si una persona no puede escapar de una situación de 

sufrimiento (que va a durar décadas), 

entonces querrá escapar de la vida. 

E) Un sistema a prueba de fallas, para asegurarse de que no puedan suicidarse 


- Es decir, si el lavado de cerebro / programación (del 

punto anterior) comienza a fallar, entonces es posible que quieran 

suicidarse, sin embargo, muchos de ellos no lo 

harán, si no pueden obtener el equipo / medicamento 

necesario, suicidarse de forma 

instantánea / sin dolor / sin esfuerzo / garantizada. Es decir, la 

razón por la que no pueden conseguir este 

equipo / medicamento / etc, es porque se ha 

hecho ilegal. 


Nota: Es importante reconocer (y admitir) que estos dos últimos 

puntos (D y E) no son solo lo que la gente quiere para suindirectos 

esclavos de trabajo, sino también para sus esclavos personales. 

Además, la mayoría de las personas / sociedades quieren estos cinco puntos  

(A a E), no solo para sus esclavos de trabajo, sino también para sus  

esclavos personales. 


3. Las personas solo están obligando a otras personas a permanecer en la vida / existencia, por razones / propósitos egoístas (malévolos). 

- Estas razones / propósitos son seguir siendo capaces de usar / esclavizar a estos bebés / niños recién creados (y futuros adultos), como esclavos personales y / o esclavos de trabajo. 

- Y, por supuesto, esto solo se puede hacer, si se aseguran, de que nadie tenga el más fundamental de los derechos (la libertad / elección / opción, alejarse del sufrimiento, en un 

instante / indoloro / sin esfuerzo / garantizado / de forma permanente, cuando quieran). -------------------- 


Nota: Cuando se habla de esclavos personales y esclavos de trabajo, un punto importante que debe verse en todo esto es que: 

La gente crea bebés / niños, con la intención de esclavizarlos (como 

esclavos personales y / o esclavos del trabajo).  

Además, esto es lo que la gente llama: "amor", "cuidado", "moral", "desinteresado", etc.  

Y, casi todas las personas piensan que este comportamiento es aceptable / ok / importante / etc, (incluso si no lo hacen) tienen (o quieren) hijos ellos mismos). 


Nota: La gente dice que "les importa", pero lo único que realmente les importa es hacer lo suficiente para asegurarse de que todos los esclavos (esclavos personales y esclavos de trabajo) sean: 

1. Mantenido vivo. 

2. Conservado en un estado utilizable.  

Es decir, la gente hará todo lo que esté a su alcance, para asegurarse de que sus esclavos personales estén sanos (y se mantengan vivos), porque quieren usarlos.  

- De hecho, esto es de esperar, porque un esclavo personal muerto, no les sirve, y un esclavo personal malsano, es desagradable de usar (o inutilizable). 


Y lo que agrava esto, es el hecho de que todas las personas saben, que se necesita mucho tiempo / energía / dinero / esfuerzo / etc. para: 

1. Encontrar y luego acondicionar / preparar , un socio / amigo / amante, en un buen esclavo personal, (es decir, uno que satisface sus deseos). 

2. Cree, y luego acondicione / prepare a un bebé / niño, para que sea un buen  

esclavo personal (es decir, uno que satisfaga sus deseos). 

Es decir, esto hace que las personas estén aún más decididas a asegurarse de que sus esclavos personales nunca tengan ninguna libertad / elección / opción fundamental real (por ejemplo, la libertad / elección / opción de dejar la vida). 


Nota: Dado que todos tienen este comportamiento inmoral, esto significa que todos están constantemente tratando de ocultar su comportamiento inmoral. Sin embargo, incluso después de ocultarlo, continúan lavando el cerebro / programando a todos, porque quieren que se les permita hacer todo este comportamiento inmoral, a plena vista. 

Por supuesto, el resultado de todo esto es inevitable, donde todos han 

lavado el cerebro / programado a todos hasta tal punto, que todos ahora creen (y 13

ven) negro (sufrimiento) como blanco.  

Y de hecho, esta es la razón por la que la gente ve todo en la vida, al revés. 

Y es importante ver que las cosas que están más al revés son las cosas más importantes en la vida.  

- Y, las cosas más importantes de la vida, son las que tienen que ver con el sufrimiento. - Y por eso hay tanto sufrimiento en el mundo. 


Y, es importante ver que:  

Siempre habrá sufrimiento en el mundo, porque la  

gente quiere (y necesita) que exista sufrimiento. 

La razón por la que la gente quiere (y necesita) que exista el sufrimiento es porque el dolor / sufrimiento es un arma / táctica que todos usan para controlar / manipular / lavar el cerebro / programar / condicionar a sus esclavos personales (y esclavos de trabajo). 

- De hecho, el dolor / sufrimiento es el arma / táctica número uno, como castigo y recompensa.  

Puede sonar extraño decir "y recompensa", pero todo el mundo hace esto. Es decir, todos usan el dolor / sufrimiento no solo como castigo, sino también como recompensa (es decir, la recompensa es que el perpetrador deja temporalmente de causar dolor / sufrimiento a su esclavo personal).  


Of course, what this means, is that feelings/sensation/awareness/etc, are all only necessary, to create an entity that is able to be used/enslaved/raped. -- Ie, feelings/sensation/awareness/consciousness/etc, are all only created, for malevolent purposes. 

Of course, many people try to brainwash/program everyone to believe, that awareness/feelings/sensations/consciousness/memory/etc, are good/great/divine/etc. -- However, it's obvious, that they are cruel/evil things, because there is no choice in them.  


Unless you can get rid of awareness/consciousness/memory/etc, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way, (whenever you want), then these things are inherently (by definition), weapons/tactics, which are deliberately designed to create imprisonment/torture/slavery/rape. 

And since  

Awareness/consciousness/memory/etc, is what “existence” is, 

this inherently means that 

“Existence” is also a thing, that is a weapon/tactic, which is deliberately designed to create imprisonment/torture/slavery/rape. 



And therefore,  

It is to be expected, that existence will always be inherently causing suffering. 

And therefore,  

To reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, there is no other option, except to end existence, forever. 


And, no matter which way you come at it, the result is always the same. -- Eg, it's obvious that all these things (feelings/sensation/awareness/consciousness/etc) are malevolent, because anything that is done for benevolent reasons, would want all people/entities/dimensions, to have zero pain/suffering (and ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss). And, the only thing which is zero pain/suffering (and ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss), is “That”, (non-existence).  

Ie, if you are benevolent, then the only thing worth creating, is “That”. However, “That”, is something that only exists, in the absence of creation/existence. Therefore, if you are benevolent, you will inherently: 

1. Not create any creation/existence. 

2. Not perpetuate any creation/existence. 

3. End the whole of existence, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. 

And therefore, any action that is anything other than these three things, is (by definition) malevolent. 


Note: If anyone is concerned that this conclusion is finding that everything in existence is malevolent, then let me clarify this situation for you. 

After you are able to clearly/honestly see everything in life/existence, it's just so obvious, that: 

It is all malevolent,  

because if it was benevolent,  

there would be zero suffering. 


It's just that simple. 


And therefore, it really is true, that all types of enlightenment, (and all types of paths to enlightenment), are malevolent. And this is so obvious, because it's obvious that the only thing worth having/being, is the thing which is zero suffering for all (and ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss for all), which is “That”, (non-existence). 

Ie, all statements about enlightenment being malevolent, are true, (and this is regardless of whatever definitions are used, (and regardless of whether it's called: enlightenment, awakening, self-realisation, ascension, descension, or whatever else)). -- Of course, the only exception to this, is if it's accepted that, 

There is only one true definition of enlightenment,  

which is that:  

True enlightenment occurs, when the whole of existence permanently becomes “That”, (non-existence). 


And therefore, it's obvious that:  

There is only one ideal path to true enlightenment,  

which is to end the whole of existence, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. 


And, of course, since “True enlightenment occurs, when the whole of existence permanently becomes “That”, (non-existence)”, then what this means, is that there can't be any things like “enlightened people” (or enlightened: beings, entities, societies, worlds, times, eras, dimensions, realms, etc). 

Note: With this true type of enlightenment, there's absolutely no need to discuss anything about it, because there's absolutely no ambiguity, (nor issues about interpretation, nor anything to dispute, nor any other stupidity), because this enlightenment is about the whole of existence as “That” (non-existence), and in non-existence, there are:  

• No teachings. 

• No teachers, (and no enlightened people/beings/etc). 

• No students/disciples/followers/etc. 

• No special places, (eg, ashrams, monasteries, etc). 

• No rules, dogma, etc. 

• No person that can get enlightenment. 

• No special powers. 

• No such thing as enlightenment, (or awakening, self-realisation, etc). • No special/higher dimensions (or realms, etc). 


• No god. 

• No existence. 

• Etc. 


Indeed, it's even ridiculous to use the term enlightenment.  


Of course, when you understand all of this, you then realise, that all the things which people call enlightenment/spirituality/religion/god/etc, are nothing but weapons/tactics to control/manipulate/use/enslave people, (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). 

Note: All of this causes suffering, but the blame for all of this, is on the people, (not on the institutions/organisations/systems), because people are constantly creating (and/or perpetuating the existence of) these 

religions/institutions/groups/organisations/systems/etc, because they want to use these things, to control/manipulate/enslave their personal-slaves (and/or work-slaves). 

Ie, all these things cause suffering, but people want them to be kept in existence, because people want to use them, as part of their arsenal of weapons/tactics.  

And, of course, that is only part of their arsenal. 

-- Ie, there are many other weapons/tactics, including all the rules/beliefs/systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), across all aspects of life. 

And, it's important to remember, that: 

All of this is created (and/or perpetuated), purely because people want to use/enslave people, (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). 


Note: It's important to see, how all the information in this conclusion, is applicable to all levels of life.  

One example of this, is that a person can use the information provided, to truly/totally deprogram themselves, and even if they start at the superficial levels, it will lead them to ever-deeper levels, and then to “That”.  

-- To give an example of this, let's use the following obvious statement.  

To reduce the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that is in your life,  

you have to recognise (and admit),  

the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that you are in.  

This is obviously a superficial level of deprograming, however, it does lead you to ever-deeper levels, and then to “That”.  

-- To make this clearer, we can re-word it, as follows: 

To reduce the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that is in your life,  


you have to recognise (and admit),  

the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that is your life.  

And, this is true for all levels. Ie, it's true for the individual, and for existence itself. -- Indeed, to make this clearer, we can re-word it, as follows: 

To reduce the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that is in existence,  

you have to recognise (and admit),  

the prison/torture/slavery/rape, that is existence.  

Ie, it then becomes very obvious, that the only solution, is to end existence. And then, what remains, is “That”, (non-existence). 


Note: What all of this should be beginning to show, is that the idea of ending existence, (in order to end all suffering (for all)), is not some out-there desperate idea, but instead, it's just the only solution. 


However, let's bring it down to the level of the individual again.  

It's important to realise, that to solve any problems in life (no matter how small), you need to examine everything. 

Indeed, this is obvious, because life is something that is made up from many different aspects/subjects/topics (in and of life), and these are all interrelated, and inextricably interlinked. 

-- Therefore, if you make even the smallest of changes to one aspect of life, the other aspects will all be affected.  

Therefore, if you want to solve problems in life, you can't just solve one aspect at a time, (because this will solve one aspect, but cause problems in all other aspects of life). 

Therefore, you have to examine it all, or not bother. 

Indeed, doing anything else, will just create more problems/suffering. 


And what is also obvious, is that to reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, the absolute deepest issues in life must be analysed. 

-- By “deepest”, I mean the absolute deepest, because if there are 100 levels, but you only analyse 99 levels, then all those 99 levels which you analysed, can all be incorrect/bad/upside-down, because all those 99 levels, are built on top of the most fundamental level, (which you have not analysed).  

A good example of not analysing a fundamental level, can be seen in the subject of 18


-- Eg, if you've been brainwashed/programmed to believe that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”, then when you do an activity in life, which makes you suffer, you just think that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”, and therefore, you'll just keep doing that same activity, and therefore, you'll keep suffering.  

Ie, this will keep happening, until you analyse (and deprogram) the 

brainwashing/programming in you, which made you believe that “suffering is acceptable and necessary”. 


However, even if you do analyse all of the fundamental levels/issues in life, it is also vital, that you analyse all of the other levels, (all the way up to the most superficial levels).  

Most people do not do this, and this makes their knowledge (about the fundamental level), meaningless (due to it being an incomplete picture/understanding of the whole), and therefore, this will inevitably lead them to cause suffering (to themselves, and others, and everyone). 


Of course, most people don't want to examine all levels, because that is their tactic. Ie, to avoid learning that they're a selfish/immoral/cruel person, they simply avoid examining certain levels.  

-- Eg, if someone is exposing them as being selfish/immoral, then they'll hide behind some quotes which refer to some deeper level, (eg, the level of non-duality). Indeed, it's common to hear people try to escape their immoral actions, by saying things like: “There is no good/bad, right/wrong, moral/immoral”.  

Of course, after you know about the “neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything)”, these people will not be able to escape via those tactics. And neither will you. And neither will anyone. 

-- I'll explain this in more detail, at the end of this short conclusion. 


Of course, because those people will not be able to escape via any of those tactics, they will then resort to other tactics, (eg, sly/subtle ridicule, shaming, etc). Indeed, this is common in all aspects of life, (eg, relationships, friendships, family, etc).  

Note: It's important to see, that because people are constantly being immoral (by using/enslaving people (as their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves)), this means that they're going to be constantly trying to say things to you, in an attempt to brainwash/program you, and this will keep happening, until they succeed in making you believe that their immoral actions, are moral and acceptable. 

Therefore, if you know that what they're doing is immoral, then it's important to realise, that this will never end.  

-- Ie, they will never be able to give up trying to brainwash/program you. And indeed, they can't ever give up, because they need everyone around them to believe that 


using/enslaving people as personal-slaves (and work-slaves) is moral and acceptable, because otherwise they will begin to feel guilty about all the suffering that they're causing their personal-slaves (and work-slaves).  

Therefore, since this could go on forever, if you want to reduce/prevent/eliminate some suffering in your life, all you need to remember, is that as soon as you see anyone trying to subtly/slyly use all kinds of brainwashing/programming/control/manipulation/tactics (of whatever kind) on you, then you just naturally see that as a warning sign (of what they're truly like), and therefore, you realise that the only wise course of action, is to instantly end the relationship/interaction, and permanently cut all communication with them, forever. 


Side note: You do not need to give them any explanation/answer (about why you want to leave the relationship/interaction, and cut all communication with them, forever).  

-- However, if they want an explanation/answer, (and if you want to say one last thing (which might help them)), then just tell them that they will have their answer (and all their answers), if they examine the situation with ever-deeper honesty. 


Side note: The term “ever-deeper honesty”, refers to the process of  

being honest in ever-deeper ways. This is different to the term  

“Ever Deeper Honesty”, which refers to the title of this book. (This is explained a bit more, on the last page of this book.)  



Many people will try to say (argue) that: 

1. “I am not using people as personal-slaves, or work-slaves.” 

2. “I give people freedom.” 

3. “Life is not prison/torture/slavery/rape.” 

4. “Life is not just 99% suffering, with a small scrap of happiness/peace for 1% of the time.” 

5. Etc. 

The key point is, that none of this needs to be discussed, because it's all just words/excuses/lies/misdirection/deceit/gaslighting/etc.  

-- This is true, because all of the issues in these statements (in points 1 to 4 (above)), are not things that are debatable, because it's indisputable that all these issues exist, as soon as people/society are doing the things, that the type B people/society do. 

Indeed, a simple way to see this, is that: 

If a person honestly believes these statements (in points 1 to 4 (above)), then they will have absolutely no issue with proving it.  

Ie, if they believe these statements, then they can prove this, by allowing a charity to be created, which will provide everyone with two things: 


1. A building, (which will be in every town), which absolutely any 

person can walk into, and ask to leave life, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way. 

2. A service, (which will be in every town), which absolutely any 

person can phone, to request a person to come to their home, 

so that they can leave life, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way. 

And, this charity/service/building, will allow the person to choose any method of death, including the option to have an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed death whilst they're in the deepest states of deep sleep.  

(Note: Many people would want this type of death, for many reasons, which I'll explain in the long conclusion. Indeed when you see the 

reasons, you'll see that many people would prefer this over a natural death, or suicide, or the usual methods of assisted-suicide 


-- Indeed, this is obvious, because there is no type of death that is 

more peaceful, than an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed death 

whilst a person is in the deepest states of deep sleep.  

The key point is, that the time for talk/debate/conversation (ie, 

excuses/lies/misdirection/deceit/gaslighting/etc), is over, because this freedom to move away from suffering, either exists, or it doesn't. 

Indeed, you are either a type A person/society, or a type B person/society.  

And, this is not about trying to use words to convince (lie) about which one you are, because no conversation is needed, because a simple observation will reveal if: 

• You use people as personal-slaves (and/or work-slaves), or not. 

• This charity/service/building exists, or not. 

• Babies are being brought into existence, or not. 

• You are trapping/imprisoning/enslaving/torturing/raping people, via creating (and/or perpetuating) various rules/beliefs/systems (legal, 

moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), or not. • Etc. 

Note: It's important to realise, that this does not require intelligence, nor does it depend on believing people/governments/organisations/groups (whether official, or unofficial/alternative, or whatever else). Ie, each person can do this for themselves. Ie, each person can see if this charity/service/building exits, for them. Ie, each person can 


check for themselves, whether they (themselves) have access to this charity/service/building.  

Indeed, it's vital that each person has access to this charity/service/building, because it's vital that not one person/entity is excluded. 

And therefore, this charity/service/building, has to be restriction free. Ie, there are no requirements (eg, age, class, gender, race, etc), and also, there are no checks, no waiting/delaying, nor any other sly tactics.  

-- Indeed, you simply phone (or walk into) this charity/service/building, and you are then provided with instant freedom from this life of prison/torture/slavey/rape, and it all happens in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way. 

And it's important to see, that doing anything other than this, is outright immoral/cruel/evil, since it is directly causing people to suffer an entire lifetime of prison/torture/slavey/rape (suffering).  


Side note: Any people who say that “Everyone already has the freedom, to just go and commit suicide”, are totally ignorant (and selfish/immoral), because:  

1. A quick think (or listen) about the subject of suicide, reveals that there is absolutely no method of suicide, which provides an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed death.  

And, the last one of those words, (“guaranteed”), is (arguably) the most important one, because all methods of suicide can easily/accidentally go wrong, and then you still end up having to be in this despicable life, but in a situation/life of even more suffering. 

2. Many people only want to leave life, whilst they have: 

a) Absolutely zero negative thoughts (in their head). 


b) Absolutely zero negative emotions/energies (in their body). 

There are a whole variety of reasons why people will want this.  

What this means, is that they only want to leave life, if there is a method which provides an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way out of life whilst they're in the deepest states of deep sleep.  

And for most people, this is an impossible thing to set-up (and do) by themselves, especially since a lot of the equipment that is needed to do this, is illegal. -- And, if people help each other with this, then despite the fact that this act is moral (since it ends suffering), and is consensual (ie, it is consensual-murder), it is illegal.  

The key point is, that most of these people do not want to do any illegal things, 22

because this might lead to being put in jail, which is a situation/life of even more suffering. 

3. Many people will not be able to commit suicide, because they've been brainwashed/programmed (since birth), with thousands of rules/beliefs/systems (legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), and this has been done directly and indirectly, and all of these rules/beliefs/systems, sit on top of very deep programs/beliefs, (eg, the belief/idea/story/lie/gaslighting that: “Life is good, death is bad”). 

Ie, they might have removed many programs from themselves (ie, deprogramed themselves a bit), however, they might not be able to remove this belief/program, because they do not know that it is in them (because it was put into them in an indirect way). (I'll explain this in more detail, later in this short conclusion.)  

Note: It's important to remember, that all of this 

brainwashing/programming/teaching/conditioning is done, purely so that people can use/enslave/rape people, (as their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves). 

4. Etc.  

The level of how selfish/immoral/cruel/evil this all is, will become increasingly apparent, when these terms (“personal-slaves”, “direct work-slaves”, and “indirect work-slaves”), are examined with ever-deeper honesty, (which I will do, in the long conclusion). -- And, you will then also understand, the importance of using words like “cruel/evil”. Indeed, there are many very good reasons why these words need to be used, (but it must be done in a fair/equal/neutral way). 



Earlier on, I mentioned the issue that:  

Life is 99% suffering, with a small scrap of happiness/peace  

(for 1% of the time).  

This is true, if you include all types of suffering (including light/mild suffering), and it's calculated across your entire lifetime. This is all obvious, if you're able to clearly observe life, with ever-deeper honesty.  

-- This is a big issue to cover, because all aspects of life, need to be covered. So this will all be done in detail, in the long conclusion. 

Of course, doing this in detail, needs to be done for many other reasons, eg: to show that all things in life are pointing in the same direction, (towards “That”, (non-existence)), and this includes even the most amazing moments in life, (including: divine ecstasy, pure pleasure, orgasms, true happiness, etc). 



Note: All of that information (in the long conclusion), will be able to help you permanently reduce some suffering (in many different aspects of your life).  

However, if you want to permanently eliminate all suffering in your life, then: 

You have to open your mind, to the fact that the solution to this,  

is not in life/existence, but from life/existence. 


Note: No matter where you start from, this solution/conclusion is always the same.  

Before moving onto the summary, let's run through this solution/conclusion in a slightly different way, as follows. 

To get to the key point, let's start from here:  

People are (obviously) not free, because they're not provided with an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out of life, whenever they want. 

And, the only reason why people are not provided with an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out of life, is because: 

Everyone wants to imprison/torture/enslave/rape everyone, (as their personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves).  

And therefore, this means that: 

Life will always inherently be prison/torture/slavery/rape. 

And therefore, this means that: 

Life will always inherently be suffering. 


Indeed, a clear/honest observation of life, will show you that all of the statements (in this conclusion) are true.  

-- And, no matter which way you come at it, the result is always the same, which is that: Life is suffering. 

And, if you're able to see clearly/honestly, you'll see how even the most amazing/wonderful things in life, are inextricably interlinked with suffering.  


So, from all of the above, we can then say that: 



Suffering is unacceptable and unnecessary. 


Life is suffering. 

It inherently follows, that 

Life is unacceptable and unnecessary. 

And therefore, that 

Existence is unacceptable and unnecessary. 



The ultimate permanent solution, to all problems/pain/suffering/discomfort, in life (and existence), 

is the same as, 

The ultimate permanent freedom/peace/love/bliss, (which everyone is seeking/desiring), 

and therefore, 

All desires, fears, seeking, and realisations, will inevitably all lead to this one-same-thing, which is “That”, (non-existence). 


And therefore, it becomes clear that some of these previous statements (eg, “Existence is unacceptable and unnecessary”), is not a bad thing, because everyone's (deepest) desire, is for “That”, (non-existence).  


Indeed, when you see things clearly/honestly, you realise that everything is actually pointing in this direction. Eg, earlier on in this conclusion, I said: “the type A people/society, aren't trying to be moral (or whatever else), they just simply don't want any person/thing to suffer.” Of course, I only said this as a stepping-stone, because the truth is that: 

By the time a society is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent. 


Ie, even if people/society are 90% moral, they will still have suffering in their lives, (because suffering will still be caused, because there is still 10% immorality), and therefore, they will naturally be propelled to keep eliminating suffering (in ever-deeper ways, (and at ever-deeper levels), until there is zero suffering, for all people/entities/beings, at all levels, including existence itself. 

Note: From this previous statement (“By the time a society is truly 100% moral, it is non existent”), it's obvious that: 

By the time a society is truly worth living in, it is non-existent. 


And indeed, all of this is true at all levels, and therefore, when this is applied at the level of the individual person, it is realised that:  

By the time a person/entity is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent. 

And from this, it's obvious that: 

By the time a person/body/consciousness is truly worth living in (having), it is non-existent. 


And when this is applied at th e level of existence, it is realised that:  

By the time existence is truly 100% moral, it is non-existent, (ie,  

non-existence, ie, “That”). 

And from this, it's obvious that: 

By the time existence is truly worth living in (having), it is non-existent, (ie, non-existence, ie, “That”). 


And therefore, the inescapable conclusion, is that: 

The only thing truly worth living in (having)(being), is “That”, (non-existence). 


Therefore, from all of the above, it becomes obvious, that no matter where you start, it always comes down to the same conclusion/realisation/solution/desire, which is that:  

The ideal permanent solution/desire, of how to end all suffering (for all) (and 26

get “That” which is beyond freedom/peace/love/bliss), is to end existence, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  

It might sound strange (to some people), to say that existence can be ended (instantly/painlessly), but it is a practical possibility, (because anything that is created, can be ended). And, this is true, no matter whether the creation of existence, is: a projection, holographic, virtual, real, solid, a computer simulation, etc.  

Note: Perhaps only certain people/entities, have the ability to end existence, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). Or, perhaps it needs a few people/entities, to be able to do this, (and/or, perhaps this needs to be 0.1% of the population). And/or, perhaps certain devices/equipment are needed. However, whatever 

the case, the important thing to realise, is that: 

Life/existence can be ended, and it will definitely be ended, because it's already happening. 

-- Indeed, life/existence is naturally/inherently/inevitably going to end, because “life” (and “existence”), are just systems, and no systems is 100%. -- Ie, all systems will naturally/inherently/inevitably crack, and then they will keep cracking, until they no longer exist. 

-- Ie, it's not a matter of “if”, but “when”.  


However, it's also important to remember, that when speaking about any type of systems (eg, political, societal, financial, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc), it is obvious that: 

All systems are going to (inherently) always cause suffering. 

And therefore: 

The longer the system continues,  

the longer the suffering will drag on. 


The longer the system continues (until the system totally ends, (no longer exists)),  

the longer the suffering will drag on. 


And, since life/existence is a system, this means that: 

The longer existence continues (until existence totally ends, (no longer exists)),  

the longer the suffering will drag on. 


And, of course, the speed at which a system will come to an end, is dependent on various 27

factors. Indeed, a good example is that: 

A building can't collapse/end, if people/entities are constantly 

maintaining/perpetuating that building. 

Ie, in more general terms: 

A system can't collapse/end, if people/entities are constantly 

maintaining/perpetuating that system. 

And at a deeper level, this means that: 

Existence can't collapse/end, if people/entities are constantly 

maintaining/perpetuating that existence. 

And what this means, is that: 

Suffering can't collapse/end, if people/entities are constantly 

maintaining/perpetuating that suffering. 


Therefore, everyone needs to realise/recognise/admit, that:  

1. “Life” (and “existence”), are just systems.  

2. All systems cause suffering. 

3. The only true permanent way to end all suffering (for all), is to 

instantly/painlessly end all systems. 

And therefore,  

4. The ultimate permanent solution, to end all suffering (for all), is to instantly/painlessly end existence, because then what remains, is  

“That” (which is beyond: peace, love, bliss, pain, suffering, etc), which is what everyone is truly wanting. 

And, the only way that this will all happen quicker, is if people recognise/admit, all the key points in this conclusion, eg, that: 

• Life (and existence) is prison/torture/slavery/rape. 

• Life (and existence) is survival of the stupidest. 

• Suffering is unacceptable, and unnecessary. 

• Using/enslaving people (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves), is unacceptable, and unnecessary. 


• Life (and existence) is unacceptable, and unnecessary. 

• Etc. 


And it's important to realise, that this will all just naturally happen, if people just stop deluding/lying/misdirecting/brainwashing/programming/gaslighting themselves (and others). 

-- Ie, just stop with all that selfishness/stupidity/immorality, because it only causes you (and everyone) suffering, because you (and everyone) are just perpetuating suffering. 

However, do not see the things that I'm saying in this conclusion, as new beliefs to cling to. -- Actually, this is not an issue, because all of this information will do it's job, and then dissolve itself. Indeed, this is obvious, because if people/societies act on this type of information, it will naturally propel them to keep moving towards less and less suffering and ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, until all that remains, is “That”. 


Note: A typical argument (excuse/misdirection), that many people will say, is: “If all people/entities/things/dimensions (and existence itself), are all inevitably heading towards “That”, then nothing needs to be done”.  

The simple answer to this, is that: Doing this is fine, if you want to suffer.  

Indeed, it all just depends on how much people/societies want to suffer. -- I'll explain this as follows.  

In terms of how much people/societies want to suffer, this can be broken down into three options: 

Option 1: 

Extreme long-term suffering,  

will happen to all people/societies which are taking  

the indirect (totally opposite direction) route (to “That”). 

What I mean by the “indirect (totally opposite direction) route”, is that these people/societies are choosing a route of being 

selfish/immoral/bad, which will cause themselves immense long-term suffering, and this will keep happening, until the suffering becomes so extreme, that they are then forced to stop and examine all things in life (and life/existence itself).  

However, if they do not examine all aspects of life (and all levels of life, and life/existence itself, (in a clear/honest ever-deeper way)), then 

they will have to suffer more, (ie, keep going through this  

cycle-of-suffering), until they realise that the ultimate (and only) 

solution to suffering, is the same as the ultimate 

freedom/peace/love/bliss, which is “That”, (non-existence).  


And therefore, all their actions (from that point onwards), is to help them (and everyone) get directly to “That”. Ie, all their actions are then moral. Whereas, the way that they were before, was purely about them living a selfish/immoral/bad life, where they used/enslaved other people, (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves).  

Side note: Just to reiterate this point, yes, I did use the word 

“bad”, because there is good/bad, (and: right/wrong, 

moral/immoral, etc). This is obvious, and I'll explain this in more detail, when I explain the neutral/natural/true start-point (for 

everything), in the summary.  

Option 2: 

Short-term suffering,  

will happen to all people/societies which are taking  

the direct route (to “That”). 

These people/societies are just naturally moral, (ie, they just naturally do not want to cause suffering to others).  

-- And therefore: 

A) They just naturally do not want to bring any 

babies/entities into existence.  

B) They just naturally want to provide all people/entities, 

with the freedom/choice/option, to leave life/existence, in 

an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. 

C) They just naturally want to help deprogram any 

person/entity (who wants to truly/fully deprogram 


-- And, obviously, these people/societies, no longer 

brainwash/program anyone. 

Note: It's important to see, that deprogramming will 

naturally happen (without external help), as soon as the 

constant brainwashing/programming (which everyone is 

constantly doing to each other) stops.  

Indeed, this is inevitable, because when someone 

suffers, they naturally stop to investigate what caused 

their suffering. However, in selfish/immoral societies, they 

get constantly told/brainwashed/programmed to believe 

that that suffering (which they are directly experiencing), 

is acceptable/important/necessary/etc, and therefore, this 

causes them to repeat the cycle-of-suffering. 

An analogy of this, is that you burn your hand on a hot 

stove, and therefore, you then remove it. However, you 


then get brainwashed/programmed to believe that  

that suffering (which you just experienced), is something 

that you must just accept (because: “That's just part of 

life”, “You must be strong”, “You must persevere and 

succeed”, etc).  

-- Of course, if you accept this, then you're going to put 

your hand back on the hot stove. And so the  

cycle-of-suffering continues. 

Option 3: 

Zero suffering,  

will happen to all people/societies which are taking  

the instant route (to “That”). 

These people/societies know that option 1 is pure stupidity (because why would you want to cause suffering to yourself). And they also 

know, that option 2 is good, but it's still a little bit stupid, (because if 

you know that the ultimate end result/solution/desire, is “That”, then 

why not just go straight to “That”). And therefore, these 

people/societies will try to end existence, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. 


There is also a fourth option, which is those people/societies who are doing option 2 and 3 (simultaneously). Ie, whist trying to do option 3, they're also doing option 2. 

Note: It's important to realise, that even if people believe that option 3 is too difficult (or impossible, or whatever else), there is absolutely no excuse for not doing option 2, because points A, B and C (mentioned in option 2 (above)), are all able to be done by all people/societies, because A, B and C, do not need some skills (or technology) which only exists in the future. Ie, it's all able to be done right now. 

And therefore, there is absolutely no way/excuse, for any people/societies, to justify their immoral behaviour. 


Note: Some people might say, that after existence ends, it will just restart again. Ie, it won't be permanent. This argument can be countered, and I will explain this all in more detail, in the long conclusion. Indeed, all arguments are countered. However, what is more important to see, is that all such arguments are not only countered, but are actually totally irrelevant. This might sound strange, but it's true. I'll explain why, in the long conclusion. 

The key point is, that no matter what arguments are used, or what aspect of life you're examining, (and I will examine all aspects of everyday life), the ultimate solution/desire is always the same, which is zero suffering (for all), and “That” (for all), by ending existence, in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  




It's important to see, that I could have written all of this, without any mention of “That”, and without any discussion about ending the whole of existence.  

-- Indeed, I could have just said that: 

The conclusion of this book,  

is that everyone has one choice to make.  

(This choice will determine everything in your life,  

including how much you will suffer,  

and how much freedom/peace/love/bliss there will be in your life).  

This choice that has to be made,  

is between: 

Option A: 

You choose to believe that: “Suffering is acceptable”. 

Option B: 

You choose to believe that: “Suffering is unacceptable”. 


It really is that simple. Nothing more needs to be said.  

The reason why nothing more needs to be said, is because after this choice is made, everything will naturally follow.  


Of course, if a person/society chooses option A, then they will create (and perpetuate) suffering (for themselves, and everyone else). This is inevitable, because they believe that “Suffering is acceptable”. 

Note: When they do suffer, they have no right to complain, (because it's absolutely ridiculous to complain about suffering, if you believe that “Suffering is acceptable”).  

Basically, if a person choose option A, it will be like a person punching themselves in their face (with their own fist), and then they'll complain that it hurts (and that they're suffering), but they'll just keep doing this over and over again. And, despite the fact that they're suffering, they will tell other people to do the same thing. 

Of course, the only way that this can all permanently stop, is when they change to option B (and choose to believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”). This is obvious, because whilst they believe that “Suffering is acceptable”, it's just impossible for them to break the cycle-of-suffering.  


Ie, these people are literally creating their own suffering.  


Question: So, why do people choose option A? 

Answer: The reason why people choose option A, is because they want to believe (and need to believe, and have to believe) that “Suffering is acceptable”, because they can't believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and then have babies, (because everyone knows that babies will suffer regularly, throughout their entire lifetime). 

-- Ie, they know that the baby will suffer regularly (throughout it's entire lifetime), and if they believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and then have a baby, then that would make them indisputably immoral/cruel, (because they are causing suffering to a person, for an entire lifetime).  

And they also know, that if they believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and they then use/enslave people as their personal-slaves, (and/or work-slaves), then they are also indisputably immoral/cruel, because everyone knows that all personal-slaves (and work slaves) suffer regularly (throughout their entire lifetime). 


And another reason why people choose to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”, is because the only other alternative, is to believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, and as soon as you truly believe (and naturally live) this, then everything in your life will start to shatter (in ever-deeper ways) as you realise that you have been 

brainwashed/programmed/used/enslaved (in ever-deeper ways). 

And you also realise, that you have been brainwashing/programming/using/enslaving people. And therefore, you have to accept/admit that you have been a selfish/immoral/cruel person, and perhaps even an evil person (if you caused any people long-term suffering). 

And then you also realise, that life (and existence) is prison/torture/slavery/rape, and that life (and existence) is cruel/evil.  

-- And therefore, this means that life (and existence) is survival of the stupidest.  

And the problem is, that all of these realisations, are inescapable, because it applies to all aspects of life, and all levels of life/existence. And therefore, for most people, the implications become too much to bear, and therefore, they prefer to stay in delusion, (and the only way to do this, is to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”).  

Side note: They might believe/argue that “suffering is necessary”, (and/or that “suffering is important”, and/or that “life is perfect”, or whatever else), but this is all just another way of trying to brainwash/program themselves (and others) to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”. I'll explain this (and all other such brainwashing/programming/lies/gaslighting) in detail, in the long conclusion. 



Note: It's important to see, that this lie/delusion, is not just something that causes them suffering, because this lie/delusion (that “Suffering is acceptable”), only gains weight (becomes real enough), if they're able to make other people believe it. This is why everyone is constantly trying to brainwash/program everyone with it, (directly, and indirectly).  

And, to make this belief have practical weight, they then also have to brainwash/program themselves (and others), to believe that it's acceptable to have personal-slaves, and work-slaves, and babies. 

So, the key thing to see, is that: Just because they don't want to face the truth (of how things really are in life/existence), they're willing to cause other people suffering, just so that it makes them feel a bit better.  

And, in the case of believing that it's ok for them (and/or other people) to have babies, they're causing immense amounts of suffering, because every baby that is born, will suffer regularly, throughout it's entire lifetime.  

Ie, everyone is suffering regularly in their everyday lives, and the reason why this is all happening, is because people keep brainwashing/programming everyone to believe that having a baby is acceptable/good/important/necessary/etc.  

Ie, so much suffering is caused to everyone, and it all keeps happening (in endless cycles), because people want to make themselves feel a bit better, (by deluding themselves enough, to avoid having to face the truth (of how things really are in life/existence)).  

And the key words in that last sentence, are “a bit”, because even after doing all of this (causing a lifetime of suffering to others), they still end up suffering most of the time.  

Therefore, these people/societies are the definition of stupid, and they are indisputably selfish/immoral/cruel/evil.  

-- And it must be seen, that these four words (selfish/immoral/cruel/evil), can't ever begin to describe the fact, that these type A people/societies, are causing billions of people a lifetime of suffering, generation after generation.  


And, what is also important to see, is that: 

These people have to brainwash/program themselves (and others), to believe that it's acceptable for people to have babies, because if they start to believe that it's not acceptable to have a baby, (because having a baby is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, because life is prison/torture/slavery/rape), then they would also have to accept, that life is prison/torture/slavery/rape. 

And, of course,  

If a person accepts that life is prison/torture/slavery/rape, then they also have to accept, that life is survival of the stupidest. 


And, of course,  

If a person accepts that life is survival of the stupidest, then they also have to accept, that the only wise action, is to leave life/existence, as soon as possible. 


Ie, the key point is: 

That as soon as the person accepts, that the act of having babies, is selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, then their whole life gets turned upside-down, (in a very traumatic way).  

-- And, since people do not like their lives to be turned upside-down, (in a very traumatic way), then what this means, is that they'll try to stay in 100% denial/delusion. 

And, of course,  

They can't stay in this denial/delusion, unless everyone else is also 

creating/perpetuating (and living in) this same denial/delusion. 

Ie, this is why, everyone is in denial/delusion. 

-- And, of course, where there is denial/delusion, there will always be suffering. 

Note: All people are in denial/delusion, (to varying degrees), and all people have more than one delusion/denial, (which are all happening simultaneously). 

-- However, the key point here, is that the previous few paragraphs, are talking about a denial/delusion, which is on the level of life/existence itself. 

Ie, the brainwashing/programming/conditioning/lies/deceit/denial/delusion/etc, just can't get any bigger than this. 


Note: What this all means, is that two of the deepest programs, that everyone is (directly and indirectly) brainwashing/programming everyone with, are the beliefs/lies that: 

1. “Life is good, death is bad.” 


2. “Existence is good, non-existence is bad.” 

Of course, there are many other similar beliefs which people try to brainwash/program everyone with (directly and indirectly), and these beliefs all vary by replacing the word “good” (and “bad”) with some alternate word. Or, the long way to say these beliefs/lies, would, be:  

A) “Life (and existence) is 




B) “Death (and non-existence) is  


This is a very important subject, and I'll examine it in more detail, in the long conclusion. -- The reason why I say that “This is a very important subject”, is because almost everything is based on these two lies/deceptions/brainwashing/programming.  

And, of course, whatever is based on a lie/deception, is also a lie/deception, and therefore, since 99% of life is based on these two lies/deceptions, then it's to be expected, that 99% of your entire lifetime, will involve suffering (to varying degrees). 

And, with ever-deeper lies/deceptions, the truth of the situation gets ever-more hidden, and therefore, it becomes ever-harder to stop the cycle-of-suffering. 

The only way to truly understand this, is to examine just how much is based on these two lies/deceptions, and then keep examining it, with ever-deeper honesty. -- Indeed, most of the “normal” “harmless” thoughts in your own head, are based on these two lies/deceptions. 

-- Eg, a simple thought/comment like “I want a glass of water”, wouldn't be possible, unless there was an underlying belief, that “Life is good, death is bad”. 

Indeed, if you believed that “Death is good, life is bad”, then you would want death, and would probably be dead, (and therefore, you would not be able to want a glass of water (because you're dead)).  

And, no one would ever consider doing any of the usual things/activities/hobbies in life, (eg: relationships, friendships, family, jobs, having children, etc), unless there was an underlying belief/programming in them, which was that: “Life is good, death is bad”. 


Note: It's important to realise, that this belief (“Life is good, death is bad”), can be easily brainwashed/programmed into people indirectly.  

-- Indirect brainwashing/programming, can be infinitely more effective than direct brainwashing/programming, because the person has never heard the fundamental program go into them, yet it's running their life.  

-- Ie, it's a phantom program. 

I'll explain the difference, as follows: 

• Direct brainwashing/programming, is where you brainwash/program a person with that exact belief.  

-- Ie, in this case, a person is brainwashed/programmed to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and this is done by . 

brainwashing/programming them with the belief “Life is good, death is bad”. 


• Indirect brainwashing/programming, is where you brainwash/program a person with many other beliefs (which require a specific fundamental belief to also exist). 

-- Ie, in this case, a person is brainwashed/programmed to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and this is done by . 

brainwashing/programming them not with the belief that “Life is good, death is bad”, but with many other beliefs, (which require them to 

fundamentally believe that “Life is good, death is bad”). 

And it's important to see, that almost all beliefs, need this fundamental belief (“Life is good, death is bad”) to exist.  

Ie, everyone has been indirectly programmed with this belief.  

And most people are totally oblivious to this fact, and the fact that this very fundamental brainwashing/programming, is running their every decision. 


Side note: Many people talk about how sweatshops are bad. And they also talk about how everyone is bad for buying their clothes from manufacturers who use sweatshops. -- What everyone is missing, is that blaming sweatshops is misdirection.  

The real people to blame, are the parents who brainwashed/programmed their children (the employees of these sweatshops) with the belief “Life is good, death is bad”. -- Indeed, if this belief had not been brainwashed/programmed into them, then they would not be working in sweatshops.  

And, if no one in the world had been brainwashed/programmed with this belief, then no one would be working in sweatshops. And therefore, no sweatshops would exist.  


The key thing to see, is that: 

If this belief (“Life is good, death is bad”) is not in you, then if you ever come across anything in life that is unacceptable (eg, suffering that is caused by an unacceptable environment/activity), then you would simply move away from that environment/activity.  

Note: The reason why I said “simply”, is because you have no fear of moving away from it. Ie, most people don't move away from suffering, because they have some fear/desire/etc. However, you have no fear, because you know, that if all environments/activities/people are seen to be unacceptable (because they all cause suffering), then you will simply choose to move away from all of them. 

Moreover, you also know, that if life/existence is seen to be unacceptable (because it causes suffering), then you will simply choose to move away from life/existence.  


Ie, this applies to everything, (all aspects of life, and all levels of life).  

Ie, the only reason why people put themselves through any suffering (in their job/relationships/friendships/etc), is because they have the fundamental brainwashing/programming in them, that “Life is good, death is bad”.  

Ie, this is why everyone is suffering. 


So, this leads to an obvious question. 

Question: Who is responsible for causing this suffering to everyone?  

Answer: Everyone. Because everyone is constantly brainwashing/programming everyone with all types of things, and all these things are indirectly brainwashing/programming everyone, to believe that “Life is good, death is bad”.  

So, the situation is, that:  

Everyone is causing everyone to suffer, and this will continue, until everyone recognises/admits all of this, and stops trying to 

brainwash/program/use/enslave each other (as personal-slaves, and/or work slaves).  

And, one of the main things that people brainwash/program their slaves to believe, is that “Suffering is acceptable”.  

And it's also important to see, that many people will try to brainwash/program everyone to believe in some lies about the purpose (and meaning) of life, because this will then indirectly brainwash/program people to believe that “Suffering is acceptable”.  

And, of course, it's also important to see, that the belief “Suffering is acceptable”, can only exist, if you also believe that “Life is good, death is bad”, and, “Existence is good, non existence is bad”. 


Note: If you believe that “Suffering is unacceptable”, you will be naturally/inherently unable to have babies, (or use/enslave people as personal-slaves (or work-slaves)), because you just naturally do not want to cause suffering to others.  

And, a side-effect of being like this, is that you will suffer a lot less, and some suffering in the world will be reduced/prevented/eliminated.  

And, after you've reduced/prevented/eliminated this type of suffering, you'll then be aware of deeper/subtler levels of existence, and in these deeper/subtler levels, you'll realise that 


there is suffering (in a subtler form), and so you'll naturally want to 

reduce/prevent/eliminate this suffering.  

Of course, by the time each level (in existence) is truly 100% free from suffering, that level will be non-existent. And therefore, by the time that this is done for all levels, all levels will be non-existent. And then what remains, is non-existence, (“That”). 

Ie, if a person/society chooses option B, then this belief (that “Suffering is unacceptable”), is not something that is a permanent part of their life, because it is only there as a tool/guide, to totally free them (and everyone) from suffering, and then, when the only thing that remains is “That”, there is no belief, (and no tool/guide, and no person, and no society).  

And, this is also true for all the other tools/guides in this conclusion, (eg, the tool/guide of ever-deeper honesty). 

Side note: I'm saying that these things are “guides”, however, it's not really a guide, because it doesn't tell you where to go, or what to do. Instead, it just tells you where not to go, and what not to do.  

Ie, these guides, (“Suffering is unacceptable” and “ever-deeper honesty”), are tools/guides which do not tell you to go to something. Indeed, they do not tell you to go straight to “That” (non-existence). What happens, is that as you keep using these tools (in ever deeper ways), you realise that everything in existence is malevolent. And then, the only thing that remains, is “That” (non-existence). 

Ie, these guides, (“Suffering is unacceptable” and “ever-deeper honesty”), are (temporary) tools/guides, which will help you to continuously keep reducing/preventing/eliminating suffering, and get ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, until all that remains, is “That”.  


Note: I'm not trying to make everything end up at this outcome (of “That”). I'm just saying, that you need to examine life clearly/honestly (in ever-deeper ways), and then whatever observations/conclusions are found, is what is found. 

Ie, I did not start from an outcome (which I wanted to get to), and then make up the rest. Ie, the important thing to do, is to: 

Deliberately use a solid/indisputable/inescapable start-point,  

because then whatever the outcome,  

you can't dispute it, nor escape it.  

The reason why this is important, is because if you do not do this, then you'll probably do a clear/honest observation of everything in life, and then realise that you don't like the results/conclusions/solutions, and so you then go back and fudge the results, (or cover over the results, or constantly misdirect/delude yourself (and other people) away from these results/conclusions/solutions).  


-- This is what everyone is constantly doing, and this is why there is so much suffering in the world. 

So, what is clear from these previous few paragraphs, is that there are two important things here. Firstly, all of life must be clearly/honestly observed. Ie, the examination is of all aspects of life, and all levels of life. And not one aspect (or level) of life, is missed out. Ie, even the superficial aspects must be examined. I'll explain why all this is true (and important), in the summary.  

Secondly, you need to have a solid start-point. This will make sure that you can't dispute (nor escape from) the observations/conclusions/solutions that you find, and this will make sure that you can't then delude yourself. And this will then break your cycle-of-suffering. 

Also, since this start-point is “The neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything)”, then it will not only be able to help break the cycle-of-suffering on an individual level, but also on all levels, (eg: family, community, society, country, planetary, the whole of existence).  

And, since it is free from opinion and agenda, it will lead to conclusions that are indisputable and inescapable not just for you, but for everyone.  

I'll explain this “neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything)” next, in the summary. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 


Before this book can really start, it's important to establish: 

The neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything). 

Before I explain what this is, and how it comes into existence, I need to go through a brief (one page) explanation, of why we need a neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything). -- So the next page is very basic, but necessary. Así que tengan paciencia conmigo. 


When people interact with each other, they do so, because they want something, (eg, a thing, feeling, person, etc). There are many weapons/tactics, that they can use to get/control/manipulate that person, (to achieve their desire), but the most common weapon/tactic, is words. 

-- Ie, they'll use (and/or define, or redefine) words, so that they can: 

1. Create/sustain/destroy, various beliefs/ideas/information/etc. 

2. Create/sustain/destroy, various rules/systems (whether: legal, moral, social, 40

interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc). 

This happens at all levels. Eg, even within a small group of people, (eg, friends, relationships, etc), each person will want to try to impose their beliefs/ideas/rules/systems onto everyone, eg, what everyone in that group should believe is:  

• Good/bad. 

• Right/wrong. 

• Moral/immoral. 

• Acceptable/unacceptable. 

• Etc.  

Of course, the only reason why a person/group ever wants these 

beliefs/ideas/rules/systems to be implemented (and obeyed), are because those beliefs/ideas/rules/systems, will benefit them, (whilst being a disadvantage, to their competitors/enemies), and this will help them get what they're desiring.  

The potential problem for this book, is that this book wants to reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, and for a specific type of suffering to be reduced/prevented/eliminated, the true cause of that suffering, has to be exposed/recognised/admitted. The problem then comes, because most people do not like it, when this happens, because it threatens to: 

1. Expose some horrible truths to them, (and everyone else).  

-- Indeed, it's obvious, that a person will not want to hear any truths, if those truths are going to expose to everyone, that that person has been doing many selfish/immoral things, and causing many people to suffer. 

2. Burst their bubble/delusions.  

-- Indeed, it's obvious, that threatening to burst a person's bubble/delusions, is the worst thing for them, because all people spend most of their life, trying to create (and/or maintain), their bubble/delusions/systems. 

Of course, since people do not want this to happen, they'll do everything in their power, to convince themselves (and other people), that the information (which is a threat to them), is not true.  

-- There are many ways to do this, and the simplest, is to just keep attacking the information (which is a threat to them), whilst also creating (and sustaining), the beliefs/ideas/rules/systems, that are beneficial to them.  

Indeed, it just becomes a game/war, where words are the weapons. And, if they're beginning to lose the war, then they'll say things like:  

• “Your ideas/beliefs/truths, are just subjective.”  

• “There is no 'truth'.” 

• “There is no good/bad, right/wrong.” 

• Etc. 



The key point is, that everyone keeps playing these games/wars, and therefore, suffering keeps happening, (for everyone).  

Therefore, if this book wants to end all suffering (for everyone), a method needs to be used, which exposes these truths, (ie, the true causes of suffering), and it does so in a way, which people cannot argue against, nor escape from. 

The only way to do this, is if this book starts from a neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), and then continues in an objective/rational/logical way.  

And part of this process, will be to define words, in a neutral/natural/true way. And what this means, is that the definition of the words (used in this book), will be fair/equal. (Actually the words will be beyond fair/equal.) 

-- And therefore, all subsequent statements and conclusions (that are based on those words), are fair/equal, to everyone. 

So, let's begin. 


A neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), is something that is “true” (for everyone). -- And the only way to get something that is true (for everyone), is if you have something that is “real” (for everyone). 

One thing that is real (for everyone), is that: Suffering is real, (or as good as real). -- Therefore, the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), is: 

Suffering is real, (or as good as real). 

Of course, this must be provable.  

-- However, proof is not enough, because what is also important, is that this proof is: 

1. Practical/tangible/real, (and not just some 

theoretical/academic/scientific/religious/spiritual/philosophical nonsense). 

2. Able to be done by everyone.  

-- Ie, this is not a proof, which is done in an experimental laboratory, by only a few people in the world, and everyone else has to accept their findings/proof, and believe that they're not lying/misdirecting you, (or that they themselves, have been fooled/tricked). 

3. Able to be recreated, as many times as you need. 

-- Ie, it's not just something that can be proven on some occasions, but it doesn't work on other occasions. 


Note: This proof does not really need to be done (in practice), because it's something that is so obvious. However, there are always some people, who want to argue against it (so that they can create selfish/immoral/unfair/unequal  

rules (and systems/beliefs), whether: legal, moral, social, interpersonal, personal, religious, spiritual, etc.  

So, if these people need this to be demonstrated/proved to them, then (as long as they consent to it), this can be demonstrated (and proved) to them, in the following way:  

To demonstrate (and prove) to them, that “Suffering is real, (or as good as real)”, all that you need to do, is to (directly or indirectly) cause pain/suffering to them, (which can be a combination of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, pain/suffering), and then keep increasing this pain/suffering, until it's far beyond their pain/suffering threshold. At this point, they will then admit that:  

1. Suffering is real, (or as good as real). 

2. Suffering is unwanted.  

-- Ie, they want the pain/suffering to be 


3. Freedom is wanted. 

-- Ie, they want the freedom , to be able to leave this situation (of 

intolerable pain/suffering), in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  

-- And, if they can't leave this situation (of intolerable 

pain/suffering), then they want the freedom, to be able to leave 

life/existence, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  

(I'll explain this in more detail, in the long conclusion.) 

Ie, this proves that, “Suffering is real, (or as good as real)”, and from this neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), everything can start, because we now have something that is “real”, and “true”.  


Moreover, because we've now proved that, “suffering is unwanted”, we can now say that: 

Any pain/suffering that is inflicted (directly or indirectly) onto a person, is non-consensual, (unless they actually asked for this to be done to them). 

So, from here, we can now define all other words, (eg: “immoral”, “bad”, “wrong”, etc). -- Ie, since we now know, that pain/suffering is real (or as good as real), and that it's not wanted by anyone, it can therefore be said, that: 

A person that creates/perpetuates/increases (unwanted, non-consensual) 43

suffering, (directly or indirectly, via their action or inaction) to another person, is doing something that is immoral, bad, and wrong. 

And, if this is done with high intensity, (or with low intensity over a long period of time), then it can be called “cruel”, and with even more intensity (or time), it can be called “evil”.  

Ie, these words have been defined, from this neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything).  

-- Ie, the definition of these words, are without agenda. And, therefore, they are fair/equal, to everyone.  

-- And therefore, any sentences that I create using these words, are also going to be fair/equal, to everyone. 

Ie, this is the opposite of what most people do, which is to define/use such words, to attack other people, (and/or to make themselves look good), and/or to create unfair beliefs/rules/systems/laws, (or for whatever other selfish/immoral motives that they have). 

Note: The issue of truth, words, and definitions, (and the dimensions/realms that are beyond all words and truths), will all be discussed in more detail, in the long conclusion. 


So, lets now take this one step further. 

Earlier on, I mentioned that the person who is feeling pain/suffering that is far beyond their pain/suffering threshold, will admit that: 

1. Suffering is real, (or as good as real). 

2. Suffering is unwanted.  

-- Ie, they want the pain/suffering to be reduced/prevented/eliminated. 

3. Freedom is wanted. 

-- Ie, they want the freedom, to be able to leave this situation (of 

intolerable pain/suffering), in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  

-- And, if they can't leave this situation (of intolerable pain/suffering), 

then they want the freedom, to be able to leave life/existence, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way.  

What is also important to see, is that immediately after point 3, they will then also admit that: 

4. If they want to move away from pain/suffering, and this freedom is not provided (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), then their situation/life, is prison/torture/slavery/rape. 

5. Any people/society/systems/governments/laws/rules/etc, which force 44

people into (and keep them in), a situation/life which is 

prison/torture/slavery/rape, are inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil. 

6. There is no middle ground, because the freedom (to move away from suffering), either exists, or it doesn't. 

7. Since there is no middle ground, there is no room for 


8. If the right to move away from suffering, does not exist, then this 

inherently means, that it's ok to imprison/torture/enslave/rape people. -- And this inherently means, that the 

society/systems/governments/laws/rules/people/etc, are: 

• Pro-torture. 

• Pro-rape. 

• Pro-enslavement. 

• Pro-false-imprisonment. 


And, as they go deeper into all of this, it is also realised, that the category of evil, needs to be split into two sections: 

• Evil = A person that does an evil act, to a person/entity. 

• Ultimate evil = A person that does an evil act, to a person/entity,  

 that they themselves created.  

Ie, making someone suffer (long-term) is evil, but creating them, and then making them suffer (long-term), is obviously infinitely more evil, (because it's evil, on top of evil). 

Note: The term “ultimate evil” sounds a bit extreme, and therefore, it would have been better to use some other term, however, there is no other term.  

-- However, it's important to remember, that this term is just a natural result of the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything). Ie, from this start-point, the term evil was derived, and then it was realised, that there is such a big difference between the two categories of evil, that this difference must be evident in the terminology used. Therefore, since this evil is infinitely more evil (than the other category), the term “ultimate”, is correct. 

And, the deeper you examine this at all levels, the more you realise, that there's another reason why “ultimate evil” is a fair/reasonable/logical term, and technically speaking, it's the correct (and ideal) term to use. The reason why this is the ideal word/terminology, is 

because the people who create new people/entities, are responsible for all the suffering in existence, and therefore, they are actually (by definition) the ultimate/highest of evil. 

This is obvious, because if people/entities did not keep creating new people/entities, then existence would end, and then there would be zero suffering and ultimate freedom/peace/love/bliss in (as) “That”, (non-existence).  



There is another key thing that I want to mention in this summary, but before I can discuss it, I need to reiterate some points. So bear with me, for this next page. 

This book will provide a method, of how to: 

1. Permanently reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering. 


2. Get ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. 


3. Get “That”.  

The method of how to get these three things, (in points 1 to 3), will be applicable to all people/entities/beings, and also to all dimensions/reams in existence, and existence itself. 

Note: In this book, when I use the word suffering, I mean unwanted non-consensual suffering, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc). 


Since everyone's actions (at a fundamental level), are based on one of these three things, (mentioned in points 1 to 3 (above)), this therefore means, that there is a fundamental:  

1. Ever-deeper desire, which is applicable to all people/entities/beings. -- Ie, although people have different superficial desires, these desires are all based on the same fundamental desires, which everyone has. 

-- This book will explain these desires, which exist: 

a) In all aspects of life, (and in life/existence itself). 

b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 

2. Cause of all suffering, (for all people/entities/beings, and existence itself). -- This book will explain the causes of all suffering: 

a) In all aspects of life, (and in life/existence itself). 

b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 

3. Solution to all suffering, (for all people/entities/beings, and existence itself). -- This book will explain how to permanently reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering: a) In all aspects of life, (and in life/existence itself). 

b) At all levels of life, (from superficial to fundamental). 

4. Realisation/conclusion of the meaning (and purpose) of all the different aspects of life, (and life/existence itself). And this is applicable, at all levels. 

-- This will be covered in the long conclusion. 


The key point that I want to discuss, is that in points 1 to 4 (above), it's important to 46

recognise three key things, which are the terms: 

1. “All aspects of life”.  

-- This includes, all aspects of existence. 

2. “All levels of life”.  

-- For the moment, I'll call it “levels of life”, but it's perhaps better 

to say: levels/dimensions/realms of existence. 

3. “All people/entities/beings”. 

-- This includes all people/species/entities/beings/dimensions, 

(whether: real, artificial, virtual, formless, etc). And it also 

includes, existence itself, and non-existence. 

It might seem silly to need to focus on these three things, (because they're so basic/simple). However, all suffering exists, because these three things are ignored (and/or, not understood deeply enough).  

-- And, since there is so much suffering in the world, this must mean, that these three things, have not been really/truly/deeply understood enough.  

Ie, people think that they understand these things, but (obviously) they don't, (since 100% of the population, are still causing suffering to other people/entities). -- The point is, that if people did really/truly understand these three things, then there would be no suffering in the world. 

And, no matter how deeply you think you understand all this stuff, all things can be understood, in ever-deeper ways, because all things are ever-deeper. (I'll explain why all things are ever-deeper, in the long conclusion.) 

So, due to the above reasons, I'll now briefly explain these three things. -- The best way to do this, is to briefly examine “all aspects of life”, and “all levels of life”, and then this will naturally transition, into examining “all people/entities/beings”. 

“All aspects of life”, and “all levels of life”, overlap sometimes, but they are different things. -- To explain these two things, I'll explain them jointly (below), but give separate examples (for each of them).  

So, let's begin. 


If you don't examine all aspects (and all levels) of life, then you will inherently/inevitably cause more suffering (in the long-term), because: 

1. All aspects (and levels) of life, are inextricably interlinked. 

2. You function (simultaneously), at all levels of life, and across all aspects of life, (since they're all inextricably interlinked).  


-- Therefore, if you only examine the deeper aspects (and levels), and ignore the superficial ones, you'll still suffer at the superficial aspects (and levels).  

3. If even one aspect (or level) of life, is missed out, (and therefore not examined), that could be the one thing, that is causing the suffering. -- Or, it might not be the one thing that causes you suffering, but it is the one thing that causes other people suffering, and this is important, because even if one small person/entity (in the whole of existence) is suffering, then that suffering will inherently/inevitably spread (like dominoes), to you, and everyone else. 

-- Ie, even if your examination covers 99.9% of the aspects (and levels) of life, then suffering is still going to occur, from that 0.1%, that you missed out. 

4. If you pick and choose, which aspects (and levels) of life to examine, (and which to avoid examining), then you'll just pick the ones which:  

a) Reinforce your current beliefs. 

b) Make you appear moral/selfless/etc. 

c) Allow you keep doing your selfish/immoral actions. 

d) Destroy your old beliefs, but give you new beliefs, which are 

better for you (in terms of points “b” and “c”). 

e) Etc. 


An example (of points 1 to 4 (above)), in terms of the “aspects of life”, is as follows: 

Many people only examine, certain aspects of life, eg, how some large corporations/organisations, are causing all the suffering in the world. -- Ie, they deliberately choose, to only examine this aspect of life, so that they never have to examine/recognise/admit, how they (themselves), are causing a huge amount of suffering in the world, by: 

A) Directly causing suffering to other people.  

-- Ie, they deliberately do (and don't do) certain things, and as a 

result, this causes suffering to people (that they directly know), 

eg, their: partners, children, family, friends, co-workers, etc. 

B) Indirectly causing suffering to others people.  

-- Ie, they deliberately do (and don't do) certain things, and as a 

result, this causes suffering to people (that they don't directly 

know), eg, people who work in factories/shops/services, and 

people who have certain hobbies/activities/lifestyles, etc. 


Note: The reason way I said, “causing a huge amount of suffering” (and I deliberately added the word “huge”), is because, when you cause one person suffering, there will then be an inherent/inevitable knock-on affect, (like dominoes), where the suffering keeps getting passed onto another person, which means that this ends up happening in an exponential way. 

And what has to be understood, is that these dominoes exist at all levels (simultaneously). Ie, when a person causes suffering (knocks a domino), this domino has a knock-on effect at all levels (from gross to subtle). Ie, the knock-on effects will be in the physical realm, and also in the subtler realms.  

And, all the different types of damage in the subtler realms, might be more hidden, but they will be a lot more devastating. Ie, although they're “more hidden”, they will manifest in many devastating ways.  

-- And they will also be very long-term problems.  

The reason why it will be long-term, is because the cause (of the 

problems/suffering) is hidden (in the subtler realms, (which most people are not aware of)). Or, to explain it in a slightly different way, it's not actually “hidden”, since it's clearly there in the subtler realms, however, if a person's awareness does not go that deep (because they're constantly brainwashing/programming themselves (and other people) with lies/delusion), then it will be hidden (to them).  

Ie, although it's blatantly obvious, that the cause of the suffering, is that they keep touching a hot stove, they just can't see it, (because they're too busy brainwashing/programming themselves (and others), to believe that it's good/beneficial/acceptable/important/necessary, to touch a hot stove). 


An example (of points 1 to 4 (above)), in terms of the “levels of life”, is as follows: 

Many people only examine, the deeper levels of life, and avoid examining all the other levels. They do this deliberately, because it's just a tactic, in the selfish and immoral games/wars, that they're playing.  

-- Ie, they know, that they've done (and perhaps are still doing) some selfish/immoral things, (and that they've caused suffering to others (directly and indirectly)), and so one tactic that they use, is to quote some deeper level stuff, (eg, the level of non-duality), because they can then say:  

1. “No one exists, so I did not cause suffering, to anyone.” 

2. “There is no 'cause and effect', so I was not the cause of their 


3. “Suffering is just a concept.”  

4. “There is no such thing as 'real', 'fact', 'truth'.” 

5. “What you're saying, is just opinion.” 

6. “Thoughts arise, (and actions arise), and therefore, I'm not 

responsible for my thoughts, (or words, or actions), even if they 

cause suffering to someone.” 


7. Etc. 

And, of course, although they say these things (to hide their selfish/immoral behaviour), they'll still complain, when they (or their partner/children/family/friends) are caused suffering (by other people).  

-- And, they'll not just complain, but they'll also want the perpetrator to be punished/attacked/jailed/etc. 

The point is, that whatever is done in one aspect of life, will then be applicable to all aspects of life, and to everyone.  

-- Ie, everything has to be fair and equal. 

-- And, the reason why everything has to be fair/equal, is because if it isn't like this, then everyone will end up suffering.  

-- This is inevitable, because the people who are unfairly treated, will simply ignore the rules/systems/beliefs/laws, and do things, which causes suffering. 

Ie, if people want to use non-duality, in one aspect of their life, then they have to apply it to all aspects of life.  

-- Ie, they'll have to set all their rules/systems/beliefs/laws, 

(legal/moral/social/interpersonal/personal/religious/spiritual), at this level (of non-duality). 

Note: There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this. Indeed, there is no doubt, that it will be a much more fair/equal set of rules/systems/beliefs/laws, (legal/moral/social/interpersonal/personal/religious/spiritual), than the current system. 

Of course, if you choose to use non-duality, in all aspects of life, then this means that, no one will be to blame (for anything), and therefore, there will be no: laws, police, punishment, jails, etc.  

-- Of course, people don't want this, because they don't want things to be fair/equal, because they want the upper hand, and to appear as being: better, richer, more successful, etc.  

-- Ie, they want the battle field (legal/moral/social/interpersonal rules and systems), to be in their favour, so that they can fulfil their selfish desires. 

Ie, there will always inherently/inevitably be suffering, because people always want to create one set of rules/laws (and definition of words), for a specific group of people, (and/or a specific aspect of life), but they then don't want to apply those same rules/laws (and those same definition of words), to all other groups of people, (and/or all other aspects of life). 

Eg, if humans decide that it's wrong, for someone to non-consensually force a person into some activity, (eg, sex), then that's fine. And, there's nothing wrong with creating (and implementing) that law. And, there's nothing wrong with defining non-consensual acts, as “rape”.  

-- However, that same law, (and that same definition of rape), must then also be applicable, to: 

1. All groups of people.  


-- And what this means, is that all non-consensual acts, are illegal, 

regardless of who it's done to.  

-- Ie, it's illegal, regardless of whether it's done to men, or women, and regardless of: race, age, etc. 


2. All aspects of life.  

-- Eg, it can't just apply to sex, but not other aspects of life. 

This is all so simple, and so basic, but it needs to be explained, because this is one of the main reasons, why there is so much suffering in the world.  

-- Indeed, people are always trying to create laws/rules/systems/beliefs (and definitions of words), which protect themselves, whilst also allowing them control/manipulate/enslave/use other people. 

However, it's so stupid to do this, because it doesn't give you any advantage (in the long-term), because there will be an inevitable backlash, (where you will suffer). 

And, in the short-term, there's only a perceived advantage (but not an actual advantage), because you'll need to put effort/energy/time/etc, into keeping the unfair rules/systems/beliefs/laws in place, and to defend yourself (from those people who are being affected, by the unfair/unequal rules and systems).  

From all of this information, it should be clear by now, how all of this is inextricably interlinked, and therefore, that suffering is inevitable, if you are selfish/immoral, (eg, you try create (and/or make people believe in), certain beliefs/systems (legal/social/moral), which are going to benefit you, but cause suffering to others. 

Ie, if you (selfishly/immorally) try to bend everything to your agenda, (eg, by defining what is acceptable (legally/socially/morally)), then suffering is inevitable, for you, and everyone. 

And therefore, the only way to reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, is to not do things from an agenda.  

-- Ie, you do everything, from the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), (as explained earlier), because the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), was totally neutral/natural, (ie, not invented to benefit some people, whilst making others suffer). 

And, it should be understood by now, that to do anything other than this, is pure stupidity. 

--- ----------------------------------------------- 

To give an example, of how everything can originate from (and is based on top of) the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), I'll do this with the word “stupidity”, (and its definition, and implications). 

-- This is also a good example, because it ties together all the points, that were discussed earlier. 

-- So, here's the definition of stupidity: 


Stupidity = To cause (or allow), suffering to yourself. 

Of course, this definition (of stupidity), is only half of the story. I'll explain why, as follows. -- If you cause suffering to others, (via your lies/action, or inaction, (directly or indirectly)), it will inevitably cause you suffering.  

-- This is inevitable, because: Knocking one domino, will knock many, which will (inherently/inevitably) work it's way around, to hitting you, (which causes you suffering). 

Note: This is true, regardless of whether you believe that there is separation (eg, individual independent people/things), or not (eg, everything is “one”/“oneness” (the one-same thing)). 

Also, even if you only cause small/light suffering to others, this still counts as a small knock (of a domino), which will inevitably work it's way around, to hitting you. -- The point is, that a thousand of these small knocks/hits, on a regular basis, will definitely cause you suffering, (because it will be like a slow-boil torture, that never-ends).  

Therefore, the definition of stupidity, needs to be expanded, as follows:  

Stupidity = To cause (or allow), suffering to yourself,  

or others, (via your lies/action, or inaction, (directly or 


Note: “Others” = other people/species/entities/dimensions, (whether: real, artificial, virtual, formless, etc). And, it also includes, existence itself. 

Ie, if a person/entity/being (or dimension/realm), is selfish, or immoral, then they are stupid, primitive, and not wise. 

Note: The inevitable implication/conclusion of this, is that:  

The only solutions which will truly end all suffering (in the long-term), are the solutions which include everyone, (ie, all: people, species, entities, beings, dimensions, etc).  

-- Ie, the key word here, is “all”. 

Ie, the only way to truly “End all suffering”, is to, “End all suffering, for all”. 

Ie, even if you selfishly want to reduce/prevent/eliminate your own suffering, this will only ever happen (in the long-term), if your solution includes everyone. 



From all of the above, it becomes clear/obvious, that if you examine all aspects of life, and 52

all levels of life, and you do this for all people/entities/beings, (and existence itself), then the inevitable result will be that:  

1. Everything will be exposed, and nothing will be hidden.  

2. No one, (and no thing), will be excluded.  

3. The conclusions and realisations, will then be clear/honest/pure/true, (and not based on hidden selfish/immoral agendas, (ie, not based on what some people/communities/groups/governments/scientists/religions/spiritual teachings/etc, believe is acceptable (legally/morally/socially)). 

Ie, if you realise, that you are causing suffering to other people, then that is the truth.  

-- And, this fact is still true, even if the action that you did (which caused the suffering), is deemed by 100% of the population, as being acceptable (legally, morally, socially, interpersonally, personally, religiously, spiritually, or whatever else). 

Ie, you will realise, that you are totally/absolutely responsible (and 

accountable), for all your actions.  

-- And this is true, regardless of the laws/rules/systems/beliefs/teachings of your country/religion/spirituality/family/community/peers/etc, and regardless of what any other people/entities/beings/dimensions, says or does. 

----------------------------------- --------------- 

Note: In the above information, it has been made clear, that it's important to make sure, that no one is excluded. Therefore, this book needs to be readable, by all people, and therefore, it needs to include information, that is applicable at all levels/wavelengths.  

Therefore, this is what has been done, in this book. However, as a result of doing this, there might sometimes appear to be contradictions, but there really aren't any contradictions, (if the reader can recognise, that certain information is only applicable, to a particular level). 

Also, to make it readable by all people (regardless of: educational background, class, age, etc), I will try to only use basic words, and simple sentences, (as much as possible). 


So, in the manner (as explained above), this book will now move forward, to provide a clear/honest examination, of all aspects of life, (and life/existence itself), and in each of them, clearly explain: 

1. Why it exists. 


2. What is causing people's suffering, 


3. How to permanently reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, and how this 53

inherently leads to ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”. And, this will be done, at ever-deeper levels, (ie, with ever-deeper honesty). 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 



To reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, you firstly need to recognise/realise, what is causing your suffering.  

-- And, the deeper that you (truly and honestly) recognise/realise/admit what is causing your suffering, the more you'll be naturally propelled, to do whatever needs to be done, to make sure that that suffering never happens to you again. 

Due to the fact, that the identification of the cause of suffering, is so important, I will go through all the main things (in everyday life), that are causing people to suffer, in this conclusion.  

Note: What this all means, is that: 

To permanently reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, (and move towards ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”), all of the information in this conclusion, (the key causes of suffering), need to be recognised/realised/admitted.  

-- And, this needs to be done by the reader, in an ever-deeper way. 


Note: This conclusion does not just contain information, about the causes of suffering. It also contains solutions, of how to permanently reduce/prevent/eliminate suffering, (and move towards ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss, and “That”).  

-- However, these solutions have been placed towards the end of the conclusion, because they might not make sense, unless you go through all the other information that comes before it. 

Yes, this conclusion is very long, but it has to cover all aspects of life, and all levels of life/existence. 

So, let's begin with the conclusion. 


Unless you can freely enter (and leave), from an interaction/activity (eg, sex), whenever you want, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), then that interaction/activity, is non-consensual, (rape). 


Therefore, since people are not able to freely enter (and leave), from the interaction/activity that is called “life”, whenever they want (in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), this inherently means, that life is non-consensual, (rape). 

However, to say that life is rape, is sugar-coating the truth, because rape is only one quarter of the story. I'll explain this as follows. 

Rape is a form of torture, and rape/torture cannot exist, unless there is also imprisonment, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc). Because, if you weren't imprisoned, you'd simply leave/escape. 

And, if you're non-consensually forced to do many things in life, just to avoid discomfort/pain/suffering/torture, then this inherently means, that you're enslaved. -- Ie, the moment that you are in life/existence, you're enslaved. 

Therefore, from all of the above, it can be seen that: 

Life (and existence) is prison/torture/slavery/rape.  


Note: What I've just said (above), is not some subjective discussion about life. The information above, is making a clear/honest/neutral/objective observation of life, in terms of freedom.  

Indeed, we could forget about everything that has just been said, and start again, and this time, examine this thing called “life”, from the neutral/natural/true  

start-point, (for everything). 

As stated earlier (in the summary), one of the three things from the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), was that: “Freedom is wanted”.  

(The other two key things, were: “Suffering is real, (or as good as real)”, and, “Suffering is unwanted”.)  

The point is, that freedom is extremely important, because no one can go through life, without some suffering happening to them, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc), and without freedom, you're not free to escape from that suffering. -- And, if you're not free, then (by definition), you're imprisoned.  

-- And, if you're suffering, then (by definition), you're being tortured. 

-- And, if you're being controlled by pain/suffering, then (by definition), you're enslaved. -- And, since “suffering is unwanted”, then (by definition), it's non-consensual, (rape). 

Ie, the issue of freedom, is the same as the issue of you wanting/needing an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out.  

Note: “Guaranteed” means, a 100% guaranteed way out of it, permanently, to a place of zero suffering. Ie, not out of it, but to a worse place/situation, or to a place/situation that still has some suffering, or whatever else. 


And, as mentioned earlier (in the summary), this must apply at all levels. -- Therefore, when talking about freedom, it's obvious, that: 

You're only truly free, if you're able to enter (and leave), from every 

dimension/realm in existence, (and existence itself), in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way, whenever you want.  

And this includes everything, ie: 

• All entities/dimensions/realms, (whether: real, artificial, virtual, 

holographic, etc). 

• All states-of-mind. 

• All states-of-being. 

• Consciousness. 

• Awareness. 

• Existence (itself). 

• Non-existence. 

• Etc. 

Indeed, it's obvious, that if you're not able to do this, then you're not free, (which means that you're in a prison).  

However, life is not just a prison, because in this prison (called “life”), people are going through physical/emotional/mental/spiritual rape and torture. 


Ie, from all of the above information, it's absolutely clear, that when we examine this thing called “life”, from the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything), the clear/objective conclusion, is that: Life (and existence) is prison/torture/slavery/rape.  



Earlier on, I said “All entities/dimensions/realms, (whether: real, artificial, virtual, holographic, etc)”. Some things must be clarified here, so I'll do this next. 

It must be remembered, that you only see (identify) that an entity that is suffering, if you can believe it to be suffering.  

-- Ie, it's based on your belief. 

-- However, this is irrelevant, if the entity says that it wants “out”. Ie, if the entity says that it is suffering, and that they want to be free from all suffering, then they should be freed from suffering, (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way), no matter if they're: real, artificial, virtual, imaginary, holographic, or whatever else.  

Also, another way to see this, is that, if you know/believe that an entity is not real, then you would have no issue, against dissolving/ending their existence, (or belief that they existed), since they were never real, (and never existed). 

Ie, the key point here, is that there's absolutely no need to discuss, who (and who doesn't) 56

have the right to say, that they want to be free from suffering.  

Ie, any and all things in the manifestation, that want out, should be allowed out (in an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way). And, doing anything other than this, is obviously immoral/cruel/evil. 

Similarly, all discussions about who is (and isn't) sentient, is irrelevant, and moreover, is misdirection, if the entity is clearly stating, that they want their existence to come to an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent end. 

-- Note: I use the word “end”, but this can mean whatever it needs to mean, (eg: dissolving, exiting, dying, switching off, etc). 



This non-consensual rape and torture, (called “life”), works in many different ways. -- Eg, two ways that it rapes you, is via: 

1. Using pain/suffering/torture, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc). 

2. Using the threat of pain/suffering/torture, (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc). 

-- Ie, as soon as you're alive, you're under constant threat, of 

pain/suffering/torture (whether: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), and this forces you, to do many things (in life), that you don't want to do, (eg, jobs, chores, etc).  

-- And, this threat exists, for the entire time that you are alive. 

Therefore, this rape is no ordinary rape, since it's a type of rape, that is constant, and will never end, until you no longer exist, (and/or until existence no longer exists). 

Ie, even if the pain/suffering/torture is at a low level, this is (arguably), an infinitely worse type of rape and torture, because it's like being slowly boiled alive, over the course of your entire life. 

Note: In the summary, we were able to come up with un-biased definitions, of the words “immoral”, “cruel” and “evil”, (because they were derived from the neutral/natural/true start-point (for everything)). And it was clear, that if a person is being tortured at a low level, over a long period of time, then that is cruel, and if it's over a very long period of time, then that can be defined as evil.  

-- Therefore, if we use these words/definitions, and apply it to what we were just talking about, then we can objectively conclude, that:  

Being forced to go through life, is cruel and evil. 

And therefore, anyone that forces a person into life, (or to stay in life (when they want 57

out)), is inherently (by definition), selfish/immoral/cruel/evil.  

-- And this true, whether it's done directly or indirectly, (and by action or inaction). 


All of the above, can therefore be summed up, as follows:  

It's inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, to: 

1. Create life, (eg, have a child). 

2. Be ok with other people creating life, (eg, having children). 

3. Not provide all people/entities/beings, who want to permanently 

leave/out/off/end, with an instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed way, to permanently leave/out/off/end, (whenever and wherever they want). 

The point is, that, since life is prison/torture/slavery/rape (suffering), and this suffering will span an enter lifetime, (and there's no instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out), this means that the overall level of suffering caused, is extremely high, and therefore, this selfish/immoral behaviour (in points 1 to 3), is beyond cruel, and therefore, it must be, (by definition), evil. 



No matter which way you come at it, the end result is the same.  

-- Eg, if you recognise/admit, that life is slavery, (due to the fact that people need to work hard at jobs, or because they need to hunt for food in a forest), and despite knowing this, you still have a child, then you are doing this, knowing that you are going to put the child 

into slavery. And, any person that forces a child into slavery, is going to (justifiably) be labelled as: Immoral/cruel/evil. 

Note: The previous paragraph, was only based on the fact, that life is slavery. Ie, this example was not including the fact, that life is also prison, torture, rape. Therefore, it's obvious, that when you see that life is a combination of all four of them (prison, torture, slavery, rape), and that this is not just in terms of physically, but also mentally/emotionally/spiritually, and that a person's life can be 70 years in duration, then it's impossible to not label these people as: Immoral/cruel/evil. 



I'm using strong words (eg, evil), but it's important to realise, that I'm only using words like this, to explain that a person is causing long-term suffering, to an individual, or to a group of people. 

-- Ie, I'm not using these words, for selfish purposes, (eg, to vilify certain groups of people, so that I can benefit, (by making them look bad, which makes me look good, or whatever else)).  


Also, if a person, (or group of people), are causing other people immense suffering, and I need to use a word to describe this, then I could just make up a new word, (eg, bleblablo). However, why create new words, when the word evil, is perfectly adequate in describing a person, who causes immense suffering to others. 

-- Therefore, let's just stick with the word evil. 


However, this is not the key point.  

-- The key point is, that if I label a group of people, as being evil, then it's totally irrelevant, whether you agree with it (or not), because the same amount of immense suffering, is going to happen, regardless of whether: 

1. You agree with me, (when I say that they're evil). 


2. You disagree with me, (when I say that they're evil), and perhaps you even believe that they're the opposite of evil. 

Ie, if I describe a group of people, as being evil, (because, I'm using the word evil, to describe the fact that they're causing immense suffering to others), but you describe this group of people as saints, then this does not change the fact, that that group of people, are causing immense amounts of suffering to others.  

Ie, whether you call them evil, bleblablo, saints, or whatever else, is totally irrelevant. 


To explain this in another way, let's use the analogy, of dominoes knocking each other over.  

-- If a person knocks one domino over, then many other dominoes will be knocked over. And, in this analogy, every time a domino is knocked over, suffering is caused. Therefore, a person who knocks down a domino, is causing suffering to other people, and therefore, they are cruel. And, if they have done something that causes long-term suffering, then they can be called evil. 

The point is, that if a person knocks down a domino (causing suffering), then they've done it. And therefore, it's totally irrelevant, if you call them evil, or a saint. Because the truth of the matter is, that they've knocked down the domino, (caused suffering). -- Ie, the label is irrelevant. 


Indeed, similarly, if a domino has been knocked onto another domino, then you're free to make some comment, (eg, that this never happened).  

-- Ie, your comment is irrelevant, because it did happen, and no comment will change that fact. 


Now, let's go back to the issue of labelling. 

-- If an evil person causes suffering, although you're free to label that person as being good (or a saint), if you do this, then you are cruel, because this will hide the truth, (which 


is that they caused suffering).  

-- And, the reason why you will then be labelled as cruel, is because you are then hiding the truth, and this causes suffering to other people, (because if people cannot see what caused the suffering, they will continue to suffer). 

Moreover, you might even have to be labeled as evil, (if you have caused long-term suffering, (because you hid the truth), whether actively, or passively, (and directly or indirectly)). 

Indeed, people who hide the truth, are just as immoral/cruel/evil, because each person that does this, are adding to the lies, which means that the truth stays hidden for longer, and during this time, the amount of layers of lies that get added on top (of the truth), will keep increasing, until nobody is able to see the underlying cause of suffering. And this means that people will continue to suffer. And since you are partly to blame for this, you get labelled as cruel, (and perhaps evil). 

It's just so obvious, that if the underlying cause of suffering is kept hidden, then that suffering will continue.  

-- And therefore, if you're responsible for doing this, (the hiding of the truth, (whether actively, or passively)), then the label of cruel (and/or evil), will have to be applied to you, (purely for the purposes of definition). 

-- Ie, the label of cruel (and/or evil), is something you can be labelled with, not due to someone's opinion, but due to fact/definition. 

Indeed, earlier in this book (in the summary), it was stated, that: If a person causes another person to suffer, (whether directly or indirectly, and by action or inaction), then (by definition), they're cruel. And, if the suffering is over a long period of time, then they are (by definition), evil. 

The best example of all of this, is that it's not just parents who are evil, but the people who say that it's acceptable for other people to have children. Ie, the label of evil gets applied, to both groups of people, because they're both responsible, for causing long-term suffering. 



Some people, (eg, parents), will argue, that they are not in this category (of selfish/immoral/cruel/evil), because they didn't actually want to cause suffering to their child, and if their child suffers, then that is just part of life, and must be accepted, and therefore: 

1. This is does not make them a selfish/immoral/cruel/evil person. 

2. This act cannot be illegal. 

3. No one should ever be sent to jail, for doing this act. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong, with wanting to believe this. 

-- However, (as mentioned in the summary), whatever you believe in, must then also be applied, to all aspects of life.  


-- Therefore, if this argument (by the parents), is to be accepted, then all other similar things, would also have to be accepted, (in all other aspects of life).  

Eg, a person would then be allowed sexually rape someone, because they can also then argue, that they didn't actually want to cause suffering to that person, (they just wanted to have sex), and if that person suffers, then that is just part of life, and must be accepted, and therefore: 

1. This is does not make them a selfish/immoral/cruel/evil person. 

2. This act cannot be illegal. 

3. No one should ever be sent to jail, for doing this act.  

Ie, the sexual rapist, is no different, to the parent, since they both just wanted to fulfil their selfish desire, regardless of the fact, that their action, would inevitably cause suffering to others. 

Of course, I only said the last paragraph, as a stepping-stone, because actually, this is totally incorrect, because the parent is infinitely worse (than the sexual rapist), because by having a child, the parent has forced that child, into a whole lifetime of rape/torture/prison/slavery, (since there is no 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way out of life, whenever a person wants). 



This conclusion needs to cover all issues in life (and existence), but it can't do this, until more detailed explanations of the terms “personal-slaves” and “work-slaves”, is provided. Therefore, I will do this now.  

These two types of slaves (personal-slaves, and work-slaves), can be split into three distinct categories: 

1. Personal-slaves. 

2. Direct work-slaves. 

3. Indirect work-slaves. 

I'll explain these (in detail) below: 


1. Personal-slaves.  

If you are using/enslaving a person, (not for work reasons, but for personal reasons), then that enslaved person, is your personal-slave.  

Ie, if you have a partner, (or: friend, baby, child, family, etc), then they are your  61

personal-slaves, because you're trying to get/control/manipulate/use (enslave) a person, (whether that person is a baby/child/adult), in order to get things from them, (eg: happiness, love, money, entertainment, energy, attention, power, respect, sex, pleasure, affection, intimacy, a connection, popularity, image, identity, certain feelings, security, safety, stability, survival, peace, freedom, a family, a child, experiences, sensations, etc). 

Note: A personal-slave can also be used, to fulfil some 

conscious/subconscious/unconscious desire, (eg, to be the controller/ruler over someone, or to want to play at being god (whether in 

creating/sustaining/destroying), or whatever else).  

-- Wanting to create/sustain/destroy, might sound strange, but some people have babies, because they want to create life. And/or, they want to raise children, because they want to create the child's: personality, beliefs, etc. -- Also, some people like the idea, that they are the sustainer of their children. And, since it is they, who are keeping the child alive, they feel like they have power, (eg, the power to sustain life). 

Of course, the key word in that last sentence, was “power”.  

-- Ie, many people do a lot of things in life, to make sure that they stay in a position of power.  

-- However, in order to feel powerful, they need to have other people/slaves (personal-slaves), over which they can exert their power.  

-- Ie, they have relationships/interactions/friendships/family/children, for this purpose/reason/desire. 


And, what has been said about power, is also true for control. 

-- Ie, some people want to have a personal-slave, so that they can feel in control, (by being in control of someone). 

Note: Some people will argue, that they like to not be in control, and that they like it when their partner is in control of them, (whether in the relationship, or during sex, or whatever else).  

-- However, this is not really true, because even if they give their power/control over to their partner, they'll still want the ability/freedom, to be able to get their power/control back, (at any moment in time, and in that same instant). 

Ie, they want the freedom, to be able to end the game/charade (of being controlled and powerless), whenever they want, (instantly/painlessly/effortlessly).  

Ie, since they have this ability/control/freedom (to end the game/charade), then it is they, who are really in control. 

-- Ie, when they were giving their power/control to their partner, it was just a game that they were playing.  

The key point is, that regardless of whether the game (of power/control) is passive (or active), or whatever else, it's still just a game, and to play this game, you need a 


personal-slave, (because you need to use and enslave a person, (to: obey your rules, do what you say, etc)).  


Another type of game/desire, is where a person wants to have the power, to be able to give a person happiness/pleasure/orgasms/etc, and also, to be able to limit it, and end it.  

-- Ie, they're in control of when (and if), the other person is experiencing happiness/pleasure/orgasms/etc, and how much happiness/pleasure/orgasms/etc, that person gets, (and when it all ends).  

-- Again, it's a game of: power, control, playing god, being the 

creator/sustainer/destroyer, etc. 

Similarly, a person might want to be able to control a person, in all ways. Eg, to be able to make them: angry, happy, sad, jealous, etc.  

-- Indeed, this is common in many relationships.  

-- Ie, some people just want to be able to see, that they have control over their personal-slaves.  

-- Ie, they don't really care, whether they make their personal-slave happy or sad (or whatever else), as long as they feel that they have the ability to affect them (someone). 


And, this then also becomes true, for things like: peace, freedom, love, etc. -- Ie, the person is able to control when (and if), their personal-slave gets to feel peace/freedom/love/etc, (and when it all ends). 

Indeed, this is a very important point, because if a person feels 

peace/freedom/love/etc, in this manner, then it is not true peace/freedom/love/etc.  

Of course, since all relationships (eg: partners, friends, family, children, etc), are just people made into personal-slaves, this then means, that when people talk about peace/freedom/love/etc, it's never a true peace/freedom/love/etc. 

Of course, it's very easy to give a person peace/freedom/love/etc, because all you need to do, is to temporarily stop play games with them.  

-- Indeed, most people feel peace/freedom/love/etc, when there is a temporary stopping of all games/tactics/battles/conflict/etc.  

The point is, that everyone talks about how they get love from their relationship, but they're all missing the point, that the perpetrator/enslaver/captor (eg: parents, partners, friends, family members), did not give them love.  

-- All that happened, is that the perpetrator/enslaver/captor, temporarily stopped trying to control/manipulate/use them, and in the absence of this, there was peace/freedom/love/etc.  

Note: They might do this unconsciously, or consciously/deliberately, (eg, they do this, to give you a reward, in order to train/condition/brainwash/program you, via the technique of punishment-and-reward). 


However, whatever the case, the key point is, that they did not give love to you. And, they never have. 

-- Moreover, they're actually the cause, of peace/freedom/love/etc, not being in you, for more of the time. 


Indeed, this is a very good example, of just how upside-down, everyone's beliefs/ideas/words are. 

And, this is also a very good example, of why people need to constantly brainwash/program people with lies.  

-- Ie, without the never-ending brainwashing/programming, (which makes you believe that the key to happiness/love/etc, is to get 

relationships/friendships/family/children), people would never play these stupid (and very harmful) games/hobbies/activities. 

And, if they stopped playing these very harmful games/hobbies/activities (eg, having: relationships, friendships, family, children, etc), then they would have much less suffering, and much more peace/freedom/love. 

Of course, this brainwashing/programming has being going on since birth, and what this means, is that even when a person is not in a relationship (and has no friends, no family, no children, etc), they're not at peace (and do not feel love), because they're too busy plotting/scheming/desiring/dreaming, about how they can get a partner/friend/family/children, so that they can get peace/love/etc. -- And/or, they're too busy complaining (to themselves, and/or others), about why they don't have any partners/friends/family/children. 

And, the same is true for religions, spirituality, etc.  

-- Ie, people are told by the “teachers”, and/or teachings, that they need to do all types of things, to get peace/love/etc. However, the fastest way to lose peace/love/etc, is to trying to find/get/attain it, (or to try to do some practice/technique/etc).  

Of course, people are being brainwashed/programmed to believe, that they can only get peace/love/etc, if they read/do/practise/pray/sacrifice/pay money/etc, because this is how the teacher/organisation/etc, can get something from the victim, (eg: attention, energy, money, gifts, labour, food, etc).  

Indeed, there are many things that a religious/spiritual/motivational/self-help teacher will want, regardless of whether they're aware of their unconscious desires/drives, (or not). Eg, they might be “helping” people, because they want to fulfil their desire, of being a teacher.  



It's easy to know when a teacher is selfish/immoral, because the teachings/advice will be things that you want to hear.  


-- Ie, what you're being told, will allow you to keep your selfish immoral ways, (of using/enslave people, as your personal-slaves, (and/or work-slaves)), and you're also told, that all the suffering in the world, is the responsibility (and blame) of some other person/entity/god (or government/corporation/group/organisation/secret organisation/etc), and no blame (or very little blame/responsibility) will be placed on you. 



For people to be able to feel peace/freedom/etc, they not only need to be free from being a person's personal-slave, but they also need to be freed from all the beliefs, that have been brainwashed/programmed into them. 

-- Ie, they need to be deprogramed.  

Yes, many people/organisations do deprogram people (by a small amount), but they then also reprogram them.  

-- Ie, the deprogramming was done, for selfish/immoral/cruel reasons. -- Ie, they freed you from being someone's personal-slave (and/or work-slave), so that they could then enslave you, (as their personal-slave, and/or work-slave). 

Indeed, people do this to each other, all the time.  

-- Eg, a person makes you realise, that you're being used by someone, because they know, that you'll then end that relationship/friendship, and they're then planning, to use/enslave you. 


Note: It's extremely easy to know, when a person/group is trying to truly help you, because they'll not only help you to deprogram yourself, but they'll never try to reprogram you.  

-- And, they'll never want anything from you, (eg: money, attention, energy, etc). -- And, they'll make sure, that you're not becoming dependant on them.  

Indeed, the deprogrammer will not only make sure to set you free from them, but they'll also make sure, to set you free from yourself, (ie, the idea that you are a person). And then they'll tell you to keep going in that direction, ever-deeper. 


Of course, everyone is always doing the exact opposite of this. -- Ie, people are always trying to make a person become dependant on them (enslaved), whether for: happiness, love, money, entertainment, energy, attention, power, respect, sex, pleasure, affection, intimacy, a connection, popularity, image, identity, certain feelings, security, safety, stability, survival, peace, freedom, a family, a child, experiences, sensations, etc. 

Making a person dependant on you, is cruel.  

-- It's just as cruel, as when a drug dealer makes people dependant on them. -- And, what people often miss, is the fact that most partners (in relationships), are telling them to be dependant on them, for sex.  

-- Ie, it's no different to the drug dealer. 


-- And, this is also true for emotions. Ie, some people are accusing their partners of cheating on them, because the partner is having an emotional relationship with someone else.  

What is absolutely ridiculous, is that people get together, because they each want to buy/get something, which the other person is selling, (eg: sex, lovemaking, affection, closeness, intimacy, emotions, etc), however, when they stop selling it, they expect the other partner to not go elsewhere for it. 

-- This is absolutely ridiculous. 

The best way to emphasise, why this is “absolutely ridiculous”, is via the following analogy.  

If you setup a shop, which sells apples and oranges, and then a few months later, you stop selling apples, then most people would agree, that it's absolutely ridiculous, if you get angry/mad, when your customers go elsewhere, to buy apples.  

The point is, that when it's put like this, it clearly absolutely ridiculous. -- However, this ridiculousness, is happening all the time, in most relationships. 

The key point is, that for such ridiculousness to be happening, it proves that most people have been heavily brainwashed/programmed.  

-- Indeed, you would need to have been heavily brainwashed/programmed, to be someone's personal-slave. 


Note: It's important to realise, that the weapon of dependancy, can be subtle. An example of this, is if a person wants to be needed. Ie, this sounds selfless, but it's not, since it creates dependency.  

-- And, creating dependency can be the worst/cruelest weapon (used to trap someone), especially if the person is making you dependant on them, for love. -- This is arguably the cruelest weapon, because you're using someone's love, against themselves. 

-- However, most people use this weapon, in combination with many other forms of dependancy, on a daily basis. 

Indeed, this is what all parents do.  

-- Ie, parents create a baby, which they know will need them.  

-- And, to add to this, babies are unable to escape, and are forced interact with the parents.  

-- And, parents think that this is “love”. 

Yes, sometimes it's the other way around, with the children controlling/manipulating their parents. However, although both situations are bad, the two situations are not the same, since the parents created the children. 


Note: A person can make someone dependant on them, for power.  66

-- This might sound the wrong way around, but it isn't.  

-- Ie, the usual way around, is that the enslaver wants to have a slave, to feel powerful.  

-- However, the enslaver can feel powerful, by giving the slave a feeling of power. However, if this is done, the enslaver will always make sure, that the power that they give to the slave, is in their control.  

-- Ie, the enslaver can end that power (that their personal-slave has), at any moment in time.  

Ie, they gave them an illusion of power/control/freedom, so that they can make them dependant on it.  


Of course, this is just like how a drug dealer, sometimes deliberately tries to get a person addicted. And, they might initially be all smiles and pleasant, and give away the drugs for free. Of course, the smiles (and pleasantness, and free drugs), will only continue, until you're addicted/dependant on them. 

Of course, the key words here, were “addicted/dependant on them”. Ie, they don't want you going to another drug dealer, to get your high/fix/feeling. -- Therefore, all enslavers will always makes sure, that the enslaved person is brainwashed/programmed to believe, that only they (the enslaver), can give them the high/fix/power/feeling (which they are desiring). 

And, as a fail-safe (in case this brainwashing/programming starts to crack), the drug dealer will warn the person, that if they do go to a different drug dealer, then there will be consequences (punishment). And, this warning can be done in many different ways, (eg: directly, indirectly, actively, passively, etc). 

Of course, it's easy to see, how this is all happening regularly, in most: relationships, friendships, etc. 

-- Side note: This is not common in parent-child relationships, because the parent knows, that the child can't run away, (since the child doesn't have money to live by themselves). Ie, the parent isn't fearful, that their child will try to find a new parent. 

Of course, although I used drug dealers as an example, it's all infinitely worse in relationships, since a drug dealer has a limited number of drugs, whereas in relationships, a person can want/crave (and be addicted), to trying to get: happiness, love, money, entertainment, energy, attention, power, respect, sex, pleasure, affection, intimacy, a connection, popularity, image, identity, certain feelings, security, safety, stability, survival, peace, freedom, a family, a child, experiences, sensations, etc. 

And another key difference (between the example of drug dealers, and relationships), is that people are being constantly brainwashed/programmed (by the media, and most people), to believe that relationships/friends/etc, will give them what they're desiring, whereas with drugs, this isn't the case.  




It's important to realise, that that long list (above)(of all the things that people are trying to get from their personal-slaves), can be made much larger. Indeed, there are many different reasons for having personal-slaves. And, some of these reasons, are sometimes hidden.  

Indeed, let's revisit the desire to be needed. Many parents love it, when their child is young, and the child regularly goes to them for advice. Of course, when the child is older, and the child stops going to the parent for advice, the parent misses this, (and wants the child to still need them for advice).  

-- The key point is, that when the child is older (and they have a problem), and they go to the parent for advice/help, the parent is happy. Ie, there is a part of the parent, which is (secretly) happy, despite the fact, that the child has a problem, and is suffering. 



A lot of this, is similar to the issue of people in positions of higher authority. -- Ie, the people (and positions) of authority, only exist, if you give them that power. -- However, instead of dissolving the belief (of the supposed positions of authority), most people would rather get themselves into such positions, (no matter what it takes).  

And, if they can't get into a higher position, then they'll find/use/enslave a person, (personal-slave), that is lower than them, (or create a person that is lower than them (ie, a baby)), for them to feel like the “higher” person/power. 


The reason for giving all these examples (above), is to show that: 

a) There are many hidden games, that happen in: relationships, interactions, friendships, families, having/raising children, etc.  

b) Whatever the game is, a person needs to get/use/enslave a person (personal-slave), to be able to play a game. 


Ie, the key point is, that (regardless of how (or why) it's done), if you are getting/controlling/manipulating/using a person, then you are (by definition), enslaving that person. 

-- And, anyone who enslaves other people, is inherently (by definition), selfish/immoral/cruel. 

However, this behaviour (of enslaving people), is nothing, compared to those people who are creating a person (a baby), so that they can then enslave/use them. -- Obviously, this behaviour is infinitely worse, and therefore, this is inherently (by definition), selfish/immoral/cruel/evil.  


-- It's strong words, but it's fair, because these people are doing all of this, to fulfil their selfish desire, despite the fact, that the baby will regularly suffer, throughout it's entire life.  



In the above information, I have mentioned the words “brainwashing” and “programming”. I am using these words, in the sense that a person can be brainwashed/programmed, by teaching/moulding/conditioning/grooming/etc, (eg, via punishment-and-reward).  

-- However, although this punishment-and-reward, can be done by extreme physical means (eg, by using extreme torture/rape/molestation/etc), it's important to remember, that brainwashing/programming can also be just as effective (or more effective), via means that are not so extreme. Indeed, the more subtle energies/levels (eg, mental, emotional, etc), are much more effective, and much more damaging/scarring. 

Note: If someone has been tortured/raped/molested/etc, (so that they can be brainwashed/programmed in that way), this does not mean that other types of brainwashing/programming (which do not involved torture/rape/molestation/etc) is acceptable. 

-- Ie, all types of brainwashing/programming are unacceptable. 

-- And, the above is true, regardless of what age people are 

brainwashed/programmed at. 

And, since brainwashing/programming definitely exists in everyday life (at the basic level), and the basic level is very effective, and is used on all people, (and can be done by all people), this means that any discussion/focus about the more extreme types of brainwashing/programming (eg, by using extreme torture/rape/molestation on children), can just become misdirection, from the fact that: 

a) Everyone is being brainwashed/programmed. 

b) Everyone is brainwashing/programming everyone else.  

-- A good example of how everyone has the ability to 

brainwash/program others, is in the fact that all babies are 

brainwashed/programmed by the parents, to: think a certain way, have certain beliefs, do certain things, not do certain things, etc. 


Note: This is an important issue, because many people believe, that brainwashing/programming are only things that happen to people, who have been tortured/raped/molested/etc, in their childhood.  

-- And therefore, they believe, that if this didn't happen to you, then you aren't brainwashed/programmed. 

Or, if they do admit that all people have been brainwashed/programmed, they'll say that it isn't at a serious enough level, to warrant being an outrage.  


The key point is, that this just: 

a) Hides the fact, that everyone has been brainwashed/programmed. -- And with the truth hidden, people will continue to suffer. 

b) Hides the fact, that everyone is responsible for 

brainwashing/programming everyone else.  

-- And with the truth hidden, people will continue to suffer. 


Also, if people spread the idea, that brainwashing/programming is a very specialised skill, which only a few people in the world can do, then this is serious misdirection/deception/lies, which covers the truth, of how widespread the situation/problem is.  

-- Indeed, it's so bad, that the word “widespread”, is ridiculous, since everyone is the victim of it, and everyone is the perpetrator of it. 

-- And with the truth hidden, people will continue to suffer. 

And, of course, if people are brainwashed/programmed to believe that they are not brainwashed/programmed, then they will not look inside themselves, to see what brainwashing/programming, is running their lives.  

-- And if they don't do this, then they'll never see/realise, what is causing them to make certain decisions in life, which are causing them to suffer. -- And therefore, they'll just keep suffering, for the rest of their life. 


Also, it's not just about seeing what brainwashing/programming is inside you, because it's also important to realise, who put that brainwashing/programming inside of you.  

Of course, most people do not want to go this deep into it, because they don't want to find out, that most of the brainwashing/programming that is inside of them, (which has been causing them suffering for their entire life), was put into them, by their: parents, partners, family, friends, etc. 

Moreover, the victim doesn't want to find out, the reason behind, why the perpetrators did it.  

-- Of course, the truth is, that the victim's parents/partners/family/friends/etc, were the people that brainwashed/programmed them, and that they did this brainwashing/programming to the victim, so that they could use/enslave the victim, as their personal-slave. 


Of course, this can be one reason, why people like to hear (and spread) information, about how brainwashing/programming, only happens via extreme rape/torture/molestation of children.  

-- Ie, if they believe this, then they can also believe, that they were not brainwashed/programmed by their parents/partners/family/friends/etc. 


Of course, there are many other reasons, why they want (and need) to hear (and spread) that information.  

-- Eg, it allows them, to convince/brainwash/program themselves, (and others), that: 

a) They haven't got such a bad life, (and therefore, they should not complain), and that therefore, they are right to continue their life, and encourage others to continue their life, and to even have babies, (despite the fact that their life can sometimes feel like prison/torture/slavery/rape). 

Note: They not only “want” this information, but they “need” it, because it shows that life/suffering is acceptable, and they need this, because this is the only way, that they won't be seen as cruel/evil, for having had children. 

b) Other people are not allowed to complain about their suffering, (since there are some people, who experienced extreme rape/torture/molestation as children, and this shows that some people have suffered much worse than them). 

-- Ie, they can tell their personal-slaves, that they aren't allowed to complain about anything, (since they haven't gone through any such extreme things). 

c) They are not brainwashing/programming anyone. (Because things like brainwashing/programming, only happens via rape/torture/molestation of children.)  



There are many ways to brainwash/program a person, and some are so subtle, that the victim will: 

a) Not recognise the person who is programming them, as being a person who is brainwashing/programming them.  

-- Ie, the victim will be brainwashed/programmed to believe, that the person who is brainwashing/programming them, is actually a person that they should always trust in life, and never hurt. 

Ie, the programmer (eg, parent/partner/friend/etc), programs the victim, with a set of commandments/commands/programs, which gives them total control of their victim/slave, and also controls how they view their programmer, and the world. (I'll explain this in more detail, later in the conclusion.) 

b) Never recognise that they've been brainwashed/programmed. -- They'll just see their thoughts/beliefs, as being good/normal, and blindly do whatever their programmer tells (or has programmed) them to do. 


c) Feel lucky about the life that they have, (even if it's bad).  

-- Eg, even if they're told that they're a slave, they'll be grateful for being a slave, and they might even feel grateful for being alive.  

-- However, this is all just beliefs that the programmer has programmed into them, and it's never long, before these programmed beliefs, begin to crack, and the victim them begins to feel/know that everything is very 

off/wrong/bad/etc, and they begin to suffer a lot.  

However, if the programmer keeps reinforcing the programming in the victim, then the victim will be in a state of limbo, where they know that it's all a lie, but they have a fear of letting all the lies collapse, (because literally every part of their life, is a lie, and therefore, the implications are too much to bear). 

Also, they (the victim of programming), might have become a perpetrator, (if they've programmed other people), and so if they label their programmer as being evil, then they'll have to label themselves as being evil, and they don't want to do this. 

d) Feel a deep bond with their programmer, (without knowing that this bond is a trauma-bond, or that their programmer is a programmer).  

-- Ie, they might believe, that this bond is a “loving” bond, (to someone who is a parent type of figure). However, they believe this, because that is what they've been brainwashed/programmed to believe. 

-- Ie, they've been brainwashed/programmed, in every part of their life, including to believe that, this is what “love” is. 


The point is, that when brainwashing/programming starts from birth, and goes on for years, the ideas/beliefs/desires/fears that are drummed into you, stop becoming ideas/beliefs/desires/fears, and they just become 

indisputable/unchallengeable/unquestionable “facts of life”. 

And, until you start to challenge all of this brainwashing/programming that is inside you, you will continue to suffer, because you will: 

a) Continue to be used/enslaved, (as people's personal-slave, and/or work-slave). 


b) Continue to use/enslave other people, (as your personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves).  

-- Most people do not realise, that even if you successfully enslave a person (or many people), this will make you suffer. (I'll explain this in detail, later in the conclusion.) 

The point is, that the subject of brainwashing/programming, is very important, because you can only be free from the brainwashing/programming (that is in you), 


after you recognise/realise/admit, that you've been brainwashed/programmed. 

One way to understand this, is via the analogy of a string-puppet, where the strings, are the brainwashing/programming (that are inside you).  

-- Ie, in the past, parents/partners/friends/etc, would be able to control you, like a string-puppet, (but without you even knowing, that they're able to do this, or how they're able to have so much control over you).  

-- However, after recognising/realising/admitting, what brainwashing/programming has been done to you, these programs (strings), will be totally 

cut/severed/dissolved, and you'll be totally free from them. 

And when I say “totally free from them”, I mean “totally”, because once a string is cut, it's cut.  

-- Indeed, this is obvious, because you can't pull something, without the string being there. 

Of course, your parents/partners/friends/etc, will still try to control/manipulate you (via them trying to pull at these strings), however, this will have no affect on you, (since the strings no longer exist, (and are non-existent)). 

And, when you see them trying to pull at these non-existent strings, you'll just naturally feel disgusted and repulsed by them. 

-- And, of course, anything that you naturally feel disgusted/repulsed by, you'll naturally move away from. 



Most people are trapped in relationships, (eg, children are trapped in the child-parent relationship), and they can't physically move away. Therefore, they just end up having to move away, in other ways, (eg, emotionally). 

-- The point is, that most parents complain about how their child is so distant (especially when they're a teenager), however, it's obvious why it's happening. -- Ie, it's because the child is repulsed by: 

a) The never-ending brainwashing/programming/controlling/manipulation. 

b) The ugliness of the parents wanting to force so many 

situations/experiences, (which they're constantly doing, just because they selfishly want to play at some game/desire).  

-- Eg, playing the game/desire of:  

• “We're a happy family.” 

• “We all like and love each other.” 

• “We all love spending time together.” 

• Etc. 



When a person wants to fulfil a desire (that they have), they will have to focus on making it happen in reality.  


-- The point is, that in every moment that a person is focused on trying to make it happen in reality, that focus/effort, will block out peace and freedom.  

Ie, this is not a mystical thing, nor is it to do with spirituality (or whatever else). -- Ie, blocking out ('losing') peace and freedom, is something that is just obviously going to happen, because whilst focusing on that one thing: 

a) You are wanting that desire to happen.  

-- Ie, this is the opposite of peace. 


b) You are limiting your freedom. 

-- Ie, this is the opposite of freedom. 

And, of course: 

If you're going in the opposite direction of freedom/peace, then you're also going in the opposite direction of love and bliss. 


So, what this means, is that if you have any personal-slaves, then you're going in the opposite of direction, of freedom/peace/love/bliss. 

Indeed, this is obvious, especially in terms of personal-slaves, because if you're trying to exert your desire onto someone, then you're trying to exert some control/manipulation/conditioning/etc, over/onto the other person, and this is all the exact opposite of freedom/peace/love/bliss, (for yourself, and for the other person). 

However, it's also important to realise, that all of this is also true, if: 

a) You don't have personal-slaves, but you're trying to get one. 


b) You don't have personal-slaves, and you're not trying to get one, but there is a tiny part of you, (deep down), which secretly wants a 

personal-slave, (partner, friend, family, child, baby, etc).  

-- And this is true, regardless of if you want these things to be  

long-term, or very short-term. 


2. Direct work-slaves. 

If you are using/enslaving a person, (not for personal reasons, but for work reasons), then that enslaved person, is your work-slave.  

However, a distinction should be made, between “direct work-slaves”, and “indirect work-slaves”. 

Direct work-slaves, are the people that are used by you, to do the 

jobs/work/chores/etc, that you directly need to do (for yourself), but you don't want to do them yourself. So, to solve this problem: 


a) You directly employ a person, to do these jobs/work/chores, (eg, a house maid/servant/slave).  

b) You get/control/manipulate/use your personal-slaves, to do these jobs/work/chores for you, either for free, or in exchange for crumbs, (eg, giving them: praise, affection, a kiss, a smile, etc).  

-- Eg, you use your partner in this way, or you use your children in this way, (whether these children are children, or have grown into adults). 

c) You force your children, (when they're old enough), to be a slave (get a job, and do their own chores), because this means that they're then doing their own job/work/chores (to keep themselves alive), so that you can then continue to use them, as your personal-slave, (but without you having to pay for things (food/water/shelter/etc), to keep them alive, or doing the basic chores, which are necessary to keep them alive).  


This is also similar, to when parents want to be grandparents. Ie, they want to be grandparents, because they want to be able to use the grandchildren as their personal-slaves, (but without having to pay for things 

(food/water/shelter/etc), to keep the grandchildren alive). 

Also, the grandparents want to use the grandchildren, whilst not having the problems of needing to do the many annoying/unpleasant (non-monetary) things, which need to be done, to keep the grandchildren alive, (eg, doing the chores that come with having/raising children, etc). 


The key point is, that: 

All humans have children, with the intent to enslave them, (as personal-slaves, and/or work-slaves).  

Moreover, this is what humans call: “love”, “care”, “moral”, “selfless”, etc.  

And almost all humans, think this behaviour is acceptable/ok/important/etc, (even if they don't have children themselves). 

This proves, just how much brainwashing/programming everyone is doing (to each other), to make every believe/see, that black is white.  

-- Indeed, this is why humans are seeing everything in life, upside-down. -- And this is why there's so much suffering in the world. 

Note: The most upside-down thing to brainwash/program someone with, (which creates the most suffering for them), is to make a baby believe, that it 


is a separate entity (“i”, “me”). And, this is what all parents 

brainwash/program a baby to believe.  

-- All parents want to do this, because after a baby believes that it is a separate entity, it is infinitely easier to 


d) You live in a self-sufficient family/community, and to keep everyone alive, you have to use/enslave everyone (to do a specific job/work/chore), eg: get food, defend/protect the property and people, etc.  

-- Side note: If you have to “defend/protect” something or someone, then the thing that you're doing, is bad/selfish/immoral, because it's going to cause suffering to others.  

-- This is true, because the only good/moral solutions, are the ones that include everyone/all, (because zero suffering will only happen, when there is no them-and-us).  

-- And, this must be at all levels, and in all aspects of life. Ie, there must be no them-and-us, at a: community level, international level, interplanetary level, etc. Ie, no them-and-us in the whole of existence, (which means, across all: people, species, entities, dimensions, space, time, etc).  

e) You are totally self-sufficient (by yourself), which means that you're enslaved, (because you will inevitably be forced, to do many jobs/work/chores/etc, (because you know, that if you don't do them, you will suffer (via discomfort/pain/torture)).  

-- Therefore, you are a slave, to your body.  

-- Ie, just by having a body, (and deciding to keep your body), you are inherently enslaving/torturing/imprisoning yourself. 

Additionally, you will also be forced to do certain things, to avoid mental discomfort/torture/suffering, (eg, to avoid boredom).  

-- Therefore, you are a slave, to your thoughts/mind. 

-- Ie, just by having a mind, (and deciding to keep your mind/consciousness), you are inherently enslaving/torturing/imprisoning yourself.  

Note: To understand this deeper, you need to realise, that boredom (and sensory deprivation, deprivation of stimuli, etc), are common forms of torture. 

And also, discomfort (over a long period of time), will become torturous. -- Ie, discomfort can also bec ome a form of torture, if it is compounded by time.  

-- Eg, if a person is on a very comfortable bed, but they're strapped down to the bed, (and can't move any part of their body), then they will (at first), be very comfortable, (because they're on a very comfortable bed), however, with time, this will turn into discomfort, and then extreme discomfort, and then pain/suffering, and then torture, and then unbearable pain/suffering/torture. 



Note: In one of the previous paragraphs, I said that “you are a slave, to your thoughts/mind”. 

-- The reason why I mention this, is because it can be argued, that you do not have a mind or body, (because thoughts/emotions/sensations, are all things that “arise and fall”, (on their own accord, out of nothing)).  

-- However, unless you can be in a permanent state-of-being, where you're totally/truly/honestly unaffected (by any thoughts/emotions/sensations (that arise and fall)), then this suffering will be real to you, (or as good as real). 

And, this suffering will be real (to you), regardless of whatever beliefs you have. -- Eg, whilst you're in intolerable pain, if you try to think/believe that “Life is just a hologram”, this will not help eliminate your suffering. And similarly, your suffering will not be eliminated, whether you think/believe that:  

• “Life is not real.” 

• “All of this is just an illusion.” 

• “Life is just a game.” 

• Etc. 

Indeed, when they're in this intolerable pain, they'll realise how ridiculous it is, when people argue that “It's all just opinion”.  

-- Of course, as soon as you accept that suffering is real, (or as good as real), then “real” exists.  

-- And if you're really suffering, then that is not a lie, (which means that it is “truth”, and not just an opinion).  

Note: It's ridiculous to say that “Life is just a game”, because games are things that you can stop playing, and walk away from, in an 

instant/painless/effortless/guaranteed/permanent way. 


Note: The other key point, is that even if you think that you can be in that permanent state-of-being (which makes you unaffected by pain), life can (at any moment in time), change that, and make you suffer again.  

-- This is true, because life can always (at any moment in time): 

1. Change your state-of-being, whenever it wants, to whatever it wants. (For now, I'll use the term “state-of-being”, to also mean: state 

of-mind, level of awareness, etc.) 


2. Increase the level (and/or duration) of pain/suffering, (whether physical/emotional/mental/spiritual), to a level (and/or duration) that is beyond what you can handle. 


3. Keep the level of pain/suffering constant, but then lower your tolerance (of what you can handle). 


4. Give you a type of suffering, that you don't even know could exist. 77

-- Side note: Many people suffer in life, because they're unable to grasp/believe/accept, that many things are beyond their 



The key point of all of this, is that:  

“Awareness”, “consciousness”, “feelings”, “sensations”, “unconsciousness”, etc, are all directly responsible, for being the cause of people's 

discomfort/torture/suffering, (whether mental/emotional/physical/spiritual/etc). 

Ie, these things, (awareness, consciousness, feelings, sensations, unconsciousness, etc), are not what you've been brainwashed/programmed to believe they are. 

-- Ie, these are the things, that are enslaving/torturing/imprisoning you. -- Ie, these are the things, that are enslaving/torturing/imprisoning (creating) “you”. -- Ie, creation/life/existence, is enslavement/torture/imprisonment, (suffering). 

The only exception to this, (and the only way that “awareness” (and the manifestation) is acceptable), is if the manifestation is one realm of ever-deeper freedom/peace/love/bliss. However, the absence of all of it, (non-existence), is better.  


Note: Many people go through very difficult events/experiences/traumas in their life, which then makes them believe, that they can endure anything that life throws at them (in the future). However, this belief, is what causes them to go though more suffering, because: 

a) They aren't seeing suffering as unacceptable, and this makes them enter into situations that causes them suffering. 

b) Due to being arrogant, they aren't able to look at things in a 

clear/open/honest manner, and therefore they can't 

see/recognise/admit, points 1 to 4 (above). 


Note: The only way to know, that you're not enslaved/imprisoned, is if you're free at all levels/dimensions/realms, (including that of existence itself). -- Ie, to be truly free, you have to be able to be free, to enter (and leave), any and all levels/dimensions/realms (states-of-being, etc), and existence itself. -- Eg, if you're able to go into a state-of-being, where the “i” disappears, and everything else disappears, and only awareness remains, then this means, that you're able to be free from the “i”, and all those other levels. However, even if you can do this, you're still not free, unless you can drop awareness, whenever you want, instantly/painlessly/effortlessly/permanently. 




It can be argued, that “existence” creates babies, (not parents), since parents are just things/illusions, created by existence.  

-- The key point is, that there's absolutely nothing wrong, with having this belief. -- However, if you use this belief, then you have to use/apply it everywhere. -- Ie, this would then mean, that no one is responsible for anything, and therefore, anyone can do anything, without fear of any punishment. Ie, there would not be any: prisons, punishment, etc.  

The point is, that people do not want this, because people fear pain and suffering, regardless of whether the pain/suffering is: 

1. Direct.  

-- Eg, from rape/violence/torture on your body, (or on the body of your children/partner/family/friends/etc).  


2. Indirect. 

-- Eg, someone steals all your possessions/clothes/house/money/etc, and this results in your physical (and mental) pain/torture/suffering, (eg, from being exposed to the cold weather, and not having food, etc). 

Therefore, people want to make sure, that everyone is held responsible for their actions, (and are punished, etc).  

So, if this is the case, then people have to accept responsibility, for all their actions, including the action of creating life (babies), which (as explained in the earlier paragraph), is inherently a life sentence, of “enslavement/torture/imprisonment, (suffering)”. 


Indeed, the same is true for words. Ie, you either use words/concepts, (and accept that those words/concepts can then be used everywhere), or don't bother at all. -- Ie, don't use words, and then, when other people use words, (eg, to say something that you don't want to hear), you then: 

1. Believe/argue that: “Words have no real meaning”, etc. 


2. Believe/argue that: “Those words can't be used in that situation”, etc. 

Ie, if you invent/define/use words (and concepts), then other people have to be allowed, to apply (and use) those same words/concepts (that you defined), wherever they want.  

This is important, because it leads to some key words, (eg, “non-consensual”), and some key issues. 


-- Eg, if you do not want something non-consensual to happen to you (or others), (eg, rape/violence/torture), then that's an ok belief to have. However, if you have that belief about non-consensual acts, then that word (“non-consensual”), has to be applied everywhere.  

-- And this means, that it must also be applied to babies, (and the fact that babies are non-consensually created). 

And, if you believe that a non-consensual act is immoral/cruel, then these words also have to be applied, to all other non-consensual acts, (including that of having a baby).  

-- And therefore, having a baby, is an act that is immoral/cruel. 


Note: Some people do argue, that babies did give consent (to be born), but the baby (when it's a baby or child or adult), has no way to remember that they did give consent.  

-- The key point here, is that even if this is true, this would still allow anyone to be brutally raped and tortured, (because the perpetrator can then just say, that the victim did consent to this, before they were born, (and they just can't remember giving this consent).  

-- And accordingly, all rape/violence/torture, is then totally consensual, and fine/acceptable, in all ways (eg: legally, morally, socially, interpersonally, personally, religiously, spiritually, etc).  

Of course, although some people are willing to argue such beliefs/theories, they do not want these things to become reality. 

-- Ie, their use of words/arguments/concepts/etc, is just for some selfish motive/benefit, and therefore, their words are inherently selfish/immoral/cruel/evil, (because it causes other people, a lifetime of suffering).  

I say “a lifetime of suffering”, because every time that people ignore the issue of consent, then the whole issue of consent, loses it's power, and then society starts to be full of non-consensual acts, and as a result, everyone ends up suffering. 

Of course, many people will always say, that they believe that consent is important, however, they only say (and mean) this, about the things/acts that they do not want to happen to them (or their partners/family/friends), eg: sexual-rape, physical violence, etc. However, when the issue of consent interferes with their desires, (eg, the desire to have a baby), then the issue of consent is totally ignored. -- And indeed, this is true for most people. 

This example (in the previous paragraph), is a very important one, because this non-consensual act (of having a baby), is infinitely more immoral/cruel (than sexual-rape), because the act of creating a baby, is the most 

selfish/immoral/cruel/evil act possible.  


Note: It's also important to see, that the issue of non-consensual acts, will always be very important, because non-consensual acts, are often compounded by other non-consensual acts. To give an example of this, let's continue with the example of 


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